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Guest cosmicgirl

remember the good old days of tunnel in its glory: the skin, the beats, it was the hottest thing in the world...could you believe kate moss used to go there?!?!?! ok just to reminisce, two words: RICHIE RICH.....now we have nothing.....TUNNEL QUITE FRANKLY SUCKS!

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It was ALL ABOUT D-TOUR SATURDAYS.. Even before Danny got there, it was insaine.. I still wonder to this day why the saturday party is still called D-TOUR?? I mean, come on Tunnel, D-TOUR = Danny Tenaglia.. Get it?? Is it that hard to come up with a new name for the BEAT parties they have there?? Maybe it would be ok if they had a real door person, and normal security guards.. It's a club, not a rave.. You would never know it was a club by the crowd tho.. Raves and Clubs shouldnt be mixed togather.. One or the other.. Just venting, cause I think of the times I use to have there back in 96-97.. Tunnel will never be able to compete with any of NYC's clubs now a days.. Even if the one eyed bastard sold it to a new owner, I doubt any of the old school Tunnel people would return.. That club isnt being ran properly.. When's the last time someone BESIDES Peter G and his right hand man M Francis got paid there?!?!? Enough complaining...


" Ladies and Gentlemen, WELCOME to the Tunnel " Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. Memories....


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Guest clubkid77

what is this security/staff thing people keep talkin about honestly i dont know where the hell you get off with that, i been there every weekend since it oppened (well i spin for kurfew) adn honestly the bouncers arent that bad, lets see my GF got he snatch GRABBED when searched at SF after they re-opened... Just cuz some of the other clubs barely search you dont mean that the tunnel bouncers are dick they just need to try and keep shit under controol, trust me as soon as someone dies at sf, exit, twilo, or somewhere else you gona see bouncers gettin mad strict. when i go there they pat down my pockets, look in my record case and let me on my way.

Originally posted by bwwalker:

Tunnel definitely needs help. I won't be going back until the staff shows more respect for the customer. It's too bad because the last time I went (April) the groove was INCREDIBLE.


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Tunnel was definately a fun place at times.. I wasnt even aware of it being still open. Peter Gatien should sell the club to some of those UK clubowners that are making their way to the United States. I still remember when the cops came and raided the joint, and we were still partying upstairs without the music. Tunnel became Giuliani's obsession. It stood as an icon of drugs, rape, and underage drinking to the media. When enough speak, their voices will be heard above the press. Never listen to the hype.


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Well it has been open. I think the tunnel is one of the largest clubs in nyc open to 18 and up event on saturdays. The crowd is definitly young but thats good.

The music is always good and its the legendry tunnel.

Hopefully it will get its groove back soon.


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tunnel was my first NYC club experience . . . i'll never forget it . . .

i think if the promoters did it right, they might be able to get it goin' again.

as for the above post - EVERY club has drugs, get over it. so what about those other clubs where there are no liquor licenses? you think all those people are straight? my ass. stop rippin on the tunnel like it's the only place where there are drugs. because i can name plenty of other places my friends wouldn't step foot inside of w/o some chemical substance.

i'm not defending drugs, i'm through with that kick . . . and i don't drink, either - i go to clubs straight, and enjoy myself - but i will defend the tunnel. it has a bad rap, and yeah, it deserves some of it, but please . . .

there are things that the tunnel needs to improve on, as does every club. they've been making the changes, though, so give them a chance. they were far, far from perfect, and still are . . . but so is everywhere.

lemme guess, you think EXIT is THE place to be??



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Completely agree.

On a good night, there is no place like TUNNEL. Just the layout of the place with the music coming at you from different directions will get to you. TUNNEL needs to be appreciated for what it's--a legendary nightclub. Though it's had its few problems, that's life. Nothin is perfect, things happens.

Also--if someone goes to a club and does something stupid, is the club at fault for that??? The fact is people do stupid things sometimes and everybody should be held responsible for their own actions.

Not that TUNNEL isn't completely w/o blame, but the blame should be shared equally.

Hopefully the owner and management of that place will get its act together soon and bring it into the 21st century. Otherwise, let somebody else step in there and do it right.


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i dont drink or do drugs smile.gif

tunnel was one of my first club experiences and i love that place reguardless of weather its gonna be crowded or has 300 people there.

