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Tiesto at Mansion...August 4th

V. Barbarino

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i heard its 80 bucks presale

are you fucking kidding me.. no dj NOOOOOOOOOO DJ IS WORTH THAT MUCH i dont care what bs excuse you may have...

really ...........

i'd pay that or more to see JOSH WINK or STEVE LAWLER or OG anyday :)

and trust me, NONE of these djs are "bs" as you call it

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Guest LiquidX

Pre sales were 60 unless they went up. The price blame the venue.

In Orlando pre-sales are like 40 or less.

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i heard its 80 bucks presale

are you fucking kidding me.. no dj NOOOOOOOOOO DJ IS WORTH THAT MUCH i dont care what bs excuse you may have...

really ...........

i'd pay that or more to see JOSH WINK or STEVE LAWLER or OG anyday :)

and trust me, NONE of these djs are "bs" as you call it

if og paid me 80 bucks, I still wouldn't go see him.

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Guest eroc0411

enjoy losers.

hey man i know u crazi music fanatics hate 4 A dj make it BIG... But i had a blast watching tiesto early jan... It was a Tuesday night, Champagne flowing, Girls everywhere! But what ever... Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus!

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Im not ripping on tiesto.. hes a good trance dj.. and he has great energy but venues are ass raping clubbers with these prices.. the amount of $$ tiesto makes is ridiculous per gig..of course thats why they charge high prices but damn

its fucked up when a Dr. who saves lives makes less a yr then some guy that spins

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Guest Fuerte44

enjoy losers.

Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus!

yea its super fun to get treated like shit at 80 bucks a pop at the worst venue i can think of rammed with fucking idiots....listen to horrible music, and watch every asshole in miami try to look gayer and richer than the next guy.....not my cup of tea, or my impression of what fun would be....

this party is just another reason to finally re arrange my cd collection and back up my hard drive over a few beers....

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Guest LiquidX

enjoy losers.

Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus!

yea its super fun to get treated like shit at 80 bucks a pop at the worst venue i can think of rammed with fucking idiots....listen to horrible music, and watch every asshole in miami try to look gayer and richer than the next guy.....not my cup of tea, or my impression of what fun would be....

this party is just another reason to finally re arrange my cd collection and back up my hard drive over a few beers....

The party been 80 bucks and the people doesn't make any sense on re arrenging the music on your hard drive. It appears you let external things influence your taste of music ??? Sounds smart ::)

I'm not going to the party because the venue is not my cup of tea really. Last time I went there I had a great time but I won't really go back because of all that VIP crap, besides I'm on saving mode right now.

If I were to go see tiesto I'd hit up the Atlanta show in the convention for a longer set and a real show. Cheaper too.

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Guest Jason_B

Im not ripping on tiesto.. hes a good trance dj.. and he has great energy but venues are ass raping clubbers with these prices.. the amount of $$ tiesto makes is ridiculous per gig..of course thats why they charge high prices but damn

its fucked up when a Dr. who saves lives makes less a yr then some guy that spins

DJ's saves lives too... 8)

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enjoy losers.

hey man i know u crazi music fanatics hate 4 A dj make it BIG... But i had a blast watching tiesto early jan... It was a Tuesday night, Champagne flowing, Girls everywhere! But what ever... Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus!

I paid 40 bucks for my DMB tickets. Or I can spend double and watch some guy play other people's music in a different order than the next dj.

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Guest klubveteran

i heard its 80 bucks presale

are you fucking kidding me.. no dj NOOOOOOOOOO DJ IS WORTH THAT MUCH i dont care what bs excuse you may have...

wow to think (Dade can confirm) one at Shadow Lounge like in 98-99 or so Tiesto played on a thursday to about 200 people and we closed at like 3 am. the staff thought that was great we went to go hang out to play pool somewhere and kill the rest of the night.

his manager was Frank Pacheco from unknown world (Acosta's team)

around 2000-2001 i remember him just raping the dance floor at the original space for a wmc with judge jules and John 00 Fleming. i was like daaaaaaam what the hell happend here this guy became big. if you like him or not. he does put on big shows with energy.even at bang this past year i was backstage and he played pretty good.

