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S & D last night...

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Got there around 145 am. I couldn't believe my eyes. The queue went all the way around 10 Ave and back around 26 St. Unreal!

I get inside as Sean Cusick finishes his last 2 tracks. I asked around to see how he did and he managed to do the job well. He's no Jimmy, but I'm sure he'll adapt just fine. For those that don't know, Sean will be the opener for now on.

Diggers got on around 2 am. He played that mellow and lush style that he always starts out with. Only knew a couple of the tracks played, but excellent tracks. What a way to get the night started. He dropped Sven Vath- Barbella, Coca Dasilva-Close my eyes, Cevin Fisher-Love you some more (what a tune!), Phaser-Watergroove, and that's all that I can recall.

Sasha came on around 5 and he kept up the pace. He actually picked up the pace playing some tracks with these funky basslines. As always, a shitload of tracks that I've never heard of. I have no idea where he gets all of these tracks. His set is different every month. Cutting edge...

I left around 615. Too early to really give a proper opinion on his set. Im sure he rocked it.

Anyone stay until the end? My friend left around 430 am and the queue was still wrapped around 10 Ave. Nuts!!

Did anyone hear the difference in the sound? I sure did. I don't think it can get any crisper that that. Damn!!!

I saw Randy briefly. I guess he was busy making sure everything was flowing like it should. Good work Randy!

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we saw the line at 1:30 and decided to get a few drinks and come back. i've never seen the line look anything like that. we got back at 4 and were in by 5:15 (it was already light out).

for those of you who left at 6ish you really missed out. Digweed played his last set from 6-7, really solid, and then Sasha came out for the rest of the night. he played until 10:10. his final set was insane!!! just one amazing tune after another at one point. the highlight was Musak (track 8 on disc 1 of communicate). I find this song kind of annoying on the CD but it was incredible live.

I haven't heard sasha play like that in months (maybe never). At points he was back to his old progressive style which was nice. The crowd was loving it and towards the end he started really getting animated.

Then he basically did like 3 or 4 encores. The music would stop, his headphones would be off, and bam he'd throw down another record or two. If i remember correctly, one of the tracks was a Zeppelin tune (can't remember which one). Finally the lights come on and security comes out to clear everyone out. The booth clears out, but after like 5 minutes, w/ most people still there, he pops up from under the decks and puts on two more songs. The last track was amazing-does anyone know what it's called?

BTW, love the new placement of the dj booth. You can see the dj from just about anywhere in the club and the crowd just seems to be more together.

wasn't planning on going last night b/c i can't stand the crowds lately for S&D, but boy was i glad i went. and coming at 4am was the perfect move.

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DO you know if he dropped his new track 'Scorchio'? Im sure he did. He has been caning the shit out of it lately.

Are u sure Diggers went on at 7. I left around 615 and it was still Sasha. I wasn't seeing things. Sasha was wearing white and Diggers black.

I spoke w/ some friends and they also said that I missed a brilliant set. He tore it up like never before. Oh well. That was expected.

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FUCK !!!! I missed it....dammit I knew I should have gone but I thought that S&D would play some dark housey stuff like the last party which I didn't quite enjoy...Bitch !!! I'm pissed.... frown.gif

Oh well at least there's Oakie and Sandra collins on the 3rd

and PVD on the 21st !!!!!!!

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i could def. be wrong about this but i seem to remember sasha playing a short first set from a little after 5 until maybe a little after 6 and then digweed played a short second set from a littler after 6 until just after 7 when sasha came out and finished things off.

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Digweed left around 6:30 - 7 or so...had to hope on a plane...Sasha came back on at 7...wow....ive never heard sasha play like that!....sasah definitely didnt bore me! I loved Digweed's opening..but never really got to the points in which he usually gets to...oh well...maybe its because he had to leave...i still love digweed....it was funny, because when everyone was yelling sasha at like 8:30..i was the one yelling john!!! hehe...I went sober too, and stayed the whole night...danced my ass off straight for like 6-8 hours..with breaks every hour...it actually felt like the first time I ever did e....i'm glad i went sober...i got to see what I look like...man..what a reality shock....e-tards all over the place...and people just standing around....and man..what a bunch of crackheads i saw...talkin about the most stoooopidest...crackheadest shit!...thank god...i probly wont be doin e at a club for a long time....have soooo much more fun sober smile.gif anyways peace...

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Yepps..Sasha was off da hook on Friday nite!

John was good but I haven't seen Sasha dis harsh for a loong time. He blew my mind away all night especially right before he shut down the music. Every month he was a completely different set, unbeliveable!

