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From Activist Raver to Tourist Raver AKA Why Talk Sh*t?

Guest NicoleC

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Guest endymion

Pod, you're too young to have had a PLUR moment at a rave. Collective PLUR epiphanies used to happen like religious experiences raves all over Florida in the 90s, but that was a long time ago. Now "PLUR" has been archived in the history books right next to "Flower Power".

We all felt like we were connecting with each other and changing the world in our sweaty little glow stick mosh pits. We felt that way because something special was happening, something that we made for ourselves that was different than the grunge metal scene that came before it.

The new generation of club kids today want their own scene and their own ideals, not ours. At this point, talking about PLUR and the golden age of the Florida rave scene makes us look like the guys in the 80's who wore black Led Zeppelin t-shirts and who insisted that every Mettalica album after the first one sucked because they sold out.

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Guest pod

Well true enough, but the way I see it from my perspective, and yeah this only my opinion, but every time there's been a movement like the aforementioned Flower Power and PLUR, it's always lost steam due to infighting, and well, let's face it, people are pretty incapable of doing much of anything other than speculating and musing about things when they're under the influence.

Then they wake up the next day feeling like shit and do nothing.

I stopped giving stock in stuff like this before I moved down here. Going out and listening to dance music for me has always been about having a good time, not changing the world because damn it, those bastards have it coming to them.

Idealism certainly has it's place, but I don't think anyone's gonna find the solution to the world's problems on the dancefloor.

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Guest endymion

Eventually you have to grow up. Those glow stick nights were only a temporary escape from the real world, and they're over now. Hopefully some of us who lived through the golden age of raves can bring some of the idealism from those nights with us as we try to improve the real world.

You aren't going to convince a bunch of 21-year-olds to embrace the same ideals that we did a decade ago. Our party scene happened during the end of the Cold War, theirs is happening during the War On Terror. Our party scene was fueled by MDMA and GHB, theirs is full of cheap cocaine. Our party scene happened under the radar, theirs is monitored by multiple law enforcement agencies and discussed at city council meetings. PLUR is over.

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I stop reading this thread after the 3rd post ..

I agree with Dade ... people will always talk behind your back so what .. you are gonna quit and not talk to the world anymore ? just live ur life and find some else to do ..

c'mon Nicole .. I'm sure you can do better than that ..

my poor sidekick can't take that much complaining !

maybe Tech can creat an engine that it would automatically make cliff notes for long posts ....

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Guest pod

That's what I've been saying for the past couple of years. Again, I'm not dissuading anyone from their ideals and wishes, but like anything of that nature, it's corrupted from outside viral influences shortly after it's birth. People come into it for the cheap drugs, free love, and all the fun stuff, and not the initial ideals that the founders perhaps were trying to convey.

Though half the time the 'founders' of half these movements are date rapists looking to legitimatize their profession somehow. "Let's make it about peace and all the girls will come over..."

If girls were attracted to heavy weapons and high explosives, you bet half these guys would have an arsenal that would make the Pentagon envious.

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Guest 029

like tech was saying .. you need to experience a plurr communuion/gathering to understand and appreciate the power of group consciousness. it is very diff from just "everybody get down" @ the club!

today going out down here in s. fla to hear electronica is no diff from going to hear any other type of music - shallow assholes/bitches looking to score points with each other, maybe get laid. it used to be a lot more than that & a diff vibe.

imho, it's NOT just all about the music!

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Guest pod

Well, I have no opposition to people going out for that 'vibe' or whatever, to each his own. The problem I have really is when people espouse this sort of thing for something that really shouldn't be taken too seriously. A night out isn't a social movement people, it's a night out to have fun. Successful political and social revolutions aren't started by drugged-up neo-hippies rubbing up against each other to dance music. The biggest changes in history have come from sober-minded folk who happen to know human nature and how to exploit it. Go out and have fun, leave the politics and pseudo-mystical ramblings out of it. You're not bettering society.

If you wanna really better society, go out and feed the homeless, teach some kids how to use a computer, pick up a gun and march on the capital for all I care. It's not gonna happen on the dancefloor or the living room of some house party.

A good reference for this is that episode of South Park where all the hippies converge on the town for a festival to 'change things', and really don't get beyond the listening to music and smoking weed part. Episode 902 "Die Hippie Die".


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Guest jkfunkee

this is a clubbing website, pack that rave shit away. i too used to be a party kid, but when the talent went to the club so did we. they got tired of the shut downs and non payment, who can blame them.



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Guest pod

So true. A lot of "our" DJs started playing events like that, but they grew up and moved on to clubs, as there was more of a support system in place.

I know I'm gonna catch fire for this, but the reason why some (not you Nicole) people want those days to come back is, simply put, they want places where they're free to ingest every chemical substance known to man, without getting 86'd by the bouncers. Like the classic example goes, they're about the music and the vibe until the drugs run out. Now, we all know people do shit in clubs, but in reputable establishments, it's not a matter of if, but when you get caught. Believe me, the guys running the show these days have had a lot of practice and have seen it all. But, until the drug laws in this country change, they gotta do their jobs to keep the establishments open. Most of them would like nothing better than to leave half the people they catch alone, but unfortunately, they can't.

