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Any gold-diggers on this board


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Originally posted by misskittie:

I could never do something so low and morally degrading. Money cannot bring you happiness. Those who do bear the "gold-digging" title are just an insult to women (and men).


couldn't have said it better. i once dated a girl who was so materialistic it made me sick. all she talked about was money this, money that. wow.......


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This reminded me of a girl I went to H.S. with, she faked a pregnancy in order to get abortion $$. She did it all the time to almost every guy she slept with.

Then she complained why none of the girls liked her in school!!!! The nerve.

Now that's low.



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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Originally posted by lukeyblueyez:

couldn't have said it better. i once dated a girl who was so materialistic it made me sick. all she talked about was money this, money that. wow.......


Goodness that disturbs me! Majorly~

If you dont earn it yourself, its not worth having. What satisfaction is there in the end? None.

I dated a guy who was sooo into money. I had to break up with him b/c I couldnt take it. He bought me fancy watches, jewelry, dresses...everything pricey. It just got to me b/c Im not like that. Yea theyre gifts but theyre something I cant appreciate. Not now or ever.

Now if he traced his hand and wrote I love you on a piece of paper for me, then maybe we would have worked out.




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i for one am not a gold digger

but.. at the same time, I do not knock those who .. might . ummm. use someone to get what they want

I personally do not NEED to do that - since I make my own money, and support myself..

but there are people out there, who are not so fortunate.. (although i think if u work hard enough, u can obtain anything) - .. but anyway.. what i think i am trying to say here - is

i dont hate the playa.. i hate the game


im not the average gerl in yer video -

and i aint built like a supermodel -

but ive learned to love myself unconditionally because i am a queen!!


am i less of a lady if i dont wear pantyhose?? -

my momma always said a lady aint about what she wears its all about what she knows!!--

............... "ouT 4 doL"


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Not a fan of gold digging.

But then again, in the universe of sin I can't say it rates that highly.

Not to sound like a poseur, but I figure that when we men stop beating, raping, harassing, and discriminating against our women then maybe we can get around to worrying about gold-digging.

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I have my own money, But if someone wants to buy me something nice....thats cool!

I'm usually a very generous person!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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You guys need to get off your high horses!!!

I swear, sometimes I read these posts and just think to myself "Boy do these people talk so much shit"

All throughout college, I did nothing but scrimp and save dollars here and there to go out drinking with my friends. It was a dingy nasty local dive bar where all the students hung out... I never had lots of money to do whatever I wanted, and neither did the guys I dated.

When I finished school and started working, I was all of the sudden surrounded by money. We would go out to happy hour and without question, the guys would buy. I would go out to dinners and automatically the guys would buy...it was a different lifestyle than what I was used to.

I went out with this one guy a few times who FLAUNTED is money. We went to the best resturant, drove in his brand new lexus coupe, and I did not have to even worry about bringing money for myself...It may seem a little shallow, he was not the best looking guy, but I went out with him more than that one time based on this.

I am not a "GOLD DIGGER". I go out with people I like. If I like them a little, and the fact that they have money sways my decision to go on a second or third date, I don't consider it "gold digging".

I make my own money and buy my own things, and do not NEED a man to support me. But all I have to say is that "IT'S NICE TO BE TREATED LIKE A PRINCESS ONCE IN A WHILE"---After all, don't we deserve the best???



"Whose Line Is It Anyway?"


[This message has been edited by beautious1 (edited 05-08-2001).]

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I don't see exactly where I myself am talking so much shit as you ever so eloquently stated. Maybe others on the board are but, personally, Im not.

I dated a guy who is 22 years old, drives a brand new porche boxer convertible and has all the money in the world. He refused then, and still now to ever allow me to pay. I, myself, have a problem with that. I work hard everyday, put my all into my job and feel I should be able to buy what I want and treat as I choose. There is nothing wrong with being treated like a "princess" but it fits some and not others. I dont like being put on a golden pedistal. I too make my own money, buy my own things and dont REQUIRE a man to survive nor be happy. I prefer to enjoy the simpler things in life.

Maybe you feel comfortable accepting dinners or fancy presents but I do not. Im not a materialistic person nor have I ever been. Im not saying you are a golddigger because of your practices by any means though so dont get me wrong. I just dont like using or accepting things...just me! You possibly feel comfortable with it but I was never raised to think that. My family did not want me to accept things from others because I did not earn them. To this day, at 21, maybe young and still naive, I still believe in that. I like my way of thinking as well.

Anyway, I dont feel its right of you to say everyones talking shit. If you dont know the people posting on a personal basis, thats rather biased of you and unfair. You are allowed to have your own point of view but dont classify everyone here on a whole.




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It seems our society is so caught up in materialism and money that people don't realize that money cannot buy you true love or happiness. I have friends at both ends of the spectrum. My rich friends are some of most unhappy people cause they are not thankful for what they got. My poor friends are some of the most happy people cause they are thankful for what they got. But then it is just my observation from my little corner of the world.


"No Sound System Is Safe"-Leftfield

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Originally posted by misskittie:


I don't see exactly where I myself am talking so much shit as you ever so eloquently stated. Maybe others on the board are but, personally, Im not.

Fine. You can exclude yourself from the "shit talkers" if you'd like. But that still doesn't change my opinion.

I dated a guy who is 22 years old, drives a brand new porche boxer convertible and has all the money in the world. He refused then, and still now to ever allow me to pay. I, myself, have a problem with that.

Why on earth would you have a problem with that??? Don't you like being treated well? c'mon, gimme a break!

I work hard everyday, put my all into my job and feel I should be able to buy what I want and treat as I choose.

As do I. How about your above mentioned 22 year old richie rich friend. Don't you think he feels the same way about treating you?