now to say that $80 a person good. not quite. but there is a market for it i guess. there are lots of people there that im sure were newbies and this whole EDM culture is new to them and for them Tiesto is an icon and they pay $80 to see him good for them i hope they enjoy it. and mansion will be slammed im sure.

talking about this though this fee/and tixx charge is killing the guest djs. its like the housing market. someday its GOTTA give wouldnt you say? I remember once being in NYC to see Edgar open for PVD a few years back at exit 2 on 56th st. i think there were 5 thousand people. paying im sure anywhere from 40-60 to get in. easy. PVD got about 60k. i was like your kidding. he played 4 hours tops. thats absurd. but the club was a sweat factory. shoulder to shoulder. im like ill be darn if i had to pay to be out there it was astonoshing to some freinds of mine who were with me who have really no idea of clubs and went for curiousity how much clubs are getting away with charging and how much some djs made a gig.

i doubt the regulars on this board will pay that for 1 taste in other music and simply not seeing the value of that. but lots of people will.

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Guest JMT

enjoy losers.

Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus!

yea its super fun to get treated like shit at 80 bucks a pop at the worst venue i can think of rammed with fucking idiots....listen to horrible music, and watch every asshole in miami try to look gayer and richer than the next guy.....not my cup of tea, or my impression of what fun would be....

this party is just another reason to finally re arrange my cd collection and back up my hard drive over a few beers....

something tells me it won't be every asshole.

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Guest Mattivi

i dont care what people say about tiesto, the guy used to rock space like few could, and ive seen it all and have been going since the beginning. get the guy in a good venue with a good crowd and he can throw down.

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Guest RzO

Ryan, did u get our tickets yet? ;)

Maybe this time you can touch him :D

thing is, there is a reason they are charging what they are, and people will pay it. all things considered it is a good thing. a dj can still command a hefty price, even if he cant mix :-X

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Guest Fuerte44

enjoy losers.

Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus!

yea its super fun to get treated like shit at 80 bucks a pop at the worst venue i can think of rammed with fucking idiots....listen to horrible music, and watch every asshole in miami try to look gayer and richer than the next guy.....not my cup of tea, or my impression of what fun would be....

this party is just another reason to finally re arrange my cd collection and back up my hard drive over a few beers....

something tells me it won't be every asshole.

sorry you are right...every asshole who likes bad music with a bad crowd aside from myself, I should have said....

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Guest eroc0411

enjoy losers.

hey man i know u crazi music fanatics hate 4 A dj make it BIG... But i had a blast watching tiesto early jan... It was a Tuesday night, Champagne flowing, Girls everywhere! But what ever... Ppl once in blue its fun 2 just go out!!! jesus!

I paid 40 bucks for my DMB tickets. Or I can spend double and watch some guy play other people's music in a different order than the next dj.

shold i kno who DMB is?? and u should only spend $$$ if its going 2 be an event. Something that u gonna remember and be like hey remember when blah blah. I would not ever ever pay $8o just 2 c sum douch spin records. ANd ppl that do, well there stupid 4 lack of a better word!

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Guest Orls

Dear Space Owner - why don't you bring Tieto back to space and watch all these complainers go to see him. I bet you at least 80% of you would go. Space would be slammed!!! I think its a shame you guys had what eva fall you did b/c this town is missing out on some greats parties.

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Guest pod

I think half the issue with the Tiësto booking with the crowd here is a mix of the music and the venue. A lot of people here simply don't care for the variety of trance he provides. Venue-wise, well, Mansion's never been a favorite of this crowd, VIP dominating the dancefloor, etc.

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Guest dre4

may not be good music to fellow heads-but it's fun(not good) music for a bottles and models type of establishment. if someone wants to go out and drop 80 for a ticket or go to a vip type scene and reserve tables who cares

plus is the club can charge that much and make $$$ why not. the beauty of capitalism and free markets

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