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y do girls suck

Guest tiltmiami

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Guest tiltmiami

??? ???since i moved to miami i haven't found a normal nor a non gold digger in the Miami area.Can some one please help me to find a fucking cure for this epedemic that is taking south beach and ruin all the good litle girls.

If u dont drive a Ferrari,Bentley,Phanton or a Lambo u are fucked u wont get laid nor anything.

Sice i've been here i hevent yet taste a South Beach BOOTY only tourist and i'll tell u some thing i know i am not ugly nor FAT or DUMB,so what the fuck is the problem would a normal chick please give me some info what should i do to cure this problem of my.

How ever when i go up north to Broward i get ass with no problem the girls are nicer and hotter way hotter and easy to talk to and they dont care what u drive or ur bank stats.


the one in the green shirt


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That was my same observation when I lived there.

I loved the clubs and music in Miami, but liked meeting girls much better in Ft Lauderdale and Palm Beach.

There is only one girl i met at a club in Miami that I am still freinds with outside of the people on CJ/ CP. I just don't go for the latin attitude that comes with many of the Miami women.

It also helps if they are transplants from other parts of the country. My freind was from Delaware, and I am from Ohio.

It is always easier to relate to people that are alike.

The one place, I met many women was at Delux in Del Ray.

Good vibe, easy to talk to , good looking.

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Guest tiltmiami

i agree i love New York girls they are so easy to talk toand on top of it all nice.sorry i come from a country that if a women gives me shit she can go fuck her self,i am nice to them but they love to take advantage of men with good hearth

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Guest The_Man

the prolonged exposure to sun and humidity fries their brains. nothing can be done.

Couldn't have said it better myself, dude.

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Guest LeVeL

Dude dont get frustrated with yourself about that. And yeah the majority of the girls now in days have interest just like we do.

Like for example I for example wont date a chick unless she has some sort of education ect..

But for girls they have standards and are interested in a man who has goals, motivatiopn in life and is fun to talk too. Yeah you have your golddiggers and all but you can certainly see those from a mile away.

As far as that...I dont complain much about the ladies down here. I feel if you can get a chick in Missouri. You can certainly get a chick in Miami with those same skills.

Its all about the mack down..and you certainly dont have to be the best lookin guy in town either. Its your individuality that sets you apart from the rest.

But there are certainly a lot of ladies out there that are worth it all. Just have to look at the womans character and what she wants.

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Miami is a very tight circle. Basically you have to know someone here. If you don't know, forget about it. Trust me, I left for 5 years and when I came back, it was tough. And I was born and raised here. In Virginia, New England Hawaii I was pretty fortune with women. Here...Yeah Right.

You'll only tag out of towners. Def Broward and Palm Beach is your best bet. They are more open.

Good Luck...Oh and Clubs is not where to meet ladies here. Your in the wrong place. :-\

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Guest tiltmiami

I agree with u i have a good job a nice car and def the mouth piece, i can make a women feel like a queen

these were the old good days like my Nono told me


God i miss the 60's

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Guest tiltmiami

Miami is a very tight circle. Basically you have to know someone here. If you don't know, forget about it. Trust me, I left for 5 years and when I came back, it was tough. And I was born and raised here. In Virginia, New England Hawaii I was pretty fortune with women. Here...Yeah Right.

You'll only tag out of towners. Def Broward and Palm Beach is your best bet. They are more open.

Good Luck...Oh and Clubs is not where to meet ladies here. Your in the wrong place. :-\

And i know a lot of people here bro and i work for a lots of clubs but still

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Guest durrtylexx

the prolonged exposure to sun and humidity fries their brains. nothing can be done.

Couldn't have said it better myself, dude.

ha ha ha

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Guest musicalmissionary

This might not be the most comforting statement.... but the best things in life come along when you're not looking for them. After my divorce years ago, I used to wonder if I'd ever have a girl by my side again.... then I got immersed into the dance music scene and was so into the music and the culture that it took my mind off of thinking about girls. Let's just say things got better from that point on in the girl category.....

