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When To Go Down


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Guys, girls, honestly, when do you decide in a relationship that you'll go down on your partner? The reason why I ask this question is that I'm sort of in a relationship now which was a one night stand that actually turned into something more. I already had sex with this person, and I realize that I put myself at risk even when I use a condom, but I just feel like I can't go down on her yet, even though I would like to. Believe it or not, some people actually don't realize that you can catch something when you go down on someone. As stupid as all of this may sound, I'm afraid of catching anything (my days of not being responsible are over)We talked about being tested, how many sex partners we had, if we were ever unprotected, etc, but that still doesn't guarantee anything. Is anyone else worried about this?? cwm36.gif

Did this make any sense?



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I'm not sure about going down issue. You could catch something or not, ask a doctor, i suggest, they would not. You cannot be too cautious in my book.


Brian Transeau (BT) on Music

Totally. I love what guys like Oliver Lieb and Paul Van Dyk do. I hate that ATB and those sorts of people have prostituted this stuff. You listen to an ATB track and then you listen to Sasha, and the difference is as obvious as listening to Led Zeppelin and Rachmaninoff.

Laurent Garnier on Music

For Garnier it's also a question of quality. "The problem is a lot of things I hear out here on the radio are not trance - I mean that ATB track I heard the other day - is this trance? This is fucking Tellytubbies music."

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Of course it makes sense. You have to be careful b/c you can get some really fucked up diseases and basically that would just suck.

I think knowing the person's history is very important but if you don't get tested then you can never be 100% sure. But not everybody takes the time to do that before getting with somebody, it's mostly like an afterthought.

But for me, just knowing that somebody has or had an STD is enough to make me not want to get but so physical with them. It's a mental thing that I can't get passed.


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Guest xfactor834

FYI: Guys can get STDs from going down on women.

FYI: Girls can get it from going down on guys, but it's less likely.

FYI: HIV is very weak virus, especially when it is exposed to air, so chances are nothing will happen. But if the guy is munching away at a girl's pussy, there's not much air between the two set of lips...so be careful.




Don't fly too high on borrowed wings

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Originally posted by xfactor834:

FYI: Guys can get STDs from going down on women.

FYI: Girls can get it from going down on guys, but it's less likely.

FYI: HIV is very weak virus, especially when it is exposed to air, so chances are nothing will happen. But if the guy is munching away at a girl's pussy, there's not much air between the two set of lips...so be careful.


Very true. That's why I'm hesitant to go down on this girl. But I really do believe what she tells me is the truth me when it comes to how many guys she slept with, if she ever didn't use protection, etc. She was my first one night stand, so why can't it be hers either? Most one night stands don't turn into anything else, but it seems like she really cares about me. Maybe she had the one night stand b/c sparks flew from the beginning. I feel like I have a good gut feeling about this one, but then who knows? I guess you never do.



[This message has been edited by aboyfrombklyn (edited 05-22-2001).]

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If it's bothering you, you gotta put on some of that charm and get it out of the way. There's no way you're going to get any further on a good conscience if she doesn't get tested. Just ask her to stop by her doctor for a test on her way home; she can make the appointment, and it will take only like 20 minutes. Lay it out for her, and she will follow.



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yea its funny how alot of people think that preforming oral sex is "safe" b/c u can catch a number of things.. and yes it is something to worry about. but alot of times in the heat of the moment people get careless and stupid.. sex is just gettihg riskier by the minute..i think holding off as long as possible until u both get tested is about the only thing u can do..and of course using protection is a given


$$~ C.R.E.A.M ~$$

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I see 2 different questions here, although they are related. A)When/how soon do you go down on a girl? and B) is it safe?

Personally I go down on a girl as soon as as possible. If a girl has a problem w/it, she'll stop you, but if the groove is on, and things are flowing between you then it's never too soon to go down. She'll tell you if there's a problem or something but usually I find that girls want the same things guys do...pleasure, so give it to her the way she would give it to you.

If it's not safe then she'll mention something, at least this is what I've found from my experience.



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xfactor... Where did you get the information that AIDS is weakened by being exposed to air? That is completely false. It is actually a virus that survives quite well outside the body.


Why don't the two of you go get tested together. That way you can make sure the two of you actually go do it. Wait for the results to get back and then after that maybe you will feel more comfortable taking things from there!



"No further evidence is needed to show that "mental illness" is not the name of a biological

condition whose nature awaits to be elucidated, but is the name of a concept whose purpose is

to obscure the obvious."

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Originally posted by tenupa:

I see 2 different questions here, although they are related. A)When/how soon do you go down on a girl? and B) is it safe?

Personally I go down on a girl as soon as as possible. If a girl has a problem w/it, she'll stop you, but if the groove is on, and things are flowing between you then it's never too soon to go down. She'll tell you if there's a problem or something but usually I find that girls want the same things guys do...pleasure, so give it to her the way she would give it to you.

If it's not safe then she'll mention something, at least this is what I've found from my experience.

No offense, but that is not true at all. Most people don't even know they have an STD, so chances are if you go down on someone who has something, both of you won't even know it.



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