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Is It Possible To Hate Oral???


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I've been seeing this girl lately and we have had sex numerous times, but she refuses to get into oral. I'm not even just talking about her going down on me. She doesn't like the idea of me going down on her either. I did it once recently, but it seemed like she was uncomfortable, so I stopped. I could understand if someone didn't like it because of certain issues in their past, but how could someone not enjoy the feeling? I think it has something to do with issues in her past (which we won't get into), but does anyone else out there not like oral?



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Well, I personally like oral, but, can it be maybe because she doesn't feel comfortable yet to do that maybe?? I don't know?

Maybe she's self conscious about it??? Have u talked to her about it?






Aim: Romina321

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Well, having sex with her and oral are 2 different things. I mean, when u have sex, its not like your "right there all up close to her" ya know? actually, when i first started havin sex, i would never let him go down on me, even after we had sex! I felt self conscious and not really that comfortable,knowing that it was like "full vision" of me or whatever? i mean, i even refused to get all naked for sex even!!!

Its wierd!! how long have u been w/ her?







Aim: Romina321

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It's very possible.. I've been in the same situation. It bothered me throughtout the relationship. The girl had no problem having sex any place and in every way you could imagine, but would not do the oral thing. She was pretty religious, and hinted that had something to do with it.



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if shes had a fucked up past, then there you go.... i mean, personally, i cannot get enough of oral... oh god... cwm32.gif but i mean of course there have to be some people who don't like it, for whatever reasons they have... but shit... will they be here in the dungeons?? lol.... i dunno... cwm1.gifcwm27.gif



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well, i havent been eaten out by too many people, and i think its mainly because i dont really think it feels all that good. it was a big disapointment even at that my first time. the first time i thought "well maybe its just him.. maybe he doesnt know what hes doing", then the second guy, i was like, "well ok, maybe hes not so great at it either.. bad luck" then when it happend again the third time, i began to think it was me, and i gave up. but still, when im with someone new, i always give them a chance, and ive only found maybe 2 guys that can do it for me. so maybe thats whats wrong?

it could also be that she cant enjoy it because like most women, shes very self concious (spelling?) about how she smells, tastes etc.


i wanna see! i wanna see!

:::GRRR be nice:::

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It's possible.

I personally know of two girls who were sexually abused when they were younger. One had an uncle who would perform oral sex on her (when she was 8 years old), and another had an even worse past (won't get into details).

Neither of them get ANY pleasure out of having oral sex performed on them. As most of you know, intimate acts (intercourse, oral, etc.) are largely mental/emotional for most women. Your girl might be into it physically, but if she isn't into it mentally or emotionally, she won't enjoy it at all.

What she needs is counseling - you can do your best, but in serious cases of past abuse, professional help is necessary.

Good luck and best wishes,



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I do know that my skills aren't the problem. Not saying I'm great at it, but she never gave me the chance to do it. I went down south once and I stopped around 10 seconds after I started. It's a long story, but she's insecure when it comes to other people touching her.



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if im understanding what ur saying, you know why she doesnt want you to.. or you have a pretty good idea, but your looking for other possibilities? am i right?

well, then im thinking... why dont you just ask her? im kinda confused here?


i wanna see! i wanna see!

:::GRRR be nice:::

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As much as I love receivng oral, I don't like it. It feels amazing but I if I'm not comfortable with the person, all I think about is cumming so that they can get the hell outta there and you know what happens when you do that....NOTHING! And then they just end up staying down there even longer! Ahhhhh!!! cwm6.gif

Maybe with time she'll cum around and be more willing to let you venture down south a bit more often.


You're only young once


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Really? Wow! I am genuinely surprised by this... The idea of not liking oral is inconceivable to me... I mean maybe giving it isn't for everyone, but receiving!?! Hmmm... Bad experience or personal issues notwithstanding, she needs help. Show her the light, boyfrombrooklyn!



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Originally posted by goddessoflove:

Really? Wow! I am genuinely surprised by this... The idea of not liking oral is inconceivable to me... I mean maybe giving it isn't for everyone, but receiving!?! Hmmm... Bad experience or personal issues notwithstanding, she needs help. Show her the light, boyfrombrooklyn!



Yeah, what she said!


fsolgirl4.gif Let me take you on a journey into bliss. fsolgirl5.gif

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