PLUR until the drugs wear off, pretty much. Screw that, if you can't really have the emotion, I'd rather not have you around anyway.

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Guest 029

i'll agree with this .. but also imagine that the party's on only as long as the wine is flowing and the music's loud, so to speak. for whatever reasons, a-dults of all types want and need to feel intoxicated. for many it ends there. you really dont have a party without both.

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Guest pod

True enough. At a club I need "something" to do. Be it photos, drinking, or a combination thereof. I'm not so into the music that it's my sole reason for being there. When I would do lighting from time to time, that actually kept me engaged enough to not drink. I got to interact and drive the crowd much like a DJ would, but with the lights.

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Guest Buck White

This is/was an absolutely fantastic thread. I want to thank every single person that took the time to post. I laughed..also there were some heartfelt moments. I was out in that oppresive sun for a few hours...I damn near got decapitated by a stingray....and I've been sucking down Newcastles like the company is going to go out of business tomorrow. But sincerely...I love when someone writes from the heart...and then someone makes an opprobrious comment...and then the other person takes the high road....and then someone agrees with the opprobrious commenter. This is life.

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Guest rhythmburn

i think most people on this board have talked shit at least once...so maybe things should be left at that...

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Guest musicalmissionary

NICOLE... don't let the terrorists win. Your presence out and about will do more to silence the terrorists than your absence. Be bigger. Be present. (Then point them out to me so I can kick em in the shins)

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Guest pod

Valid point. Instead of "surrendering", keep on doing what you do and don't worry about how others are choosing to conduct their affairs in nightclubs.

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Guest redcommibastard


my heart goes out to you! I dont care if and whatever rumors might be going around (dont tend to pay attention to gossip) - trust me, people who really know you would never doubt your honesty and integrity even for a second ! So, please, for our sake, dont give up dont dissapear - we all enjoy your company immensely and the Miami scene needs people like you around!!! Be strong, keep your chin up - you know who you are and what you stand for, brush off the negativity -'cause it doesnt matter at the end of the day :)


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Guest pod

1. Keep doing what you're doing. Nothing wrong with it.

2. Don't take life so seriously.

3. Lord loves a workin' girl

4. Don't trust Whitey

5. See a doctor and get rid of it.


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Guest Devilicious

Nicole, you have my upmost respect for having the balls to bring your problems to the table, and for doing so elequently and honestly. Most people go through a similar situation in their lives at least once, however many are too scared to admit it to themselves. You have my support in whatever you choose to put your energy into next. Best of luck in your travels and pursuits!

I'd also just like to remind everyone that this is Nicole's issue and decision and hers alone. None of us know what she has experienced and have no right to judge her for it. It being a public forum of course we all have a right to say whatever we wish in response, but can we at least attempt to act like intelligent human beings with some degree of tact? Leave the judgemental/hurtful comments out of it and remember there's a living, breathing, possibly suffering person on the other end of that monitor.

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Guest pod

Really? I thought this whole thing kinda ran itself and I was the only human posting, and that when I see you guys out it's the product of my own delusions of having friends, and the reality is that I'm strapped to a bed in Bellvue and being shot up with L-Dopa all day.


Heeeeerrrse Pod!

The way I see her situation though is that there's really no reason to admit defeat. There's enough room for everyone to party and do what they want to when they go out, and I guess if you wanna ascribe some sort of social movement aspect to it, I can't really criticize it too much aside from giving advice on 'the last time they tried this, they didn't get past the festival stage'.

Again, at the end of the day, with this, it's really all about enjoying yourself, so take my 5 step advice from about, especially about not trusting Whitey, and you'll be fine.

Again, don't trust the white man.

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Guest skywalker01

Pod, you're too young to have had a PLUR moment at a rave. Collective PLUR epiphanies used to happen like religious experiences raves all over Florida in the 90s, but that was a long time ago. Now "PLUR" has been archived in the history books right next to "Flower Power".

We all felt like we were connecting with each other and changing the world in our sweaty little glow stick mosh pits. We felt that way because something special was happening, something that we made for ourselves that was different than the grunge metal scene that came before it.

The new generation of club kids today want their own scene and their own ideals, not ours. At this point, talking about PLUR and the golden age of the Florida rave scene makes us look like the guys in the 80's who wore black Led Zeppelin t-shirts and who insisted that every Mettalica album after the first one sucked because they sold out.

man, you are so on point with that. couldn't possibly have worded it better. so many times now i think the scene has passed me by, but it really was better way back when. if you didn't live it, you wouldn't truly understand. i consider myself very lucky to have been a part of the early 90's right here in florida.

on a side note, most of the music from then sounds so dated now (anyone still have old mix tapes? lol). there are loads of artists/ djs that i like so much more now (and so many more genres and sub- genres) but the overall vibe of edm culture now doesn't compare.

and Nicole, remember in the end this is an escape from reality. sadly, most of the people you thought you had a connection with don't usually stick around.

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Guest pod

It's always better back in the day, no matter who you talk to.

I can't count how many times I've heard *that* one before.

Nostalgia is part of the reason the scene is where it is today. Too many people want to "go back" to something rather than move forward.

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