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Mental cases at work.


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So we have this woman here, she has some for of tin foil over her head (to stop the 'rays' from the strip lights affecting here).

She has cardbord to the side of her (to stop the rays from other peoples screens).

She turns the colours in Windows to black and white, again to stop the 'rays'. So when she is testing software she is constsntley changing colour scemes to see what she is doing.

She only eats leaves, she thinks carbinated drinks (any carbinated drink) will make your liver exploded (literally). You will come in on a morning and there will be a pile of papers on why your indevidual life is wrong and will kill you very soon.

She is a little crazy to say the least.

In between that and people who regulalrly fall asleep in conferance calls, at their desks and teh guys who work in the warehouse and seeem very lively on 'medication day' i think i work in the maddest place in the bloody world..

Please tell me you people don't have to put up with shit like this?


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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Have you ever seen the movie "Office Space"?

I live that movie. That office is *my* office.

It's a wonder I don't walk around with tin foil on to stop the rays...



Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...

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I have 1 girl that sits next to me and calls her husband pookie on the phone all day.

Another women who messes up my name with everyone else's that sits within earshot..

A guy that can't do anything without asking a question to confirm how.

A woman that literally throws a hissy fit if you walk away with her pen accidentaly.

Another girl who is on personal calls all day and then expects help from everyone when the day is coming to an end.

B2B, you may work in the maddest place, but I defenately have the Laziest and Dumbest award to my office.



AOL IM BouncyBy

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B2B where the F**k do you work!??!@$#@ My goodness!!

Office space is such a good movie, but what I want to do is what that guy did in fight club, go to your boss and beat yourself up and pretend he did it! yeah!

Ok, well over here I have the weirdest love working environment...

I think one old skinny lady that has two kids is screwing this young kid that says he only feels bad for her and that they are "just friends"

I have this other couple, they are as dumb as a box of rocks, to say the least. I mean DUMB. She has that valley girl to her and he is the surfer dude.

I have this guy that lets his wife cheat on him, he says "I just love her so much."

I have this other two that the kid is about 80lbs overweight, and since he likes this pretty girl, he has now lost 50lbs... we still don't think she will give him the time of day...

then wait... there's me... ah, nevermind I won't tell that story... wink.gif

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good lawdy lawd

you people in chicago are whacked. got yourself a whole load of freaks up over there, eh?

good thing i live in a normal place - VIVA LA NYC!!!!!


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

may the best day of your past be the worst day of your future - chinese proverb

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Originally posted by peeps:

good lawdy lawd

you people in chicago are whacked. got yourself a whole load of freaks up over there, eh?

good thing i live in a normal place - VIVA LA NYC!!!!!

Yeh NY is 'normal', that's the funiest thing i have herd all year.


You are lucky to live in a normal place though peeps, Manhatten is ok. I wouldn't live anywhere else in NY.


I want to go out blazing..not fade away.

Trust in the currency of relationships, it's hard to earn but easy to loose - back2basics


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