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APB on The Glowstick Bandits

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Since the topic of PLUR came up, and with back2basics comment, it makes me wonder how many of you are ravers. Have most of you been to a rave and experienced the vast difference between it and clubbing? Just curious.


Keep it movin'!



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all u glowstickers out there, keep it up! they look great when u know what you're doing... and to those of u that are just learning, keep it up, you'll get better... i did. i hardly ever go to a club without them, and ive never gone to a rave without them. which brings me to another topic...

the rave vs club scene...

ive found that ravers are much more friendly and open to new things and people. some clubs have similar vibes, but its still not the same. many times clubbers are into the more glamourous looks and are a little more stuck up and reluctant to talk to new people unless they're looking to hook up. now this is all fine, and i admit, i've taken part in both scenes and have acted differently depending on the scene i've been in, but i have never and will not tell people what to do, whether or not i like it...

people go out to have a good time, and if they use glowsticks for fun, then let them do it. i know i will.

P.L.U.R. ~ keep the vibe goin!


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I totally understand and see everyone's points when it comes to dancing with glo-stix. The only thing I find a little bit bothersome is when the floor is jammed enough as it is and someone takes up more space with swinging the stix on string.

But in places like Exit or Tunnel or even Paladium in New Rochelle where there are stage areas and podiums to use, then it's really something to watch. Personally I just started clubbing 5 months ago and after 3 months I found that I like to dance and enjoy the music with my 2 pairs of stix. Either Blue and White or Green and White.

I'm not a pro at it but at least I try and I think blueangel has said it enough on here...it's all about the vibe and how you go with it and enhance your own enjoyment. Let's face it people..no one and I mean no one is pro enough at any club to go and criticize how any one dances or raves and uses their stix. It's all about the moment and the music and the vibe. Just worry about your own self and how you like to party.

And that's my input on this matter.



[This message has been edited by doubledown11 (edited 06-07-2000).]

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I used to go to a club in England, this guy used to squeeze himself into a suitcase, he used to have his legs popping out of the bottom but you could see nothing else of him.

He used to wander around the place all night, most people didn't even know what he looked like. Allot of people used to hate this guy because occasionally he would bump into people.

But he has made so many peoples nights.

Not glow sticks, but similar.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Wwwhhhaatt??? rolleyes.gif How can dancing with glowsticks be too commercial?? That's like saying dancing is too commercial.

And THAT is just plain silly. Answer is very simple fellas . . . don't like it then don't look. wink.gif


No my argument doesn't say dancing is too commercial. Actually it is commercial when everyone is using them, thats what commercial means. People complain about music being commercial when all the clubs start playin a certain song, well the same concept applies to glowstix. And just as a side note those dumb flashing lights are even more annoying. Everyone using them= they are commercial. People keep talking about it being all about the music. Well then why are the glowstix necessary. If you can liquid, then why not do it w/o the glows. To me, the stix take away from a persons skills, i liquid w/o them i would much rather watch someone else liquid w/o them.

just my $.02



[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 06-07-2000).]

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listen, i'm not trying to insult your skill, cuz from what i've herad on this board you really know what your doing, i just think some things belong at a rave and not a club(unless of course the club is having a rave). But you keep doing your thing and i'll keep doing mine, as long as we both enjoy the music thats all that matters.



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I know I'll get heat for this, but once in awhile I feel like posting here. I am an advant glowstick user, but there is a time and place for glowstix. Some clubs it hieghtens the music and scene. Other clubs it's just not appropriate. As for spinners, a majority of the time they annoy me, and yeah the name says it all, I do spin. I spin for fun, to entertain. I don't spin in the middle of the night when the club is packed. I like to spin afterhours, when the crowd is light and there's room. Plus the crowd later on n the night tends to appriciate it more. This is just my $0.02. Let us do our thing... but those of us who do it, use good judegment...



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Well I don't know about you lot but I always like to throw a few breaking moves when the clubs at it's busiest.

Lay down a few windmill's just to piss people off;-)

Does anybody use Tune card's over here? And what about poppers?

What's worst is in Gatecrasher there are a few "crasher kids" who stand at the front and spray you with water pistols... the cause of many a fight I can tell you.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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I don't know what Tune Cards are, but the only place I've ever gotten poppers is when I visited London. I brought back a couple of bottles, and was surprized of people's strong opinions about them. So I don't really talk about them too much. It's funny you brought it up though. So what are Tune Cards, and what do you think about Poppers?


Keep it movin'!



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Tune card are just a card with Tune written on it. When the DJ puts on a song you like you hold it up, so he knows you like. Not big on them myself but I though it was a good idea the first time I saw it.

Poppers... well, when I used to be a bad boy.... in my experimentation days;-) Loads of people used to take popper while on E, the "rush" is very, very, very intense to the point of passing out. But it is amazing.


I don't know of any deaths, but I have seen many people being carried out of clubs. We also used to have things called Vicks sticks, menthol hightens the effects of MDMA and it's safer, but smells horrible.

anyway I don't condone any off this nonsense, so don't have a go at me.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

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