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"pussy has no face" agree/disagree


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this quote is from KIDS...meaning that pussy is pussy who cares what the girl looks like..imo..and ladies what do u think about dick..does it have "no face" also? xfactor and tastyt are my examples..sorry bunnies...i've never seen either one of them, but they both write some kinky shit, that makes me wonder. so let's say i meet them, but i'm not attracted to them...-just realized if this did happen, it would suck!!-ah, what i'm trying to say is even if your not attracted to someone, would u still sleep with them?? i once and only once hooked up w/ someone i thought was outta a horror movie cuz he said and i quote "i can give u amazin' orgasms" which didn't happen cwm23.gif after this lesson i told myself i would never ever hook up w/ someone i'm not attracted to. ~does this make sense, sorry if it's a lil' narrow~



* gonna make, gonna make your body wet..

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~same shit - different day~

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Nah...pussy and dick...both have faces!!! I could NEVER go "hogging". (as the boys call it)...i have to be attracted to them...

Although...people do get more attractive as you drink (beer goggles)...but i still THINK i am attracted to them!!!



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Originally posted by starcapone:

i once and only once hooked up w/ someone i thought was outta a horror movie cuz he said and i quote "i can give u amazin' orgasms" which didn't happen cwm23.gif after this lesson i told myself i would never ever hook up w/ someone i'm not attracted to.

It seems like it would be hard to have amazing orgasms if you weren't attracted to someone. I mean, isn't that at least half the turn-on? You HAVE to be attracted to the person, at least on some level...

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def can't go out "hogging". i feel attraction is everything, i know i am picky as hell and if things don't turn out the way i would like them too, then oh well. i got some friends who aren't the worst looking dudes in the world but they go to the least attractive girl just because they know they can get together.

nothing like hooking up with someone that is smoking.....


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I definitely think "pussy has a face". But, going hoggin' isn't that bad. I used to do it all the time (and not when I didn't pick up at the end of the night). A couple friends of mine and I used to see who could get the biggest girl from the start of the night. Just because a girl's big doesn't mean she can't be beautiful. I'm not talking about the big ass, pig faced, wart on the nose chicks, but big, beautiful, busty attractive girls. They're out there and they're usually pretty fun.

But, I agree, there's nothing better than a tight assed beautiful girl...but don't knock the biggins'.

Just my two pesos.

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Well this pussy will have a face for you very soon... heehee.. hope ur not disappointed!

Anyway, I completely disagree with this. I could never hook up with someone I was't attracted to. I went on a few dates w/ this one boy who claimed he made a girl come 25 times in one night. Needless to say I was intrigued, but the fact of the matter is, I just wasn't into him. There are way too many good looking and interesting people out there to fuck someone who only has one thing to offer you!


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From experience, I've learned that those that talk about how GREAT they are, usually aren't. If you're out w/ someone that you're not attracted to and all he/she talks about is sex, positions, angles, etc. that's all it is TALK!

Pussy/Dick does have a face! I've heard numerous stories from guys that were grossed out by pussy. Not every girl has a pretty "flower". You can see for yourself in PORNO's, theres some nasty "flowers" in those!

The same w/ dicks, there's some funky ones out there. If there's no attraction chances are you won't enjoy yourself.



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def disagree !!

i'm not down with hoggin ! .. fucking gross .. i'm real picky i'd rather not fuck at all ...

i'd watch my friend hog out in teh hamptons at the end of the nigth if they didnt pick up ... i would take no part in it ...

i would just chill with my drink then go home and pass out and save my energy for teh next day ...


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um...faceless dick is possible..yeah definatly. I had sex with this guy once just out of lust...and he turned out to be amazing! but i just didnt find him attractive...so it was purley sexual. things like that are ok as long as no one gets hurt. cwm6.gif cuz THAT sux

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tastyt, that pussy has a beautiful face to match... cwm38.gif

as for hogging, ew! cwm8.gif i think that's awful and disgusting... dick/pussy def. has a face, well for me at least... i def. have to be attracted if im gonna have sex with you...



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pussy does have a face, personallly i couldnt fuck some 600 lb women just for the pussy when you have rolls of fat and blobs everywhere......i find it unattrative


"...im worst at what i do best and for this gift im being blessed..." Kurt Cobain

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first off.. NO i would NEVER EVER EVER have sex or even think about giving someone the time of day who im not attracted to. that would be just like torturing urself!! that is just craaaazy!!! if the attraction is not there its NEVER gonna happen no matter what.


~~PaRt TiMe AngEL angel.gif PaRt tImE DeViL~~ sgrin.gif

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Originally posted by trancend:

i thought kids sucked...

no way kids was one of the best movies ever made...ah..well everyone has their own opinion



* gonna make, gonna make your body wet..

gonna make, gonna make your body scream my name.. *

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