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Clubbing in Chicago vs. NYC


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Hello. I'm rather new to the club scene and was only really introduced to it on a recent excursion to New York. I am planning on doing some traveling this year probably to Chicago and was wondering if Chi Town had any clubs that rivaled those in New York such as Vynyl, The Tunnel or Sound Factory. Any recommendations? Thanks.



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I've never seen NYC's Vinyl, but if you are looking for venues that rival Twilo and Sound Factory, try Crobar Nightclub, Mission, Nocturnal, and Rednofive/Fifth Floor.

Check out OS Magazine by clicking the banner below. It is LOADED with info on Chicago's club scene.


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Im from NYC and trust me the only club that comes close to Factory, Tunnel or Vinyl is Crobar and pretty much only on a Saturday night.

Actually you might like it better then Factory as people here are friendly. K is not as big here as in nyc which i think is part of the reason.

Other clubs are pretty much "see and be seen" clubs.

How i wish we had the Tunnel here, thats like the best venue ive ever been @



"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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Thanks guys. I'll keep you posted on when I'm coming. Perhaps we can hook up. Speaking of K, I think our friend Mr. a-tip must be writing to the board straight from Sound Factory. Ha!



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Dont bother!!! There is no club in chicago that even comes remotly close to Twilo, Vinyl, Exit, or even limelight....

I moved to Chicago from NY more then a year ago.. ive been to every club multiple times.. there was only one off-the-hook night. I think it was a thursday at crobar with paul oakenfold spinning.

Clubs in chicago close at 4 or 5.

Clubs in NY close at 12-1pm the next morning.

Clubs in chicago are 50/50 rollers/drinkers

after 4am at twilo its 99.9/.1 rollers/drinkers

There is NO k in Chicago!

If you are still comming, forget about friday night. Check out RedNoFive Sat, they sometimes havie a good lineup (Dave Ralph, Seb Fontaine) Also, body and soul from Vinyl NY is comming to Chicago at Budda Lounge.. I think its 3/14.

CroBar sat 4am = Sound Factory sat 12am

RedNoFive sat 4am = Twilo sat 3am (before all the drunks go home)

Transit = NV or OHM in NY

Nocternal = Life (but anyone can get in)

There are no dress codes almost anywhere in Chicago, There are never any lines. You are never checked for drugs. There are half as many good looking people in Chicago then in NY. Chicao Music is always old (besides house).

But then again this whole city is kinda bland compared to NY. I guess it because everyone is stoned all the time, there is no public transportation, and its fucking freezing.

Chicao also has a big inferiority complex so I know im going to get flammed for this one....

A cool chill vibe is Fuse - wednesday, but you cant get in if your not on the list. email me, i'll put u on...


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i agree with you but

Not being searched is nice, not waiting in line is nice too.

The music is ok, not too bad, and there is plenty of hot girls to go around.

No k= less fights etc

What blows is the 5 am closing time, only 2 decent places so youll get sick of them fast, and the cold weather.

Oh yeah i think crobar on sat has a higher ratio of fucked up ppl....

never been to fuse, cant go out mid week



"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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Chicago aint all that bad..

Just be glad it aint milwaukee, cleveland, or some other city with 1:30 AM closing times.

And as far as the lack of K, that is one positive.. but it gets negated by all the party drunk pissers.

I popped into Crobar for a couple hours this past Saturday and after making one trip around the club I was almost pushed, shoved, & poked into the ground. It seemed like the angry drunks were out that night..

Why is it when guys drink a beer bottle they have to hold it tight against their heart with their elbows straight out?? Maybe they figure if gun fire breaks out, the beer bottle will magically deflect the bullets. Or perhaps they're really metaphysical & new agey and are protecting their heart chakra from psychic attack.

I hate it when I'm at the bar and some dork comes ups and asks the bartender.. "What bottles do you have?"... geez, just get a f**ing budweiser.. this aint a beer garden.

And invariably one of thse guys will later try to hook up with one of the transvestites... probably the only time they'll talk to a "girl" all year.. but hey.. at least the transvestites are generally nice persons.

One thing however that has always disturbed me about Chicago, are all the dudes in clubs wearing Cowboy hats.. I'll never understand that.

The other day I was in a restaurant bathroom, relieving myself when some guy asks the other guy, "Have you ever been to Crobar?"

The other guy said, "No man.. It's a gay bar.. I went there once and the doorman asked 'What are you looking for?' .. I told him GIRLS.. and the doorman said 'You've come to the wrong place'.. So I left."

Very odd.

Crobar.. Excalibur.. Crobar.. Excalibur.. Crobar.. Excalibur.. Excrobar.. Crolibur.. Excrolibar.. WE MUST STOP THE MERGER.

Hmmm.. maybe I should just put on some leather, get a bike, and start going to Exit.

Well hopefully they will bring Tiesto, and its not bullshit..

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im just very frusterated with the club scene here... so I started drinking, hcecking out bands.... smoking alot of weed, a white bag onnce in a while....

I miss the E-K-G club scene frown.gif

The vibe is just not here in chicago. Maybe its in the rave scene.. but i feel to ols for that (25)

plur smile.gif

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"The other guy said, "No man.. It's a gay bar.. I went there once and the doorman asked 'What are you looking for?' .. I told him GIRLS.. and the doorman said 'You've come to the wrong place'.. So I left."

lol, thats funny man....



"Nobody picks on a strong man." - Atlas

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So why don't you move back to New York? I'm thinking of doing it myself. Although, knowing what I know now about NY's club scene, I might get lost. Heckling bands...that's funny. I used to play in a band when I lived in Dallas. There was always some guy out in the audience who was like, "Play some Skynyrd, man! Free Bird, man, Free Bird!" That wasn't you was it?



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I would have to disagree with the public transportation thing. In chicago cabs are a plenty, and we do have the EL and Metra. And as for the lines thing, I hate waiting in line. No line is good. As for clubs staying open late, I think 5am is good enough, and you can always find an after hours if you ask around. Drugs, K, don't really like it, E, there is an abundance. Chicago isn't even close to being bad when it comes to clublife. I don't know why we always have to argue or compare NYC to Chi. Let's all just have fun with what we have while we have it.




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