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lone clubbers

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yeah i have been clubbing by myself for the past 5 weeks now. it is cool as hell. you do not have to worry about making another person happy or anything like that. you should try it at least once. i only tried because my ex boy told me to try once and see what i think of it

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I've done it only a couple of times, though I wish I had the courage to go alone more often cause the two time I did go to a club by myself I met cool new people once inside. Even though I usually go with friends to a club, I generally like to wander around or dance alone, its easier to meet new faces and I find it to be an overall better clubbing experience.

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Why would anyone want to go clubbing alone ? I find that clubbing is something that is more enjoyable when you can share it with your friends. I appreciate the fact that once inside enjoying the music is something personal but everything from standing in line to walking in the club is more fun when you do it with your peeps....

just my $.02 on the matter....

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i defintely agree w/ trancenrg... its much better going thru the motions before and after the club w/ your crew- but once inside it really doesn't matter to me- i tend to drift wander off by myself anyway- its cool though when i'm w/ some new peeps and i run into my original crew walking around or something and they're w/ new peeps too and everyone just gets to no each other. biggrin.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Ahh.. It depends who you go with. If it's your clubbing partner that hell yeah. Its a blast.

If you go with people that aren't into the scene as much as you are, which seems to be my problem most of the time, then I rather go alone and meet up w/ the peeps that I normally see at the clubs who are into the same type of music/djs et al.


It goes either way for me.

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well..trance energy...what would you do if there was an event you reaaaaally wanted to go to, and no one else wanted to go...would you stay home? hell no for me..but then again, I am the kind of person who always does what she wants...alone or not...I went to college 2500 miles away by myself not knowing a soul, went on vacations by myself..so going to a club..thats cake!

and actually..the last time I went out alone, I met a few young girls on the train who had never been to a club before..so I took em with me to twilo and showed em how to do it right ;0



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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going out alone occurs a lot of the time when u r on a bender and none of your compadres can keep up!!!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you ------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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Hey don't get me wrong, there's nothig wrong in going to a club alone it's just that I feel that going with your peeps makes for a better experience. I can understand if your friends aren't into the scene as much as you...fortunately most of my friends are just as hardcore as me (in fact it was a friend of mine who first introduced me to the scene).

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I think everyone should do it at least once. It kinda cool because it kinda forces you to meet new people. Usually the people who I go with just to stay together. I'm not really into that. I think when people go to a club people should work it. This way u have a lot more fun. Imagine if everyone went alone...no cliques.

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Vinyl all the time, but i know everyone at vinyl so it's kinda like a big happy family type thing, if i don't go with anyone i always see people i know...

keep it real



"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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I have several key reasons for clubbing alone--and early.

Since I live Downtown here, I can start clubbing earlier because I can walk to all of my fave places like Wish, Spy, Groovee, Grid, Amsterdam, NV, and the Mercury Lounge. I am able to start right after work on a Friday (or Thursday on occasion) and just pace myself through the full evening long before all of my other friends have decided what to wear that evening. The way I see it, you want to go early and by yourself because that way you get to know the staff a bit better when there aren't a thousand people trying to get their attention at once. Plus Cleveland OH USA is smaller than Manhattan (pop. 492,000), so Downtown is the center of action--and so many people already know me personally because I am out every Thursday thru Saturday (and Sundays on special occasions and three-day weekends), so I ALWAYS see them anyway.


Erick Adam "E-rock" Sanders

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When I got to NYC I knew almost noone and the few people I knew weren't clubbers. Before that when I felt like going out, even if my friends didn't want to get out, I was going out.

I met almost all my friends in NYC in nightclubs. Some of them are just party buddies some are very deep good friends. Generally I do not plan to go out with friends. Every time I get in a club I'll meet people I know and will have a blast with them. There is nothing better than walking alone in a club and finding hundreds of smiling faces who all know you (or will know you before the end of the night)

Group of friends clubbing together can be annoying: when you have a herd of people who all know each other, dance together and do not participate with other clubbers and take all the space with their annoying circle.

Also I like to experience new clubs and do it generally alone.

Clubbing with friends is great, clubbing alone is great, try both!


Joël S.

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The bigger the event, I find the smaller the group the easier, and if you're by yourself you don't worry so much about your friends......for example down here in Sydney I've been to a few 'sleaze balls', 20,000 people events, rest assured ifyou lose your friends in a crowd that big then you better get used to partying by yourself!!!

And whilst a veteran clubber I only went to my first rave a couple months ago, 'Utopia', it was held @ the Sydney Superdome, where you'll see the basketball played at the olympics.......I knew that loads of my friends were going but my state of mind (3rd nite in a row) + the 7000 person crowd meant most of the nite I was on my lonesome.......absolutely wicked night!!!!


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you ------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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well it certainly is crazy going out by yourself, thats half the point. Personally a lot of the places I go I expect to know at least a few people, some half the party......that's not going to happen for a long time once I hit New York......anyways if you get given a free ticket for a 7000 person event at an olympic venue that has been sold out for weeks you just gotta go


..................coming soon to a dancefloor near you ------------------> boa_boy@yahoo.com

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I used to go all the time alone. That's how I made A LOT of friends... I'd meet up with people after I met them the week before...then I'd mneet up with their friends..and so on..then I'd bring m y friends down and intoduce everybody out. It's gotten to a point, where I go out to ANY club in the city and meet up with people I know. That's how I became a promoter. :-)


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