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It's time for Roland to leave Space...

V. Barbarino

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Roland, you are too good, to continue to stay at space. You get no main room time, since Cedric took over the entire club. There is no point in staying there. Call Dade and go spin at nocturnal.

How come you have been such a key part in building both club spaces, but yet your name is missing from LP's new club???


Roland, please move on, so we don't have to get up at 6am, to go see you spin. Cedric is the Jhonny come lately, and og is the Wally Pip of local djs.


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Guest klit

First no lunar sessions, then housesessions spot is to cedric, never on any of the fliers unless u count the names part, and now this. Roly has been with space since day one and probably won't ever leave since he loves playing there so much, but space its time to give him the respect he deserves. I understand the competition with the other clubs so you try and get all the top local names under one place, but if your going to mess with the format that made you then no way you will be able to compete in the long run. Roly you know all your fans love to see you shine and rock that mainroom or any other place you play, but a lot of us can't even see you play no more cause they have u playing all the way at 6 am in the morning and a lot of us on this board just can't do it.

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Guest macboy

??? How many freakin nightclubs are they going to have at the Hard Rock? Spirits, Pangea, Gryphon, as well as the club that's already there?

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Guest chuchu

It is very important that all of us are very careful when making coments about situations we really don't know much about. We must voice out our concerns, and thoughts about the electronic music scene here in MIA, since that's the porpuse of CJ. Yet it is imperative that these comments aren't voiced in a negative manner, and remain as constructive as possible. We are always kicking and screaming of why the industry (DJ's, promoters, etc.) don't always seem to be in the same page. Instead of knocking down this artists, and their venues we all must remain united voicing out our joyful regards to those who every weekend make our lives more enjoyable. They make an entire night which in most cases always turns into day a time to remember every weekend. So, lets try to be a little bit more postive and learn from those around us... like the HIP-HOP/Rap industry who is now taking over mainstream, and even though we may not always agree with everything they do, they seem to have it down in the sense of backing up each other and their artists. It si great to have Roland, Cedric, and Oscar playing @ SPACE... have you guys ever asked them about how they feel about their roles @ SPACE. As far as I know, heard, and seen Roland rocks the patio for hours at a time making people completely unaware that they are actually in the middle of downtown MIAMI! Roland, personally I think you're the Man! Along with Cedric & Oscar in the "Main Room" anyways, I would ike to thank all of you for bringing us to another dimention every weekend!

Thanks a million!

Cristian "CHUHCU" Ruiz

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roland is space pure and simple. he ownz that patio no one can take it away from him

though i am sad i cant hear roland as much as i would like as im not a patio person i must say when i hear him play up there its some of the best damn music one can hear.

roland + space patio =good times

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Guest LeVeL

It is very important that all of us are very careful when making coments about situations we really don't know much about. We must voice out our concerns, and thoughts about the electronic music scene here in MIA, since that's the porpuse of CJ. Yet it is imperative that these comments aren't voiced in a negative manner, and remain as constructive as possible. We are always kicking and screaming of why the industry (DJ's, promoters, etc.) don't always seem to be in the same page. Instead of knocking down this artists, and their venues we all must remain united voicing out our joyful regards to those who every weekend make our lives more enjoyable. They make an entire night which in most cases always turns into day a time to remember every weekend. So, lets try to be a little bit more postive and learn from those around us... like the HIP-HOP/Rap industry who is now taking over mainstream, and even though we may not always agree with everything they do, they seem to have it down in the sense of backing up each other and their artists. It si great to have Roland, Cedric, and Oscar playing @ SPACE... have you guys ever asked them about how they feel about their roles @ SPACE. As far as I know, heard, and seen Roland rocks the patio for hours at a time making people completely unaware that they are actually in the middle of downtown MIAMI! Roland, personally I think you're the Man! Along with Cedric & Oscar in the "Main Room" anyways, I would ike to thank all of you for bringing us to another dimention every weekend!

Thanks a million!

Cristian "CHUHCU" Ruiz

Another new-bie to the board who comes along to preach the P.L.U.R., tooo freaking funny.

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Guest lyrik


The nice-nice candy cone party kid adage of the rave scene = Peace Love Unity Respect...which is a truckload of horse shit if you ask me. Just something people would tell themselves to fool each other into thinking they weren't there to just get blown out of their minds on E, and Crystal and a myriad of other drugs.

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Guest trancelator






It's basically a pathetic excuse for ravers to get all mashed up and become "one" with each other.

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Guest ddg

i would love to see roland spin more.... (besides patio).....i hope he gets a some other gigs that let him spin the main hours (not afterhours)...but i hope he never leaves the patio........its the best part of space for me... ;)

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Guest klit

Fuck that, I'd rather bitch then this plur crap. This ain't the 70's so say no to this hippy stuff.

