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a serious question


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wow thats something really serious...she can have an abortion with ONLY with parental consent. if she was over 18 it would be a different story. if ur over 18 - what were u thinking when u were sleeping with a 14 yr. old? - hope i helped cwm31.gif


"i don't suffer from insanity i enjoy every minute of it" cwm3.gif

aim : TsteLkHuni

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That's some crazy shit. I'm not exactly sure what the procedure or policy is in Canada cause I've never had to make use of them(I live on the westcoast-Vancouver, B.C.) but I recall in high school some chick got pregnant and had an abortion through planned parenthood...I'm not sure if you need parental consent that way, I know it's a crazy wacky idea, but if you could get an abortion done up here (Ontario isn't too far) would you consider that? If you are over 18, I don't think we have a statutory rape charge here. I'm just throwing out ideas, I apologise if I don't have my facts straight. Good luck

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Listen,, honestly though i think in this type of a situation everyone will agree. If you really care for her, let her parents know. They know best because it's their baby. If your 14 year old kid got pregnant wouldn't you want to know about it. I hear stories all the time how kids go to undergrown clinics and the this stuff done and then they have problems. On the lighter side her's what happens. Since that new pill came out that is just as an efficient as an aborotion this is how it's going to go down. She will recieve 3 shots in the ass and then take like 5 pills every day and during the week she's supposed to bleed like crazy and all that stuff will come out. Keep in mind this is only allowed 5 weeks into the pregnancy past taht dont do it!



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I believe in NJ you DO NOT need parental consent for an Abortion. That is not to say she shouldn't tell her parents. Look in the yellow pages under Abortion and Abortion Alternatives. The both of you should go and get counseling first. Find out your options. Do not make any hasty decisions. Whatever you decide to do will stay with her and you forever.


i know what i want, but it took me a long time to figure it out

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thanks for the help everyone, just for the record im 17...and shes not pregnant with my kid, its from her ex bf before she started going out with me, but the asshole left her and didnt take any responsibility for it...so now its my problem! cwm13.gif



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transcend- please hon have her speak with her parents first. abortion is not the only option. how far a long is she? if you do not think her parents are approachable, call Planned Parenthood. They are great when dealing with teenage pregnancy. They will also assist her with birth control options. Please do not allow her to use an under ground abortion clinic. Those places are seldom sterile and I have heard/seen some of their work. It is like a meat market.

I hope that she finds her answers and gets some counseling while under going this life changing event.

Good luck, hon....



Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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First of all Transcend....... didn't you made a post b4 about if it was ok to have sex with a 12yo. If I can recall, you made a comment that if it was ok to have sex with a 12yo and you got bashed left and right. So in reality your lying - I believe that you got a 12yo pregnant instead of a 14yo. Cause you know you got warned if you fooled around with a 12yo but now you just added 2yrs to the girls age so you won't get bashed again.... but it's not!!!!! In my honest opinion you are a ONE SICK MOTHERFUCKER and if I ever see you face anywhere GOD knows what I'll do to you... Suppose if you had a daughter that is only 12 and a guy wanted to fuck the living shit out of her or take advantage of her cause she is NAIVE>.... Would you let him fuck your daughter even though this guy is a perverted MOFO like yourself.... You belong in jail you child molester!!!!!!!! GET A FUCKIN LIFE!!!!!!!

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To everyone on this board don't believe this piece of crap... Now he is saying that he didn't get her pregnant and it was her ex that got her pregnant... LIES, LIES, LIES

Transcend or whatever you call yourself learn how to lie and cover your tracks PERVERTED fuck!!!!!!

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Originally posted by nychunk:

Yea, i remember that was him who said that he wanted to date a 12 year old??? that was like 2 weeks ago or so.. Trancend, your girlfriend ages 2 years in 2 weeks????

yeah, theyre actually 2 different people, and yes her ex did get her pregnant...if im looking for a responsible solution, then why would i deny getting her pregnant? that would be a little immature, plus we didnt even have sex yet!



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why don't you find out if she's pregnant first before you start jumping to conclusions. Take her to planned parenthood to take a pregnancy test and then go from there. . .


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