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who are these guys?


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Hey...saw a flyer for a party, but I've never heard of the DJs. Do you guys know what they spin, or anything about their reputation? Thanks! (And if these guys happen to be really really famous, and I've just been living in a cave...um...try not to rub it in *too* much, k?) cwm4.gif

DJ Adam X


DJ Ernie

DJ Bam Bam



Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...

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Those guys are not big names but they definitely get around. DRC was here last winter, and I believe Adam X was too.

The only one I've heard was DRC. I hate to classify but it sounded to me like funky techno/ tribal/ breaks. She is amazing on the turntables and works the hell out of em making the most creative loops. I almost don't know how to describe her, but I wouldn't miss that show.

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The party's in Rockford, on July 21. The company putting in on is called ecstatic events. It looks like it could be a pretty decent party... cwm11.gif


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...

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July 21st??? Damn, I'll be at Transit listening to Sean Cusick.. for anyone who was there last time he was spinning you know why I would want to go back. It was the most fun I have had in a long time. Couldn't stop dancing the whole night.



AOL IM BouncyBy

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If you like techno, I would just go for Adam X. Actually, maybe you'll see me there! cwm1.gif What's the infoline and such?

Ernie and DRC, I'm clueless as well. But I know for sure that DJ Bam Bam can't mix for shit. He's up there w/ Mixin Marc, Marski, and Bad Boy, the shame of Chicago.

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I've heard of DJ Bam Bam, he spins really hard house. Picked up one of his cds about a year ago and its hard!


"Anybody can mix two records together but it takes a DJ to be able to do it creativley and make new sound out of that music" --A great wise man

"Spinning is like creating a new world in that room for that one night. You create a one night oblivion where nothing outside that room matters, all that matters is feeling the music and loving every second of it." --Another great wise man

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You can get all the info at eventnation.com - search by state and then click on raves. The info line number and everything is on there. smile.gif Maybe I'll see some of you there?


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...

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