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Guest Diabolique

The kind of woman you're looking for probably doesn't do much clubbing. the kind of chicks that go clubbing (the ones that go to go out, not becuase they know who is dj'ing, let's claify that), aren't looking for anything but a good time, preferably on someone else's tab. To find that balance is sheer luck...IMO.

Ces't la vie, all I can say is to socially develop other interests, and see where that leads you... :)

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Guest Satan

Its all about the mack down..and you certainly dont have to be the best lookin guy in town either. Its your individuality that sets you apart from the rest.


dude, i had no idea there were even issues with getting laid in this town. maybe im the oddball, but...i get to be as selective or non-selective as i want. there is NO PUSSY SHORTAGE.

however....its also true that if you're lookin for love at space...you're in the wrong place. at clubs you can find lots of fun...just make sure you wear a condom and dont expect your phone to be ringing either....

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Guest ericac

This might not be the most comforting statement.... but the best things in life come along when you're not looking for them.

my mommy always told me that and I agree. Stop looking!! Have fun you are young (thats what people tell me) u havent even been here that long...It gets lonelier!!

good times, good friends - find real friends

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Guest macboy

I love this thread. Tilt, aren't you the guy who started a thread by posting a pic of your Mercedes? Seems to me you WOULD be more comfortable with the money hungry ladies. But I could be wrong. Hey I don't know you so no judgments here. :P

Looking for normal girls? Start by not calling them girls, spend less time in the nightlife down here, lose that AK-47 (or whatever rifle that is), unless of course you're looking for that 2nd Amendment-type militant lady, and explore new places to meet them. Your job, any networking events related to your job, health club, beach, hell even the supermarket. Are you religious? How about your house of worship? Any place can be a great place to meet someone and any time can be a great time to meet someone. Hopefully you are not restricting it to the women in skimpy outfits dancing on the speakers at the clubs. Yes there are great women that go to the clubs, many of them are on this board. But expand your horizons, young Skywalker. ;D

It's a jungle, sure, but you'll meet someone for sure. 8)

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Guest LeVeL

dude, i had no idea there were even issues with getting laid in this town. maybe im the oddball, but...i get to be as selective or non-selective as i want. there is NO PUSSY SHORTAGE.

Exactly...there is so much Pussy in this town you can literally smell it.

U can even get laid without even knowing the girls name...thats how often it comes around ;D

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Guest tiltmiami

I love this thread. Tilt, aren't you the guy who started a thread by posting a pic of your Mercedes? Seems to me you WOULD be more comfortable with the money hungry ladies. But I could be wrong. Hey I don't know you so no judgments here. :P

Looking for normal girls? Start by not calling them girls, spend less time in the nightlife down here, lose that AK-47 (or whatever rifle that is), unless of course you're looking for that 2nd Amendment-type militant lady, and explore new places to meet them. Your job, any networking events related to your job, health club, beach, hell even the supermarket. Are you religious? How about your house of worship? Any place can be a great place to meet someone and any time can be a great time to meet someone. Hopefully you are not restricting it to the women in skimpy outfits dancing on the speakers at the clubs. Yes there are great women that go to the clubs, many of them are on this board. But expand your horizons, young Skywalker. ;D

It's a jungle, sure, but you'll meet someone for sure. 8)

yes i got the Benz that the problem i want a normal girl like the ones we have in boston or new york.

dont get me wrong i get girls all the time at Space and mansion or nikki but none of them are girlfriend material

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Guest durrtylexx

just be yourself and be patient. its true what they say, good things happen to those that wait.

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dude' date=' i had no idea there were even issues with getting laid in this town. maybe im the oddball, but...i get to be as selective or non-selective as i want. there is NO PUSSY SHORTAGE.


U can even get laid without even knowing the girls name...thats how often it comes around ;D

hope u dont say this from experience sir...


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Guest tiltmiami

i'm convinced, thats not his car and he lives off his parents money....

ok saleen u think what ever u want and my parents dont support me thats y i moved away from them and yes i got the car from graduation but i pay the insurance on it and my rent by my self people that know know that i work hard for what i have

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