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Is it just me, or does it seem like there are more and more muscleheads in clubs these days. I can remember there always being the 5 or 10 guys you recognized and laughed at as early as a year ago, but now they're everywhere. I don't have anything against people that work out, because I do 5x a week, but I in no way like these hyped up sweaty monsters walking around the club and frontin' like their God's gifts to women. Tell me what you think about the steroid bound masses that have infested our clubs recently...


Keep it movin'!



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ummm..ok honestly from a girls's perspective i don't look for that in a guy...if they have muscles ..well then it;s a bonus.. i think a funny person is key..someone who will make me laugh! someone who likes the same music as me ...and likes to dance! but above all someone with whom i can talk to and will listen to all of my ideas!! where are you???


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Originally posted by cholo_40:

Is it just me, or does it seem like there are more and more muscleheads in clubs these days. I can remember there always being the 5 or 10 guys you recognized and laughed at as early as a year ago, but now they're everywhere. I don't have anything against people that work out, because I do 5x a week, but I in no way like these hyped up sweaty monsters walking around the club and frontin' like their God's gifts to women. Tell me what you think about the steroid bound masses that have infested our clubs recently...

I dont know where you party, but the Soundfactory always had "Juice Heads" ( At least since they had moved to 46th st.. ) More then just 5 or 10, but like 500 - 1000.. Ever since I can remember going there, it was always infested with muscles..

If I might ask, what does everyone have against guys with muscles?? Are you just jealous of them cause your puny?? That's what it sounds like to me.. ( Not a juice head, and have nothing against anyone )


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You're right of course. I apologize if my reply sounded a bit general. I do happen to know some real nice big guys who are very sweet. smile.gif

I guess it all comes with the club environment. You're going to have all types of people . . . rude or polite.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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No problem, sometimes a bad experience tends to over look all the good ones. Happens to everyone.

Originally posted by blueangel:


You're right of course. I apologize if my reply sounded a bit general. I do happen to know some real nice big guys who are very sweet. smile.gif

I guess it all comes with the club environment. You're going to have all types of people . . . rude or polite.



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Muscels are ok, but KEEP YOUR SHIRTS ON.

Girls can tell that your big with your shirt on.Theres enough disease out there, we dont need sweat rubbing up against us when we walk around... nasty....



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Exactly. I have no problem with being in shape and looking good.

But someone please explain to me what is the purpose in taking one's shirt off. I mean, aside from a club being a sweatbox, there is no good reason to take ur shirt off. How narcissistic can one be? It's ridiculous. Guys walk into SF pullin their shirts off.

There is nothing worse than having to work ur way thru a mass of sweaty bodies in a club, like upstairs @ SF, for example.

I work out, but never would i be so vain to take my shirt off if in club, even if it is hot. If u look good, a shirt won't hide that fact.



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Now now people, as a muscle head in my past life, I can break it down to you easily. Some big guys are mad chills and are not conceited. Some are. Some fake big-boobed gals are as conceited as prissy butch bitches showing off their stitches. Some are humble like baby kittens. Hey, as long as the fellas don't walk around the club with their anaconda's hangin out being measured by fake boobed gals, then hey, the more blended people the better. I have nothing wrong with down-to-earth people, regardless the authenticity of their ligaments. Now, if your prissy, you could just get all the fucking icicle up your ass...Saint!!!


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I prefer tall and slender (yum), but muscleheads are fine too. I like anyone who stays in shape. One of the funniest pickup lines, if you can call it that, that I've ever heard was from a musclehead in the Hamptons. He grabbed my hand, said "hey babe" and ran my hand along the boxes in his stomach. I almost laughed in his face, but I couldn't help but be impressed by his physique.


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I prefer tall and slender (yum), but muscleheads are fine too. I like anyone who stays in shape. One of the funniest pickup lines, if you can call it that, that I've ever heard was from a musclehead in the Hamptons. He grabbed my hand, said "hey babe" and ran my hand along the boxes in his stomach. I almost laughed in his face, but I couldn't help but be impressed by his physique.


