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Any gold-diggers on this board


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Originally posted by mrdick:

TatstyT You can be my feminist bitch anytime smile.gif

Mr Dick I'll be your dirty little bitch... oops... I mean I'll be you're feminist bitch any day of the week!

Lately I've been having all these slips from your tongue... I mean slips of the tongue!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Interesting question. Up until this past weekend, I was worried I might be capable of it... but I was very, very wrong (to my great relief). Here's the story...

On Saturday, I had an interview with the head of one of the largest venture capital firms in the United States. He offered me a position as an intern ($20/hour without housing... not gonna happen in NYC!), which I thanked him for (but planned on rejecting later).

After the interview, he asked if he could take me out to dinner... my bus back to school (in MA) wouldn't be leaving for a few more hours, so I accepted.

He took me to a ritzy little restaurant (I don't remember the name, but it was in a nice hotel with a large area for lounging/wine sipping, pale cream coloring, funky entirely mirrored bathrooms, dining area and bar at the back), and I had a lobster dish. He had lamb, and also ordered a bottle of wine for both of us. Creme brulet and some sort of cake for dessert. The bill ended up being about $250, which he took care of. Keep in mind this attention and behavior is really not usual for me, being a poor college student whose past boyfriends have made me pick up the tab half the time. cwm13.gif

After dinner, he asked if I might be interested in watching a movie with him at his place... I still had a couple of hours to burn, so I accepted (a little warm from the wine). We take a cab back to his place, walk through the chandelier-and-marble lobby, and into the elevator. He pushes the "PH" button... Penthouse Suite.

His room is the only one on the floor... it takes up the ENTIRE floor, and it is MASSIVE. Apparently, the place costs $10,000/month or so to rent... cwm24.gif

We watched "Bound" together, and then he asked if I might be interested in dating an older man (he's in his early 30s, I'm 20 years old). I was REALLY not that attracted to him, either physically or personality-wise. I'll admit I was intrigued by the lifestyle he led, but... in the end, I just couldn't say yes. I let him kiss me on the cheek before leaving, but that was it... and I'll probably never see him again (it's a good thing I'm not taking that internship... THAT could make things kinda weird).

I guess going through all of that helped me realize I could never be as shallow as to date a guy soley for the size of his bank account. Money is nice, but it definitely isn't everything... if gold diggers are happy doing what they're doing and the men/women they're digging from don't mind the exchange, more power to them. But I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I did...


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.

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I have my moments smile.gif

But I do believe taht I sense sarcasm.

Its all in jest Toronto and I know that TastyT knows that wink.gif

well, maybe not ALL in jest - I mean if she wants to take me up on the offer who am I to refuse a girl a goatee ride.

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Originally posted by starcapone:

no i honestly would never do this. i'd fall for a poor man as long as he tried me right.

i meant as long as he treated me right, but i'm not gonna lie cuz i do prefer men with money and power. i like that!! i like my men to have money, i won't neccesarily ask him for anything, but if i needed something it's nice to know that he would be able to provide that for me.




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Despite all these guys spending money on you, regardless of a 5 star dinner or limos to boot... the bottom line is "the rich boy" still spends less on you than a hooker... bash me all you want but its true... So by selling out for that Lexus your all just water downed vesions of cheap whores. I don't know any of you so this statement is in theory not personal...

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Originally posted by thesandman:

Despite all these guys spending money on you, regardless of a 5 star dinner or limos to boot... the bottom line is "the rich boy" still spends less on you than a hooker... bash me all you want but its true... So by selling out for that Lexus your all just water downed vesions of cheap whores. I don't know any of you so this statement is in theory not personal...

That is a very ignorant way of looking at the situation.

By your definition of things we are ALL WHORES, men and women alike. You go to work everyday, perform tasks and get paid for it---so does a hooker, so does the C.E.O of Cisco Systems.

It's not the same, and you can't compare the two... Think about what you write next time you post because you sound like an idiot.


"Whose Line Is It Anyway?"


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Originally posted by beautious1:

That is a very ignorant way of looking at the situation.

By your definition of things we are ALL WHORES, men and women alike. You go to work everyday, perform tasks and get paid for it---so does a hooker, so does the C.E.O of Cisco Systems.

I see your point and didn't want to win a popularity contest by writing that... I don't think all women are whores at all... When I was in college and the women were a dime a dozen maybe... but now I have grown to respect many women. My statement was the thought process of a typical rich boy. I have hung out with guys with money to burn that have no problem being hung out to dry just to get some ass.

PS A hooker's job description and the president of Cisco systems do slightly different tasks on a regulare work day so that was a poor example...

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