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How many people have you slept with?


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Originally posted by laurensomers:

No, I mean in your whole life...

I think 10+ is kind of high for a girl - I mean guys always want there women to be schooled but not dirty, right?

my whole life ?? ...I refuse to answer that ...I don't know and nor I'd want to. I've been sexually active since I was 14.

No, I don't think 10 is high ...but that's me



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I don't think that just because a woman has slept with a certain # of guys, she is dirty. And are we still living in the age that its ok for men to sleep with whoever they want, but not women...I say, If you want it take it, but just be safe!



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Originally posted by cmb1975:

I don't think that just because a woman has slept with a certain # of guys, she is dirty. And are we still living in the age that its ok for men to sleep with whoever they want, but not women...I say, If you want it take it, but just be safe!

cmb1975....I think that's more an old school attitude. Personally, I don't give a s**t... Well, maybe as long as it's not Wilt Chamberlain #'s were talking about here...

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Well wait, so lets say your in an orgy with umm 3 girls, and you play with 1 , get blown by another and fuck one of them, how many doe sthat technically count for.

Not thats its ever happened of course cwm11.gif


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Originally posted by apotheosis:

Well wait, so lets say your in an orgy with umm 3 girls, and you play with 1 , get blown by another and fuck one of them, how many doe sthat technically count for.

Not thats its ever happened of course cwm11.gif

Under the current definition of "slept" with, I would have to say...1



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"If you have it really banging and then, suddenly, these amazing chord changes are coming up, it’s sort of like this deep chord breath, sort of like [exhales] ahhh! It’s just like a great feeling, you know? There’s no formula for it, though. You just have to feel it, and then like it." -PVD

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Originally posted by stinkfinger:

The "don't ask, don't tell" policy has always been my favorite answer to this question.

Time and time again, I realize this policy is more and more effective...

I've made the mistake of telling certain ppl, and it just blew up in my face!!!

I vow to never again divulge that I've slept with 10 people!!! I mean really! It's none of your god damn business!!!




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