CRITICS: We got to Twilo like 4:30 and line was all the way to the corner of 10th Ave. We got in like 5:15. We were right at the velvet ropes, some Twilo-employe said "Take everyone in, just check the IDs!". This attitude is just not right!!! It's killing the real party people crowd and letting underdressed uncool 'dudes and dudettes'. smile.gif

This was my 20th time at S&D in 3 yrs and each time the party is getting more and more unfriendly and commercial. Has anyone have an idea why that party was $35? No special effects nothing! Thank God that I had it reduced. I personnally didn't like the new DJ booth at Twilo. The whole club happened to be a concert hall and the DJ the artist. I saw people forming lines and clappin Sasha. Yes, he deserves all the loving and everything but the vibe on the dance floor was obviously damaged! Now they even have Twilo brand water bottles frown.gif Soon, I won't be surprised to see "Best of Twilo Mixes" Cds like Webster Hall did smile.gif My 1 cent!

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"CRITICS: We got to Twilo like 4:30 and line was all the way to the corner of 10th Ave. We got in like 5:15. We were right at the velvet ropes, some Twilo-employe said "Take everyone in, just check the IDs!". This attitude is just not right!!! It's killing the real party people crowd and letting underdressed uncool 'dudes and dudettes'. "

I hope this is sarcastic as the party is suppsoed to be about the music and not what label you are wearing on your shirt

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I was at S&D on Friday for the first time in months. I was a little dissapointed in the beginning of the night...too many people, taking up too much space. However, the new arrangement of the speakers was great! It was good to hear Sasha tear it up at the end of the night.

I used to go see S&D all of the time and don't ever remember them having a strict door policy. My first time there I remember thinking how different I thought it was as compared to other clubs. Everyone seemed pretty chill and most everyone was there to hear the music. I don't know how psyched I can get going to some of the other places, the music and the sound systems are just not the same.

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Originally posted by Randy:


I hope this is sarcastic as the party is suppsoed to be about the music and not what label you are wearing on your shirt

if it was only about the music..they wouldn't be charging 35$ at the door.

for the amount of money we're paying in comparison to other venues round the world with the same lineups...twilo is seriously ripping us off. so asking for a more eclectic crowd is not asking too much.

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Originally posted by sleepiswaste:

if it was only about the music..they wouldn't be charging 35$ at the door.

for the amount of money we're paying in comparison to other venues round the world with the same lineups...twilo is seriously ripping us off. so asking for a more eclectic crowd is not asking too much.

If you're not happy then don't go. That's the bottom line.



"No one will ever win the battle of the sexes;

there's too much fraternizing with the enemy."

- Henry Kissinger

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first off as blueangel said, dont like dont go. some people just cant stop bitching.

"that was the best i ever heard sasha blahblahblah...BUT the crowd sucked, sweatpants, etards blahblahblah.

you know what, dish out a 100grand and have sasha play in your basement, and enforce whatever fuckin policy you want. or got to the factory where bitchass paris wont let people in unless they're dressed, and listen to zombie nation or another 45 minute whitney remix. and the reason they charge 35 is to control the amount of people that come out for that nite. oh and it also gives bitches something to bitch about.

bitchass punks

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 07-05-2000).]

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hold on one sec...your taking me wrong here.

im not saying let the door be choosy based on dress or attitude...

im just saying to pay 35$ for a night..that is so packed that you can hardly breathe..every few minutes or so u accidently step on someone lying or sitting on the floor..u can't stand anywhere without being bumped or yelled at by security..

with a slight bit of scrutiny at the door..it might not be as bad.

confusing greed...and the idea of allowing all people to come for the music is a thin line.

2 yrs ago..twilo was choosy at the door. it wasn't as popular then. but i had seen them deny many.

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Get on the reduced list for $30. Let's see. Usually when they're in town the party usually goes on well past 9 and sometimes later like this past weekend. So average out $30 a night/reduced and say u get there around 2 am when they start, that's averaging a little over $4 an hour of the best sound and 2 of the best djs in the world. That's not asking much is it?? No where else in the world will you be able to listen to these guys for more than 5 hours let alone a monster 7-8 hours session like they do when they play at Twilo.

You would think that increasing the cover would make people think twice about paying but I guess the majority of the people know that it's worth every penny. This past weekend proved it. Another thing, it was a holiday weekend so a huge crowd was expected.

Or u can just go to Exit, still pay atleast $25 and listen to crap all night.

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Yeah nolimit nails it again,

if you were to see Sasha & Diggers in the UK or Ibiza for a set that long you would be talking about the same price or more.


I want to go out blazing not fade away.

It's not just about the notes played, it's about the spaces in-between.


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