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Cut up chin and muscles that are two defined = steroids.

I have known a few people taking anabolic, ok you can have a fantastic body in half the time but they do get a little weird after a while, which I guess id the attitude people are referring to. The chin thing is an almost fool proof sign.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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hey back2b,

is it true that men develop breasts and all those other feminine attributes that are caused by estrogen and such? just curious. i think that's kinda funny. wink.gif

nonetheless, i smirk if i see a girl wearing absolutely nothing to a club, and the same for guys. i think a lil bit of mystery makes people more attractive, you know? it gets you more curious to know what's under the clothes..

so i guess for the people that like being muscular, i know you guys must get hot, but coming from a girl, i like it when muscular guys wear shirts- that has me staring even more b/c i let my mind wander.. get it? wink.gif

ok good kitties. wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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I don't know why so many people on this board always make negative comments about guys with big muscles walking around in the clubs, I mean their just people. Why is that a problem if muscle heads are in the club. I just don't get it. Usually the guys who complain about these type of guys are skinny and jealous, why else would that bother you. And SF has always been filled with muscle heads, but then you also have the pretty girls with fake boobs floating around, but you don't see us girls on this site complaining about those type of girls. Its the same thing. I like when I see a club where people look in shape - boys & girls.

My advice is to stop being jealous of guys who look better than you - you only make yourself look stupid. And whats wrong with a guy who wants to be the best he can be, by going "all out" working out and having a year round tan - I think its a turn on and its not a conceited thing, but it just shows that they care about themselves & don't want to look like slobs. Is that such a bad thing

A muscle head fan & gym fanatic



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Personally it doesn't matter either way. I like to look at guys that are in shape......when they are too big it is unattractive, but they do not bother me being in the same place that I am in. I just hope they realize the only people that really look at them or notice their size are other guys. Girls are really not into that........I like a tight defined man myself.


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I don't think what I meant to say got across. I'm not necessarily pointing out the physique, but the attitude and over-hyped state that comes along with steroids. When mixed with the club scene, there are those that don't care for their antics. I think I'm just a bit pissed off because in other areas, especially Philly, they think they run the clubs. And for that one of my friends got messed up this past weekend and I figured I'd just vent and hear what others had to say.


Keep it movin'!



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Originally posted by happy0debi:

ummm..ok honestly from a girls's perspective i don't look for that in a guy...if they have muscles ..well then it;s a bonus.. i think a funny person is key..someone who will make me laugh! someone who likes the same music as me ...and likes to dance! but above all someone with whom i can talk to and will listen to all of my ideas!! where are you???

Here! *yawn*


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Another jealous skinny boy!!My fiance works out 5 times a week and looks good and so do most of my guy friends..whats wring with wearing a tank top to show their shit off..my guy friends are the nicest guys I know who you would probably stereotype as "juiceheads/guidos"..hell I just got a boob job and paid for it on my own and your damn right im gonna show them shits off....jealousy,jealousy...just because some of us look good and work out...shut the fuck up!..=)..ClubGirl..=)


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When a HUGE 250 lb. pure muscle pushes me to the ground . . . I get mad. That's what happened to me TWICE at Exit. Some guido muscle head who was high on GHB was pushing everyone in his path . . and I happen to be in his path. Next thing you know, there I was sprawled all over the floor.

NOW, guys like that get on my nerve. I, like the next girl, do not mind looking at a good looking guy especially when they're in shape. HOWEVER, I do have a problem when these guys are walking around like they're King Tut, which basically describes your average muscle head in a club.

And India, this is coming from a girl not a guy . . . a girl who works out 4 times a week and who looks like she works out 4 times a week. I'm not commenting on the looks . . . it's all about the attitude and the behavior.



Music is the language of souls . . .

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Now your classifying all big guys. Isn't this the sterotyping that we are all trying to get away from. I don't believe that all "muscle heads" that are out push their way around. What about the ones who are polite, there is no mention of them. You have rude people all over the place...some big and some small. Just some thoughts.


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