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I need everyone who does E to please answer this question---->


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Originally posted by anthonyp:

I'm doing a research paper and I need all of you to please answer this question: Why and where do you do ecstasy? Thanks people cwm20.gif

tried to do a paper on that last year and it was hard as hell. u should do a paper on the rave culture and the influence ecstacy has on it. i did that and it was easier.


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90% of the time at clubs but i've done E just chillin at a party or quiet nights at home with my girl we'll drop and have a nice night together. Why? I think you mean why not. because you feel great. cwm32.gifcwm12.gif


wwwa.gif "Relax and take notes, while I take tokes of the Marijuana smokes."

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I do E either at the clubs, or some of us that usually roll together do E at one of our houses or apartments. Why do I do E? Well the first time I did it because I wanted to see what it would be like. I dont' do it very often, but it helps me open up and it has helped my boyfriend and I work through a lot of issues concerning the two of us and things not concerning the two of us. I use it, for theraputic reasons and once in a while just to gain a good experience.

Sorry it all sounds so cheesie!



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Each drug(and alcohol) out there gives you a different perspecive on life that you can't have sober. Whether its the walls bending, girls getting hotter, Feeling like your the king shit or thinking that even one is your best friend. Some people just like enjoyin different parts of life.

Put in your essay that it piss's me off that people who drink to get drunk, say that drugs are bad. ITS THE SAME FUCKIN THING RETARDS!!!!

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where: clubs mostly, then raves, and on occasion, at random places. this includes the beach, parks, playgrounds, friend's house parties, anywhere where you can roam and be crazy! wink.gif

why: curiosity and it is an enhancement for dancing and chilling, basically.



*turn it around baby*

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Originally posted by trancend:

at raves....what school do you go to? cuz im close by thats why i ask

I go to Berkeley College next to Paramus,do you know John or Jimmy Egan?

Everyone else thank you for your input,keep it coming people...... cwm30.gif



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I almost always roll at clubs. There are occasional times where I've done it at home. I dont really have any real reasons for doing it. Sometimes I get bored or tired at clubs and I know it will be a good pick me up. Sometimes I feel like I want to have that fucked up feeling. It really varies. cwm9.gif




~* conformity = disloyalty*~


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Originally posted by kingink24:

I think you need to do it (at least once) in order to understand why people do it cwm29.gif

I've been there done that already, I don't do it anymore, I just want to know what drives people to do it..



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My opinion on E's popularity is that it is such an accessible drug... most people wouldn't even think of shooting or snorting something, but if it's as easy as popping a pill like you pop an aspirin, then, hey, why not? Also, people say its non-addictive, so they think its not as serious of a drug. As for myself, all of the above is pretty much true, but moderation is key. Must say though, I love the feeling... cwm9.gif

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i only roll at clubs, though i think it'd be fun to do at home, but i'm afraid of how often i'd want to do it. i already roll 2x a month as it is. why do i roll? b/c i love love love the feelings it gives me. depending on the roll, the feelings can vary. the sensations i love most of all are when you can feel your skin prickling, and all i want to do is have someone massage my head and shoulders and pour water down my back. the light shows are amazing as well, and the music can truly take you to another world. when i'm peaking, i'm so at peace with the world and everyone around me. i work at a very demanding consulting job during the week, and i truly look forward to the weekends to club, and the special weekends of clubbing and rolling.

oh yeah, one more vital thing - i only roll with my clubbing crew, whom i have absolute trust and faith with. the people you roll with are extremely important to your mood, the vibe, and thus, your roll.

pm me if you want to talk more. fun stuff. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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Well, the answer to that my friend is rather simple, yet complex...I do E at clubs...i did it 2x in the outside, 1 time it was good....it's all about ur surroundings. Once I was in Times Square, so all the lights were good to me, cwm17.gif

why u ask? well, it totally lifts my spirit and allows me to blend into a utopian vision of what life shoudl be like...good vibes everywherem with the ulsating sound of trance or techno, whichever u prefer, help me adjust to the wonderful roll. the thing i love about it is that u can control ur peak, and literally make urslef roll harder by staring at the lights or getting a massage etc...however, i feel i am doin it too much...in the past 2 months, 10 pills have entered my body...and in 2 days time another will find its way down my throat cwm38.gif

I hope I helped, lol

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