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What do you hate???


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whistles, i hate em

I also hate when people stand on the stairs blocking the WHOLE entrance to another floor. And then they look mad when you push them out of the way... MOVE IDIOT!


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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...people who show no consideration either in the halls or elevators you work in.

They get in the elevator and think the own it, chatting/cursing about there boss, like I giv a shit....

or walk around the office like the don't have a care in the world.."Um, excuse me bud, I need to get somewhere, I am working."



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Yeh i am not a big fan of wistles, or glowsticks for that matter. Clubs that are too busy or too hot. Paying to get in clubs.

The media attacking our scene and our scene making it easy for us to be attacked.

Judge Jules.


Well all the ism's.

poverty, war and repression.

Happy Hardcore.



I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Soring gas prices... HOLY SHIT!!!

Losing your friends in the club, especially if you're messed, way to stressful.

I'm sure there are a million other things but of course I can't think of any,


"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."

-T. S. Eliot, "Four Quartets"

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The office:

1) Worthless elevator conversations. (weather, sports, weekend plans)

2) People that use the elevator to go up or down for only one floor.

The Subway:

1) People that smell. I hold my nose an look them directly in the eye!



"There's always an ounce of pub wisdom in every drink that I serve."-CB

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The office:

1) Worthless elevator conversations. (weather, sports, weekend plans)

2) People that use the elevator to go up or down for only one floor.

The Subway:

1) People that smell. I hold my nose an look them directly in the eye!



"There's always an ounce of pub wisdom in every drink that I serve."-CB

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I would have to agree...

1. Whistles

2. Glowsticks

4. Those damn laser light things

5. Places that are too packed to dance

6. Stuck up Girls that think they are too good for everyone...

7. Girls that give you a dirty look just because you said hi.. uhuuummmmm????



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Originally posted by bouncyboy:

I would have to agree...

7. Girls that give you a dirty look just because you said hi.. uhuuummmmm????

Sorry, I don't know what you mean. I never get dirty looks. tongue.gif



"There's always an ounce of pub wisdom in every drink that I serve."-CB

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Der I knew you would say that!!! I was going to say except the nifty necklace that came from Mardi Gras...now that is an exception. Hey you played them well! Unlike some of the people I herd this weekend at crobar!


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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What I hate is when you type up a long reply to a post and you hit "submit reply" and this damn lame bbs software f**ks up and doesnt accept it..

hey kim.. i was in pgh this past weekend.. you should see the new baseball stadium.. its incredible.. plus the new football stadium is already half built.. they did an incredible job.. putting up 2 stadiums in a little more than a year.

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hey Kim, I'm actually working on a job in Pittsburgh right now, I go out there every couple of weeks, the stadiums do look great, especially being right next to each other.


"What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from."

-T. S. Eliot, "Four Quartets"

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Originally posted by tranceaction:

I guess B2B wont be at redno5 on the 31st.. or maybe he will throwing bud's at all the people in line yelling.. "JUDGE JULES SUCKS!!"

Nah i wouldn't do that... everybody is entitled to there own opinions. It's more a personal thing, don't like some of the things he has said and done.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Oh, and girls who wear the highest heels ever made and try to dance and can't. I don't hate them, I just think it kind of defeats the purpose of going to a DANCE club if you can barely even WALK!

(Oh, and for all the boyz on the board, please don't yell at me about how you like to look at these girls) biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by bigsis (edited 05-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by bigsis:

... I just think it kind of defeats the purpose of going to a DANCE club if you can barely even WALK!

hey.. what about the hundreds of people who STAND AROUND in the middle of the DANCE floor at a club??

I'm sorry but standing there holding a beer while bobbing your head up and down doesnt qualify as dancing to me..

Well i guess that isnt as bad as the guys who bounce around left and right bumping into everybody acting as if they own the place..

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let's not forget the big sweaty dudes that run around with their shirts off bumping into everyone, can everyone say f'ing gross???

why limit it to big sweaty dudes. There was this little scrawny dude who looked 45 with no shirt on at cro on sat...not a pretty sight.

However, I've no problems with women (esp tanned + toned ones) wearing skimpy tops or no tops, even if they're sweaty. cwm4.gif

Oh, and girls who wear the highest heels ever made and try to dance and can't.

I think I was next to a girl wearing high platform shoes on friday who almost fell over into me. cwm12.gif

P.S. Ang-not going to yell at you...I agree that they don't belong on the dance floor in ultra high heels...after all aren't they sending the message that they're looking for a guy to carry them across the threshold to his bedroom? cwm4.gif ...After he buys her champagne, and drives her to his loft condo in his bmw? cwm10.gif



[This message has been edited by fiatmusica (edited 05-23-2001).]

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OH YES, (high-five big sis) We went to Vegas and I thought I was going to see good dancers, nope, the girls with the heels that can't carry a beat to save their lives.


0b32d3c0.gif Life is only complicated because you make it so. Remember what it was like to live carefree - and live that way again!

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Originally posted by fiatmusica:

P.S. Ang-not going to yell at you...I agree that they don't belong on the dance floor in ultra high heels...after all aren't they sending the message that they're looking for a guy to carry them across the threshold to his bedroom?

Umm, was this for me? I'm not Ang - I'm ALLY! smile.gif

High fives back to ya Kim. I also have to agree that people who stand on the dancefloor must GO! Hello DANCE floor. NOT Standfloor! Get a clue people biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by bigsis:

Umm, was this for me? I'm not Ang - I'm ALLY! smile.gif

My bad, Bigsis, I did that post right before I figured to use to quote button-(ok, i rode the little bus to school with the rest of the special kids)...I was using cut n paste (using the clipboard) before and somehow-i decided that angprincess was the author of the post I was quoting and...well you know i...

Ok, so i screwed up....

So...Big Sis, (FM falls on knees and grovels), please accept my most sincere and heartfelt apologies!

As for the rest of the post-I was just laying on the sarcasm really thick.




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