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or do other guys not like fake breasts, too much makeup, skimpy clothing, etc???

I don't know about the rest of you, but I like a girl who has a certain amount of class. Just curious to how other people feel on this.

Ladies, feel free to tell us what you don't like about us guys too!

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i don't have fake breasts and i don't necessarly have to put on make-up in order to go out...skimpy clothes?? i like to show off my body, but i like to also leave something for the imagination.

i don't like guys that are conceited and i don't like how guys take advantage of women cwm23.gif



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I agree. I'm getting tired of looking at all these fake boobs people post... oh well i guess i should just stop looking at the pix then!

But I don't mind skimpy outfits if they're funky and not just skanky.

As for men- I don't like it when they don't know how to treat you nicely and respectfully.


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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My other message didn't post, that pisses me off so bad.

My boobies are real, depending on what I am doing I may or may not have much makeup on, BUT I LUV SKIMPY CLOTHING. I am finally happy with who I am and what I look like. I don't care if people are judging me, I know I'm not a slut and I'm not out to impress anyone but my man.

Nothing makes a guy uglier than a horrible personality, such a waste of a good body.

I can't stand guys who look like they spent every spare second in the tanning bed, I really don't like super muscular guys, seeing some juicehead running around makes me sick.



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Originally posted by sinergygrl:

I can't stand guys who look like they spent every spare second in the tanning bed, I really don't like super muscular guys, seeing some juicehead running around makes me sick.

Oh, oh, that too! I don't like it when guys look like they're more high maintenance than me!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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since when does having fake boobs, wearing makeup, or skimpy clothing, make a person classless?????

u could wear anything u like as long as its during the proper occasion....wearing a micromini with a tube top during the day of course isnt appropriate.

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I guess I worded (is that a word? lol) that the wrong way. I didn't mean that people don't look good if they wear a lot of makeup or skimpy clothing (of course some of them do) I just don't understand how some people take it to the extreme when it's so obvious they look so bad. In the end, I guess whatever makes you happy is what counts, right?

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fake boobs, I do mind cause it means the person had such low self esteem, they needed to change themselves. It says a lot about what they think about their self worth but too much makeup really pisses me off. Also if you got it, then flaunt it but if ya don't got it, keep it hidden. That's my take on this


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Originally posted by torontotrance:

fake boobs, I do mind cause it means the person had such low self esteem, they needed to change themselves. It says a lot about what they think about their self worth but too much makeup really pisses me off. Also if you got it, then flaunt it but if ya don't got it, keep it hidden. That's my take on this

hmm yano what --- u juts convinced me NOT to get implants LOL

in all honesty -- i just lost 35lbs right - . so i wuz a FULL 36C on top - and i was like a size 12 in pants, i wuz a lil on the larger side when i started dieting/losing weight etc -

and now -- im down to a size 5/6 like --- and i have lost MANY MANY Inches.. BUTTTT

i also lost my chest in the process- and you have no idea- how upsetting it is -- to look in the mirror and see . like practically NOTHING compared to hwat you used to have -

i mean--- Dont get me wrong,, i love myself regardless. but i guess i dont know -- that i feel like "WTFFFFFFFFF i dotn even look like a woman anymore"

but what you said up there just now- about the low self esteem thing -- yano what -- you are right --

in all aspects of my life i hold my head up REAL high -- (nose in the air kinda bitch-but in a good way,, not in a .."hi im buffy, tennis anyone"? kinda way).. anyway

recently like i said i have been really fighting w/ myself over the reduction of my breast size.. i am now like a 32B/C depending on the cut of the bra - and that is a VERY VERY big change --- -- for the guys - imagine havin a 9" cock , and waking up and its only 5" .. yano? --- it would fuk with ya -

but yano wut .. yer post slapped me in the face.. b/c i have a LOT of self worth - and if i am judging myself on the shape/size of my tits - then my head is in the wrong place right now - and i need to snap out of the "physical" thing - and get bak into realty to realize that i am a beautiful person regardless -

so thaanks, even though ya didnt do it on purpose =) .. hehe. yay

have a good day =P


dont hate the playa - hate the game

"ouT 4 doL"


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I think natural is beautiful. Fake boobies are so hard and icky feeling (at least in my experiences).

Although make-up enhances appearances, it's what you look like when you first wake up and turn towards your special someone that really counts. There's nothing sexier than a beautiful, sleepy face.

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Originally posted by torontotrance:

fake boobs, I do mind cause it means the person had such low self esteem, they needed to change themselves. It says a lot about what they think about their self worth but too much makeup really pisses me off. Also if you got it, then flaunt it but if ya don't got it, keep it hidden. That's my take on this

Toronto gotto disagree with u on the fake biz.....not necess.. reflective of low self confidence

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Originally posted by aboyfrombklyn:

Nikki, DO NOT get implants! You're beautiful just the way you are. I'm sure all the guys on this board agree with me.


thank you VERY much - xoxo


dont hate the playa - hate the game

"ouT 4 doL"


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Originally posted by torontotrance:

Glad someone decides to keep it real. Anyways Imnikki, I saw your pic you are hot!!!!.


gotta agree with toronto on that..said it before and say it again imnikki is hot...as for the poor schlub whoz only got 9 inches.....thats a whole nother thread


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Originally posted by intoxia:

I think natural is beautiful. Fake boobies are so hard and icky feeling (at least in my


Although make-up enhances appearances, it's what you look like when you first wake up

and turn towards your special someone that really counts. There's nothing sexier than a

beautiful, sleepy face.