Drugs are everywhere but i think the tunnel is one of the most assoicated with them why i donno?

and no ive never been to exit so dont think its the place to be is it maybe maybe not?


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Don't count it out ! Every club has it's ups and downs. It is still THE place to be.


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People keep talking about the changes that the tunnel is making but i don't see what they are talking about. Fact is that last time i was there the music was awful, on the main floor anyway. The only reason i would even go back there is the speedy room. But even that sucks now. Last time i was there Frank Alvee only spun for like and hour. And the crowd couldn't possibly get any worse. Everyone dressing like they're at a rave wearing the pants w/ the 75 in. bottoms.

The other thing is, like Tranza said, why do they still call it D-Tour saturdays? That's ridiculous considering how good the music was when Danny Tenaglia was there and how bad it is now. I agree w/ the fact that tunnel used to be a great club, but what they need to do now is shut it down. Gatien should close it like Limelight, renovate and get a good dj in there. Then be a little more selective w/ who gets in, that way the crowd isn't so nasty. Not to mention, the sound system is horrible and needs to be replace or upgraded. As for whether i would rather go to Exit or the tunnel, obviously its Exit, on friday night anyway. The music has been really good lately, no cheese, and the girls are always well dressed and looking sharp. I'm not one of these avid Exit fans who thinks its the best club in the world, but they can get a vibe in there. Back in march when Chris Bourne and Andy Holt were there the vibe was amazing, yet everyone looked good. So why go to tunnel where everyone looks like shit and there is no vibe, since DT left, over Exit w/ a beautiful crowd and good music?---> (excluding saturday nights).

Oh and blaming the problems w/ tunnel on the promoters is bullshit too. It's not the promoters fault. I don't think that any promoter could save the tunnel right now, unless, like i said, they shut it down, fix it up and get some in demand dj's in there.

just my $.02



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when did you used to go to the tunnel

but the crowd there has been club kid for about a year now.

no one there is dressed up everyone wears ufo's and pants that are huge.

i do agree with a clean up they could redo some of it. Its closed mon tue wed and thursday nights they can fix it up then

even without the liquor....its still doing good buiss wise they didnt lose money or they would have shut it down

does anyone know when they r getting the licence back?


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Guest bonzai

TUNNEL is working on some changes so hopefully pretty soon .

they are going to get some real headliner dj's for sat. night residents every week..


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Ahhh the good old Tunnel.My home sweet home.Havent been there in about 3months.I still feel the need to show my face in there every once in a while on a Saturday just cause its the Tunnel.Not cause its fun or the musics good i just love the place.Soo many memories.I went from 96-99 like almost every weekend and it was the shit till that kid died and Guliani ran his shit on them.The Tunnel now compared to the good old days is a freaking joke.Especially the main floor.Like they said DT there was the shit.Fuck Steven Zor.I do miss the old Tunnel though.Peace out


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Well here I am. It is Monday morning and I am still pissed off from Saturday night at the Tunnel. It hurts to hear a bartender say we are only serving water and juice after spending $20 to get in. I'm not an alcoholic or anything but it is nice have a few drinks in order to allow the lights to put me in tunnel mode. I'm just glad I did not bring my friends because they would have raised holly hell! Usually I leave the tunnel extremely late but making it back home at 2:00a.m tells you that I was not a happy clubber. The tunnel was my #1 spot on my list to be on a Saturday night but now it's on my shit list, for now. Maybe I'll change my mind if they get back there liquor liscence and apologize to not only me but everyone else who got jipped. Gosh I feel better.


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Well here I am. It is Monday morning and I am still pissed off from Saturday night at the Tunnel. It hurts to hear a bartender say we are only serving water and juice after spending $20 to get in. I'm not an alcoholic or anything but it is nice have a few drinks in order to allow the lights to put me in tunnel mode. I'm just glad I did not bring my friends because they would have raised holly hell! Usually I leave the tunnel extremely late but making it back home at 2:00a.m tells you that I was not a happy clubber. The tunnel was my #1 spot on my list to be on a Saturday night but now it's on my shit list, for now. Maybe I'll change my mind if they get back there liquor liscence and apologize to not only me but everyone else who got jipped. Gosh I feel better.


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