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What Women Are Thinking


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Ok, I have a burnin' question for the girls in this forum.

I'm 6'1" and 170lbs. with well-defined, but not massive muscles (i.e. I look muscular in tight fitting clothing, but not loose fitting clothing). I think most of the girls find me attractive, but everytime my friends and I club we always get up on the boxes and try to tear up the floor before we dance in the crowd.

Some of the girls we have talked to say that they are intimidated to approach an attractive good dancer; others have said they think we might be gay because we aren't immediately trying to ride up on some girl; and others think we are being cocky by trying to stand out on the boxes.

So... which is it? I'd like to know so I can get more girls to approach me - rather than always having to ride up on some girl like a drunken frat boy.

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stop trying to pick up girls at clubs... go to have fun, stop worrying about the girls there, and you will be just fine.. and stop reading into what girls might think all the time...






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Oh... I definitely go for the music and the dancing in the first place. I mean I go to raves a lot and no one grinds there, it is all about the music (or, unfortunately, the drugs).

I guess your right, sometimes I find myself jumpin' to conclusions about what people are thinking about me too much. Most of the time I'm wrong anyway.

I tend to find I have more fun if I go just to dance then to meet girls - I'm more relaxed.

[This message has been edited by leviathanx (edited 01-20-2001).]

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uhmmmm.. like.

FUCK wut people think..

Be yerself.. If someone else doesnt like it.. they aren't worth the breath it would take for you to even attempt to kick it w/ them ..

werd up..

stay tro0 to yourself.


"I'm gone, you ain't worth tha tears

You lost tha best thing you ever had in ya life..a waste of my years"

"ouT 4 doL"


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I am gonna try to not get started on a rant here. But this "don't go to clubs to pick up", or "I dance Alone", or its "just for the music" stuff is a serious pet peeve.

Its generally a man's responsability to initiate - fair or not. We are, if we are honest, always looking. It would be stupid not to be. How much and what approaches we take are dictated by the environment.

Clubs are our recreation and leisure time so a club is a fine place to be looking. Its just all in how yoy do it. So many guys have done it with very little class that now women are afraid or turned off. Somehow the idea of grinding on E to a really sexy song with a stranger has gotten a bad rap. Too me that is just insane. IT is so awesome to be rolling and grinding with someone. But just walking up and getting behind them is not the way to do it. If so many people had not poisoned the environment there would be more times where women would be amenable to just meeting on the dance floor and doing some dirty dancing - where they would initiate it even. Still, even those encounters would require some sophisticated body language and flirting - just grabbing is never on.

But given the reality of today don't alwayd lead with the body. Start a conversation. Be direct and honest but not gauche and too blunt. Be creative and interesting, find a classy way to do it and I think that you will find that many more women want to get a little nasty on the dance floor than evn they thought.

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I find when I take a rest from dancing is when I get approached the most. When your alone and your friends are still dancing...I dont't know why this is but it is very true in my case. Take a break from dancing and your friends and see what happens. Take a seat somewhere....you'll see...

Good luck,

Susie cwm38.gif

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dick, i hate to tell you but clubs are hardly the best place to be looking.. in my experience, 95% of the girls that i'll meet in a club have serious relationship problems, are often more superficial than one would expect and the mutual evaluation of the other happens in an often intoxicated state and based on more materialistic values.

so, at the risk of being a cliche, i prefer not to pick up chicks from clubs. (which isn't saying that i won't try if i find something to my extreme liking, just that i'm extra extra picky when it comes to finding someone at a club)

personally, after a seven month club dating scene and various very short term relationships, me being the one often never calling again, i've realized that i'm really not after the sex anymore.. we're in ny. sex is easier to get here than most anywhere else in this country. it's near impossible for me to start a decent relationship from that specific crowd.

so maybe i'm weird, maybe i'm getting old..

but that's just my opinion..


Originally posted by mrdick:

I am gonna try to not get started on a rant here. But this "don't go to clubs to pick up", or "I dance Alone", or its "just for the music" stuff is a serious pet peeve.

Its generally a man's responsability to initiate - fair or not. We are, if we are honest, always looking. It would be stupid not to be. How much and what approaches we take are dictated by the environment.

Clubs are our recreation and leisure time so a club is a fine place to be looking. Its just all in how yoy do it. So many guys have done it with very little class that now women are afraid or turned off. Somehow the idea of grinding on E to a really sexy song with a stranger has gotten a bad rap. Too me that is just insane. IT is so awesome to be rolling and grinding with someone. But just walking up and getting behind them is not the way to do it. If so many people had not poisoned the environment there would be more times where women would be amenable to just meeting on the dance floor and doing some dirty dancing - where they would initiate it even. Still, even those encounters would require some sophisticated body language and flirting - just grabbing is never on.

But given the reality of today don't alwayd lead with the body. Start a conversation. Be direct and honest but not gauche and too blunt. Be creative and interesting, find a classy way to do it and I think that you will find that many more women want to get a little nasty on the dance floor than evn they thought.


This is my church

This is where i heal my hurts

It's in natural grace

Or watching young lives shape

It's in minor keys

Solutions and remedies

Enemies becoming friends

When bitterness ends

This is my church

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From a girls opinion, this is mine.

When I go to a club I don't go to pick up men. If I happen to meet a cool guy that is a bonus to the night. Rarely is it that I will continue to talk to this person after the night ends though.

AS far as dancing is concerned, when I go to a club and I am listening to house, trance, etc I DO like to dance on my own. I hate it when I am dancing and feeling all sexy when some hot sweaty meathead comes up to me and grinding. I like to grind when dancing to hip-hop, not house. I will dance closely usually only with the guys I am with. I don't know why. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's b/c I know my guy friends aren't gonna try anything funny.

Back to the topic though. I don't scope out a club looking for what men are hot and what men aren't so I can go dance with them. I don't look at the men dancing on the boxes b/c they are usually all shirtless and sweaty guys just looking for some girl to flock to them. No, sorry....not the way to do it. From my experiences, the best ways to meet people is when you are OFF the dancefloor and just sitting down and chilling out. This is when I meet the greatest people and usually end up chillin with them for the rest of the night in our little corner.



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Originally posted by mrdick:

I am gonna try to not get started on a rant here. But this "don't go to clubs to pick up", or "I dance Alone", or its "just for the music" stuff is a serious pet peeve.

Its generally a man's responsability to initiate - fair or not. We are, if we are honest, always looking. It would be stupid not to be. How much and what approaches we take are dictated by the environment.

Clubs are our recreation and leisure time so a club is a fine place to be looking. Its just all in how yoy do it. So many guys have done it with very little class that now women are afraid or turned off. Somehow the idea of grinding on E to a really sexy song with a stranger has gotten a bad rap. Too me that is just insane. IT is so awesome to be rolling and grinding with someone. But just walking up and getting behind them is not the way to do it. If so many people had not poisoned the environment there would be more times where women would be amenable to just meeting on the dance floor and doing some dirty dancing - where they would initiate it even. Still, even those encounters would require some sophisticated body language and flirting - just grabbing is never on.

But given the reality of today don't alwayd lead with the body. Start a conversation. Be direct and honest but not gauche and too blunt. Be creative and interesting, find a classy way to do it and I think that you will find that many more women want to get a little nasty on the dance floor than evn they thought.

AMEN to the professor. Anyone that claims less is fibbing.


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Girls point~~~~~

I got out to be with my friends and have a great time with them. Not to hook up or meet guys!

If I happen to meet a hottie cool, i'll talk to him, maybe exchange phone numbers, but thats as far as it goes..

I think if you go out and have fun ppl pick up on your vibe thats enough!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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