Natural is beautiful? What if your tits look like (and I quote someone from this board, I forget who said it though) oranges in a sock. Whom ever said breast implants are strictly for those with low self esteem is not correct. Like someone brought this up many, many times before, breast implants equal to hair dying, make up, tattoos, etc. So nothing wrong with getting a breast job if you have nothing but nipples or you're sagging like a grandma.

I have to agree, a lot of make up means a person is gross under it. Ladies, if you must cover up your face completely with make up, use natural tones (no need to pay me, it's free advice). Skimpy outfits? Has many meanings so I won't even discuss it.

Also to whom ever said muscular is not beautiful. If you meant muscular as in body

builders, then I agree with you. If you meant just someone who spends 2 hours a day in gym then I do not know what is wrong with your taste (then again someone has to like the sick looking men). And finally, plain and simple, you always look healthier if your skin is tanned (hint: if you're skinny go tan, you'll look better).

Okay. Don't anybody overdose tonight. Bye.

P.S. TastyT if your man is more high maintenance than you are, he doesn't deserve you. You don't need a guy like that, a guy who likes to look his best for you. But what do I know.

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I think natural is beautiful. Fake boobies are so hard and icky feeling (at least in my experiences).

Although make-up enhances appearances, it's what you look like when you first wake up and turn towards your special someone that really counts. There's nothing sexier than a beautiful, sleepy face.

intoxia said it!!! Although, I've never felt fake boobies, but she's right about the sleepy face!!


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niki, you are beautiful just the way you are girl... whatever you decide to do, you'll still be beautiful...

the whole exchange btwn. you and toronto trance just struck me right now... i mean it's such a cool thing how what he said just changed your whole outake on how you feel about implants... and he was only speaking his mind, but it struck you and i just thought that was really really cool... it's what the board is all about... speaking your mind and being open minded about everything and maybe adopting other people's opinion's into your own frame of mind...

hmmm... seems i went off on a rant... 'scuse me guys... :embarrased:




life's a ride... pack light...


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Originally posted by DimaNYC:

P.S. TastyT if your man is more high maintenance than you are, he doesn't deserve you. You don't need a guy like that, a guy who likes to look his best for you. But what do I know.

Obviously you have no idea what I meant... as usual... just STFU. I'm running out of toilet paper here, because everytime I read one of your posts the shit just spews out... I haven't read one thing from you yet that hasn't gotten you flamed. Do you enjoy the abuse?


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Dima- Okay, I would like to add something to my last post that's a little less inflammatory and a little more constructive.

First I'll start by saying that I myself am not a terribly high-maintenance person. Yes, I wear makeup, yes I workout (occasionally), I spend time on my hair trying to minimize frizz and maximize curl, sometimes I wear nailpolish, etc... HOWEVER I do not spend hours on obsessive/compulsive behavior or thoughts on my appearance.

Now I'm sure you've noticed that high-maintenance people tend to have mates that are also high-maintenance. Being a medium-maintenance person, I have no desire for a mate that: spends hours and hours everyday in the gym, cannot pry himself from the tanning bed, and generally has nothing better to do with his time than work on his outward appearance.

Noone is claiming our appearance isn't important- that would obviously be a bald-faced lie. But seriously, there are more important things to worry about. If my guy wanted to spend several hours a week working out, great!, he'll wind up looking and feeling sexy and healthy.

But if he started juicing up, going to tanning salons, getting manicures... COME ON! Can't you find anything better to occupy yourself with? Read a goddamn book! Go to a museum, learn to play the guitar- ANYTHING!

The world is filled with way too many vacuous people as it is, most people need to worry a little bit more about what's inside their head and heart and soul.

Is it clear now why I don't want a guy who's more high-maintenance than I am?


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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Originally posted by sinergygrl:

My other message didn't post, that pisses me off so bad.

I can't stand guys who look like they spent every spare second in the tanning bed, I really don't like super muscular guys, seeing some juicehead running around makes me sick.

Oh brother....Please leave the muscleboys alone - thanx!



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People can't understand why a man runs. They don't see any sport in it. Argue it lacks the sight and thrill of body contact. Yet, the conflict is there, more raw and challenging than than any man versus man competition. For in running it is man against himself, the cruelest of opponents. The other runners are not the real enemies. His adversary lies within him, in his ability, with brain and heart to master himself and his emotions.

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I'm definitely not high maintenance. I do what I need to do to look good but it doesn't take me like 2 hours to get ready.

I'll almost always have makeup on, but just enough so that my natural beauty still shows and I don't look the makeup girls at Estee Lauder or Clinique.

I wear clothes that are flattering w/o being to revealing and when I go out, if I'm wearing a short skirt or really tight pants, I won't wear a skimpy top. I'm all about balance.

As for guys...well i'm not into these musclesheads, who THINK they have to walk around with their arms puffed out.

I like normal looking guys who take care of themselves but aren't totally consumed by their looks....but still look good, ya know? wink.gif

Basically, conceded people annoy me.


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