I'm not saying roly should leave space or denying that the terrace is all his now, but he should get more respect from space and get some gigs in other places. Tell me how many times you've seen roly on a flier in 2004 other then his name in between dj laz and tony tone. Ivanno, Cue, OG, Cedric all get it but you just don't see it roly anymore. He used to be what housesessions was all about and now never plays the mainroom. Used to open up for lawler, howells, and sander and trust me thats the best time to hear roly is during his opening sets for these guys. 4 in the morning on the terrace I could do and be out by 6 after hearing roly play there for 2 hours but now it opens up after I could possibly stay up.

Point is, put the man's name on the site and start giving him some time to shine outside the patio.

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Guest macfunk19
stop kissing ass CHUHCU :-X

It is very important that all of us are very careful when making coments about situations we really don't know much about. We must voice out our concerns, and thoughts about the electronic music scene here in MIA, since that's the porpuse of CJ. Yet it is imperative that these comments aren't voiced in a negative manner, and remain as constructive as possible. We are always kicking and screaming of why the industry (DJ's, promoters, etc.) don't always seem to be in the same page. Instead of knocking down this artists, and their venues we all must remain united voicing out our joyful regards to those who every weekend make our lives more enjoyable. They make an entire night which in most cases always turns into day a time to remember every weekend. So, lets try to be a little bit more postive and learn from those around us... like the HIP-HOP/Rap industry who is now taking over mainstream, and even though we may not always agree with everything they do, they seem to have it down in the sense of backing up each other and their artists. It si great to have Roland, Cedric, and Oscar playing @ SPACE... have you guys ever asked them about how they feel about their roles @ SPACE. As far as I know, heard, and seen Roland rocks the patio for hours at a time making people completely unaware that they are actually in the middle of downtown MIAMI! Roland, personally I think you're the Man! Along with Cedric & Oscar in the "Main Room" anyways, I would ike to thank all of you for bringing us to another dimention every weekend!

Thanks a million!

Cristian "CHUHCU" Ruiz

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Guest chuchu

I agree with all of you who agree with the fact that Roland must have more expossure in the Main room. i just don't agree with the few who in order to give credit to their Fav. Dj must diss others. Plain and Simple! oh and that PLUR crap not even close to what I am about. There are some of us whi actally enjoy the music and the scene with out the xEtra stuff!

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The nice-nice candy cone party kid adage of the rave scene = Peace Love Unity Respect...which is a truckload of horse shit if you ask me. Just something people would tell themselves to fool each other into thinking they weren't there to just get blown out of their minds on E, and Crystal and a myriad of other drugs.

hahahahaha exactly

and don't forget the 2nd r: "responsibility"


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Guest lyrik

There are some of us whi actally enjoy the music and the scene with out the xEtra stuff!

I totally agree - but it just wasn't that way in the "rave scene" then or now. There was a reason why they were held in warehouses and a reason why people use to have to call 2 different phone lines and go to 2 different map points to get to a party...that was to confuse, but often just delay the party from being busted. In a party (rave) I would say the percentage of people sober to the people fucked up would be 95% fucked up - 5% sober and of the 5% sober only 1% actually wanted to e that way - the other 4% either couldn't find any drugs or spent their money on the party the night before and were looking for handouts or empty tweek bags on the floor to scrounge up for a taste. When the cops clamped down on the raves it made it harder for kids to get off on mommie and daddies money - so they left for more convenient methods or just grew up. those of us that were really into the music accepted it and moved on and realized there are much better places to hear music in quality establishments with quality sound systems without the grunge of what we were use to.

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Guest tres-b


The nice-nice candy cone party kid adage of the rave scene = Peace Love Unity Respect...which is a truckload of horse shit if you ask me. Just something people would tell themselves to fool each other into thinking they weren't there to just get blown out of their minds on E, and Crystal and a myriad of other drugs.

Quality post.

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Roland definitely needs more exposure. He's been there since the beginning, yet to me if feels like he never got the respect he deserves. Just the patio alone is not enough exposure for him. He needs to have another residency in addition to the patio. Roly I'm behind you 100%.

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Guest ramon

Roland definitely needs more exposure. He's been there since the beginning' date=' yet to me if feels like he never got the respect he deserves. Just the patio alone is not enough exposure for him. He needs to have another residency in addition to the patio. Roly I'm behind you 100%.


the patio is just as important as the main room imo .. it would be nice to see lunar sessions come back though. he's playing abroad already what else do you want him to do? he's also playing cellar bar in nyc this friday.

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Guest slamminshaun

... like the HIP-HOP/Rap industry who is now taking over mainstream, and even though we may not always agree with everything they do, they seem to have it down in the sense of backing up each other and their artists.

Yeah, just ask Tupac and Biggie.

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