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Afraid to roll...


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I've rolled 3 times, and damn, I loved it every time. The last pill I took was in August. The reason I quit was fear of PMA. Getting cooked from the inside out doesn't seem like a lot of fun. The problem is, you will die from it. It's not like, lets get to a hospital because by that time, your organs will have already ceased to work. Anyway, I love rolling like I said. Is there a way to detect this shit? Is there a way to know your safe? I would have thought that more people would fear this. You will die if you take it, and that scares the hell out of me. I trust my dealer, and he told me he has some ecstacy in the shape of hearts. Don't know if those are any good, but I still won't take them unless I know. what should I do? Thanks



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You have very legitamite fears. Besides PMA, there's a shit load of other drugs being sold as ecstasy but are actually far more dangerous drugs. I live in Florida, where PMA killed 3 so far this year. I only buy pills from people I trust, I only buy pills that others have taken and ask them about their effects, and I never pop more than one at a time (per hour 1/2). From what I've heard on this board, there are methods to determine if a substance is PMA. But realistically, whats the use in trying to rationalize your fears, when even if you're 99% sure its not PMA, you'll still be worried that it might be. You can play with fire safely, but even then, people get burned.

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It's good that your playing it safe dude. If you really really like rolling..and wanna be really safe..just get the pills that you took before..if you can... Also you can go to www.pillreports.com....or www.dancesafe.com They got certain testing tools for ecstacy to see how much MDMA is in there. The only thing is that it only shows how much MDMA is in there and nothing else. But if you find that there is NO MDMA in there you know it's something else. That's the only thing I could tell you. Good luck..



Did you find your ecstacy???

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Just be sure to get your pills tested! Testing kits won't pick up PMA, but they will tell you if your pill has MDMA in it. Since PMA is used as a cheap _substitute_ for MDMA, a pill that tests positive for real ecstasy is not going to have PMA in it, and definitely not in amounts that will kill you.


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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Testing Kits are the best way to go, also secondly you want to know your dealer. You dont want to be buying pills from just anyone. You can order test kits from dancesafe. People have been having trouble getting ez-tests into the country. Since these kits are shipped from overseas.



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Not to further your paranoia but...just because you know your dealer and buy the same exact pills as you did last time doesn't mean that you'll never get PMA. Unless you dealer is relatively high up on the food chain, there's no guarantee that he won't get screwed by whomever sells HIM the pills. Furthermore, most of the PMA pills are usually made to resemble popular "brands" like Mitsubishi, CK's, Nikes, etc. Jut because that Mitsu you took last week was MDMA doesn't mean that an identical looking Mitsu you'll buy next week will be.

When doing any narcotic, I guess you have to weigh the risks against the rewards. Aside from buying a kit, the only thing I could suggest is buying from a TRUSTED source who had been in business for a while and has a reputation to uphold. Buy the pills in bulk and try one at home with friends.

I'm probably stating the obvious but...NEVER EVER, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, BUY PILLS AT A CLUB!



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There are kits now that test specificaly for PMA. The EZ kit doesn't but i have seen them in Europe and one of the rave sites over here are selling them as well.(sorry carn't remember which one).

The EZ kit will not change color at all with PMA, you shouldn't be taking pills if the DONT change color anyway as it may still have a substance in the pill that the EZ kit doesn't test for. But as people say it may have PMA and speed, or PMA and ephadrine and you will get some color change. All pills SO FAR with PMA in have only been PMA, but things could change.

Put it this way, if you have a batch of PMA pills. And you carn't sell them, dipping each PMA pill in a small solution of MDMA (by crushing a good pill and desolving), could fool the test into a wrong result. These things are possible and dont fool yourself into thinking a dealer wont do it, if it's worth $10,000 to him he will.

So in short, keep up to date with the testing technology AND the pill reports (from labs) AND have a good relationship with your dealer.

I will try to find the testing kit when i have chance.

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If you're afraid then don't do it. All this talk about e in the media is making me think twice about ever doing it again.

So if you are scared to do it, then don't. At least you know you're safe with being sober (at least for one night).

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