There is nothing wrong with being treated like a "princess" but it fits some and not others.

Shouldn't ALL women be treated like princesses???

I dont like being put on a golden pedistal. I too make my own money, buy my own things and dont REQUIRE a man to survive nor be happy. I prefer to enjoy the simpler things in life.

Why wouldn't you want to be placed on a "golden pedistal"? Don't you have the self esteem to think you're good enough?

Simpler things.... Simpler things like Ponderosa instead of Morton's or Bobby Van's??? You can't be serious!!!

Maybe you feel comfortable accepting dinners or fancy presents but I do not.

I do feel comfortable, and you know why? Because I am worth it. I carry myself with style and grace, and if a man wants to take me to a nice dinner or give me a fancy present---by all means let him do so!

Im not a materialistic person nor have I ever been.

Correction. Unless you are a volunteer worker in a third world nation, EVERYONE is materialistic in some fashion.

Im not saying you are a golddigger because of your practices by any means though so dont get me wrong.

I know. And thank you for clarifying... smile.gif

I just dont like using or accepting things...just me! You possibly feel comfortable with it but I was never raised to think that. My family did not want me to accept things from others because I did not earn them.

Earn them??? How do you EARN a gift? My family certainly raised me to beleive in myself, they instilled a strong sense of pride and self esteem!

To this day, at 21, maybe young and still naive, I still believe in that. I like my way of thinking as well.

I'm 22, young and naive as well, and I like my way of thinking too!

Anyway, I dont feel its right of you to say everyones talking shit. If you dont know the people posting on a personal basis, thats rather biased of you and unfair.

Yeah, but It's my opinion. Don't you ever read something someone posts and just think to yourself "Oh get off it!!!?"

You are allowed to have your own point of view but dont classify everyone here on a whole.

My bad if I offended you in anyway, but I feel that people aren't the most honest and truthful when they post things. It seems that alot of times people write what other ppl want to read. Political correctness where it is not needed...


"Whose Line Is It Anyway?"


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I for one wouldn't want to be placed on a golden pedastal... It's not because I don't think I'm "good enough," it's because I want to be involved in a relationship of EQUALS. If someone spent loads of cash on me I would feel like I was relegated to the position of the inferior, and would somehow "owe" them.

Oh, and you can treat someone well, even like a princess, without spending a dime on her.

I'm not a child, I don't need to be spoiled rotten. Don't call me politically correct, call me an independent feminist BITCH!!!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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I do have a response yet at the time, due to being at work, I cannot put as much thought into it as I would like to.

Theres no drama here blueguy808. Just merely a difference in opinions. Beautious1 has many good points yet I have some I would like to ellaborate on more so than I have.

Ill get back to this later.





[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 05-08-2001).]

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Guest crystalmethodny


If some rich bitch came my way and said "Steve, you're cute... I'm loaded, and I like the fact you go to clubs... take me and I'll pay for everything?"

Hell fucking yeah I'd take her!

I could use some new Diesel or Claiborne gear anyway. *snicker*


"Can you feel it?"

"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."



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my cousin the bitch did it and she lives lavishly in a materialistic world of nothing and no truth to her self or any other people


"...im worst at what i do best and for this gift im being blessed..." Kurt Cobain

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Did I miss something here?

I thought this post was about GOLD DIGGERS i.e ONLY DATING MEN W/ $ and not giving the time of date to BROKE MEN.

Both Kitty and Beautious raised SOME points that I agreed on. The whole "pedestal and men paying for everything" issue could also be a cultural thing. So don't automatically assume that the person is a Golddigger.

My bf and I are both Latinos and it's hard for him to let me pay for anything. This doesn't mean that he holds this against me or as way to keep me inferior to him, this was how he was brought up. At the same time he's very aware of my independant and opionated personality.

Now if I'm not mistaking, the original topic was WOMEN only AFTER MEN W/$.



People come into your life for reasons not yet known, keep your mind, heart and soul open.

AIM: Xxlea77

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TatstyT You can be my feminist bitch anytime smile.gif

To me Gold-Digging is an attitude. Everything comes down to the specifics of the situation. Bottom line is that if you would love the person just as much without money and no one is spending beyond their means on the other person then who cares - its just money.

If I went out with a girl I was totally in love with and I had say inherited $100 million I would never let her pay for anything and would shower her with gifts once I was confident that there was a bond beyond money between us. Why? because I can and if you say you are not materialistic then it works both ways - it means that you see money as no big deal so spend it if you got it to have fun.

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Originally posted by beautious1:

You guys need to get off your high horses!!!

I swear, sometimes I read these posts and just think to myself "Boy do these people talk so much shit"

All throughout college, I did nothing but scrimp and save dollars here and there to go out drinking with my friends. It was a dingy nasty local dive bar where all the students hung out... I never had lots of money to do whatever I wanted, and neither did the guys I dated.

When I finished school and started working, I was all of the sudden surrounded by money. We would go out to happy hour and without question, the guys would buy. I would go out to dinners and automatically the guys would buy...it was a different lifestyle than what I was used to.

I went out with this one guy a few times who FLAUNTED is money. We went to the best resturant, drove in his brand new lexus coupe, and I did not have to even worry about bringing money for myself...It may seem a little shallow, he was not the best looking guy, but I went out with him more than that one time based on this.

I am not a "GOLD DIGGER". I go out with people I like. If I like them a little, and the fact that they have money sways my decision to go on a second or third date, I don't consider it "gold digging".

I make my own money and buy my own things, and do not NEED a man to support me. But all I have to say is that "IT'S NICE TO BE TREATED LIKE A PRINCESS ONCE IN A WHILE"---After all, don't we deserve the best???


I completely agree and have been in similar situations!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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