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What do your parents think of you???


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Since all of us are freaks in their own ways... What do your other siblings think of you.... for example:

my brother - thinks I'm crazy (cause I'm into freaky shit and do alot of crazy stuff)

my mother - thinks I'm to wild and hangout alot with girls (friends)

my father - thinks that I'm a freak / one day he came up to me and thought I was gay...hehe (cause I have alot of gay friends as well)

so what about you.....

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My parents think I'm crazy because I'm always going to see Big Name Deejays and also I usually come in at 5-6am. Most clubs in Toronto close at 4am. My brother thinks I'm a fool cause he listens to metal but does not realize that rock is on the backburner. So, my family is absolutely right, I'm a crazy club happy progressive music addict.



"No Sound System Is Safe"-Leftfield

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This is the coolest topic I have seen! How original! My family thinks I am nuts. I will break into song and serenade my dad, I'll chase my dog all over the house, and I'll bust my mom's chops until she can't take it anymore (you gotta love those Italian moms)! My sister is my best friend, so I think she thinks I am pretty cool...although she questions my sanity sometimes. I can't help it; I'm just so silly! cwm4.gif Hee hee...

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My parents think im NUTZ..they know EVERYTHING i consume-EVERYONE i do- and EVERYWHERE i go...

my brothers think im crazy because im always pretending to be an airhead..just to annoy them..( they are little computer heads)

and my sisters..well..who knows..depends what day of the week it is...lol you know the whole once a month thing...


I am not afraid of tomorrow. I have seen yesterday and I love today.

I dont cry because it ENDED--> I smile because we HAPPENED..

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i have no siblings...my mom thinks i'm the best daughter. she knows about my bi experiences and still loves me no matter what. my stepdad doesn't know anything about my sexual endeavors, he's kinda anti-gay, so..yah know. my mom knows and understands me and that's all that matters. BUT they both hate the club scene...that's why i'm dormin' ..what they don't know won't hurt them..



* I ain't no joke

so you should get a pen,

and write yourself a lil' note

so you don't forget again *

-YoU DeSeRvE A SmAcKiN' FoR SlAcKiN'-

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My family things i am a little strange....very outgoing and loud!!! I take after my dad, so my sisters and my mom are total opposites....

and the fact that I would have a vibrator...they just think is disgusting!!!!



The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

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my aunt and uncle that i lived with for 10 years think: they hate me and i hate them

my mother: loves me a lot, but thinks that sometimes i can be crazzy, she doesnt mind it as long as its not real bad


"...im worst at what i do best and for this gift im being blessed..." Kurt Cobain

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I have clubbed and rolled with, my sister(19), my brother(21) my girolfriend(23) her brother (19), her other brother (27), her sister in law (26), my cousin male(20), my cousin female(23), oh and my girl's cousin (20). I am 25 and in grad school and work full time. Both of our parents, my aunt's and uncle's, (irish family) love drinkin and partying with us(those of us who are 21+, mostly) our family thinks we are pretty normal, except when we(me and my girl) stay out until 8 or 9 in the mornin. best excuse, we stayed at a friends house until we were sober enough to drive and explain DJ's are the rock stars now, note: we are not all crazy about all genre's of "techno" and we go all out and roll, no more than once a month. it is a sight to see, surrounded by fam in a club.

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They don't understand at all... well my dad thinks I'm pretty innocent (he and my Mom separated when I was 14 so he has no idea) and is shocked whenever he hears of anything "bad" I've done.

My Mom on the other hand is not quite so gullible... she KNOWS I'm a total FREAK! She hates that I'm tattooed and isn't crazy about the piercings. She likes the belly ring but you should have seen the look on her face when she first saw my nose ring. She also bugged over my tongue rings, and thought i was off my rocker when she saw the bulges in my shirt and realized my nipples were pierced!

But seriously all in all they're happy as long as I'm acting the part of the responsible adult.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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well no my parents think Iam a nice girl and they often say how come I don't have a boyfriend if I am a nice girl,ok ok don't laugh about me guys u kno wur parents always think u are the best hahahah my brothers are amuze that when ever I want something I GET IT anyway I guess Iam boring heheheh xxx



Making Love And Having Sex The Biggest Pleasures in This Life. ScaredGirL.

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My parents think I'm a good kid. They have no idea what I do when I "go to the city". That's all I ever tell them and I get away with it. If they only knew half of the stuff I did when I went out, they'd probably be really upset, freak out and try to send me to counseling.

Overall, they say they're proud of me. But sometimes I don't buy it. I think they're disappointed that I didn't go to law school or Business school. My mom pushes me to do it all of the time but right now, it's just not for me.


You're only young once

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mom: raised a good cathoic girl in brooklyn. Doenst know of any of the bad things ive done. I cant bring myself to tell her..dont want to break her heart.

dad: raised in brooklyn, dropped outta HS to join the army for 25 years..did the viatnam thing. Doesnt trust a mutherfucker in this world and is sure everyone is out to sue or rob him. He doesnt know shit except my bro got 2 dui's. He doesnt need to know either.

bro: 29 and lives with me, divorced and a ex-army dork. Ive support him for almost a year..but what can u do its family.

cat: 2...Tabby and Spices..they love me...expecially Spices when i come home from trippin..he loved lsd.

girlie im seeing: she knows quite a bit about me and it cool with it..shes down with everything i do\have done and does it as well.

myself: mad at some of the choices ive made in my life and know i will surely regret 1 of them. Some other things i would go back and change but u cant play the "what if" game..itll drive me crazy. Im personally proud of myself..im 25..get paid over $40k (with no degree or certifications until the end of this year and will be at $50k+ by December) own a $150k 3 bedroom bi-level house, nice fast car and have a good ring of friends..family who loves me and now i need 30 hours in a day.

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i love this topic. my parents dont understand the music that i listen and the scene that im into. they think im crazy and this is just another phase im going through. they think hang out with gays & lebos when i go clubbin'. my roommate and the people on my floor alway give me strange looks. maybe its because i sing club songs all the time and play club music all the time! EVEYONE HATES ME EXPECT CLUBPLANET! cwm4.gif



Hey Mr. DJ put a record on, i wanna dance with my baby!

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Originally posted by gambitrah:

cat: 2...Tabby and Spices..they love me...expecially Spices when i come home from trippin..he loved lsd.

LOL!!! cwm2.gif I love snuggling with my kitty when I'm fucked up, it's awesome to feel him purr when I'm rolling!

Oh, and whenever he smells us smoking he runs into the living room... he luuuuvs to be stoned.


I never try anything, I just do it... Wanna try me?


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