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For all the guys with exgirlfriends!


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im sorry to say i laughed my ass off with these recordings this girl is crazy i hope i never encounter one of these at first ifelt bad then i felt pity then i just gave up and started laughing


Now you see evil will always triumph ... because evil is good and good is dumb.
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Don't just listen to her voice mails! Read this very fair account of the male/female dynamics - it's not just the woman who is to blame!!! (you have to read it all the way down to the bottom - this is from the psychoexgirlfriend website too)

Dulcinea's Domain

"What a long, strange trip it's been." Jerry Garcia

Yes, indeed. After a little more than one month, PEG has gone from inside joke to (still) struggling website to fodder for a battle of the sexes that will never have a winner.

Get with it, guys (and gals). This isn't brain surgery. We aren't saving the world here. If anything, this site is a wake up call to roosters and chickens alike. Sometimes relationships just don't work out. Not every date ends up at the altar.

A close friend just broke up with her boyfriend after five years together. Was she depressed? Oh, yeah. No self-esteem? Couldn't find it with a shovel. Didn't feel like going on with life? Definitely. Left voice mails for her ex blaming him for everything? Absolutely not.

She did what (I hope) most people would do. She leaned on friends, cried when she felt like it, got a little drunk, etc. Even got counseling (I know not everyone is a big proponent of it, but I am). It sure as hell isn't easy, but she's trying. And life goes on. They still talk (without screaming and cursing). They're still friends.

That's the thing. Still being friends. No relationship is exactly 50/50. Someone always cares more than the other. When it's over, it's gonna hurt. Bad. If you cared for someone that much at one point, it's natural to feel betrayed, wounded, and alone. But again, if you cared for someone that much at one point, how can you look at them and hate them simply because things didn't work out? Could someone please explain to me what is the point in trying to make your ex hurt like you do? I bet you feel good for the moment and it's a great story to tell your friends ("and then I said…."), but what good does it do? If your other half broke it off, then you obviously cared more. It happens. Trying to guilt or manipulate them into loving you again isn't going to work (at least not for long). And think about it: does anyone, man or woman, truly want to be in a relationship that he or she had to connive their partner into?

I see it all the time. Having a large group of male friends, I constantly see girls who believe that sleeping with one of them will get 'em a relationship. And hey, the guys are guys, most will take it where they can get it. Then our young lady is shocked when (gasp) he never calls. And God help the guy. He's an asshole. He's a player And on and on. (I was young once. I know of what I write.) Same thing goes for breaking up. If you continue to sleep with your ex when he makes a drunk booty call, that's your problem. Don't go blaming him because you thought a sweaty night would lure him back.

Hold on, gents. You're not getting off that easy. Sooner or later, you're going to screw the wrong woman (whether a one night stand or a girlfriend), and she's gonna get you. If you break up with someone and continue to nail her, you're asking for it. If you still take the calls, still respond to the behavior, it isn't going to end. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. And you deserve it.

So who's right? I don't know. Should "the guy" have put up the site? Probably not. Although, I must admit I have giggled my ass off every time I've listened to one of those voice mails. Do I think the break up was painful for his girlfriend? Hell, yes. Would I want those to be my voice mails for the free world to hear? God, no. Should she have continued to deluge him with manipulative voice mails, attacking him in one and declaring undying feelings in the next? I don't think so.

Sometimes you just have to take the high road.

You see, boys and girls, no one's right. There is no winner. And now, it's a tit-for-tat fracas that has the whole country talking about what was once a private matter. So what's next? Where do we go from here? Right now, anywhere in particular. We'll see if the site has it's 15 minutes of fame or if it moves toward a deeper purpose. As one of those who stood on the sidelines in the beginning, laughing, eyebrows raised, I'm curious. It's man vs. woman, psychos vs. sanes. Let's get it all: comments, ask advice, give it, tell me a psycho story (either side). What a long, strange trip it will be.


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did anyone else hear the bit on that like 2 months ago on ron and fez?




1. To pass beyond the limits of

2. To be greater than, as in intensity or power; surpass

3. To exist above and independent of (material experience or the universe)


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