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Does anyone.....

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have that same effect when you drop an "e"?!?

1). Sore Jaw, why?

2). No Appetite, why?

3). Improved Sexual Performance, why?

4). Lack of Sleep, why?

These are the usual Symptoms that i get, no matter what kind of "e" it is. Does anyone have the same problem?

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Yeah I get all those little symptoms too. I'm not sure but I think I hears somewhere that E was first made as like a diet pill or something like that, not too sure though.

And the jaw clenching, I always get that 2!! I wanna know why that happens, I don't know either.







Aim: Romina321

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those are just the symptoms... everyone usually gets the jaw clentching thing cuz thats just what it does to u.. and idk bout the sex part- i guess thats diff for everyone... but everything else just kinda happens with e.. cuz they just do!


"cLuBBeRs DoNt FaLL...ThEy tRiP aNd RoLL"

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Originally posted by airatomic:

yea i get those...but i dont think of them as problems

yeah same here




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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Well chemically E is an amphetamine. Chalk it all up to being on a stimulant...

Your jaws also grind on coke.

Of course you can't sleep or eat, you're on an upper.

And as far as sexual performance... any stimulant I've done has made me horny... and for guys, if you can get it up you probably can't come for hours... I wouldn't necessarily say that's a good thing (I'm not crazy about sex on E, I prefer cuddling)... but some people like it.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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