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Well I notice I am the first one up and writing, this is unfortunitly due to my shitty job..but i am still pretty lit. anyway, i would have to say the night was disapointing...first off a very divided crowd. Candyflippers and muscle boys jsut dont mesh and create the groove. Also, maybe it was last night, but when i saw oakey in london like 5 times he sure as hell had the crowd jumping, screaming and just getting down.

I have been away a long time so I was just curious to why american kids dont really dance..like i mean dance.

Anyway, vibe was weird from begining..venue was cool, but no lights on ceiling hurt, not loud enough. I should not be able to have a conversation 4 feet apart ont he dancefloor..it definitly was not dark enough

But what it mainly came down to was Oakey sucked it up..Never fully materialzed one climax and the rhythm of his set was just off. The crowd wanted to get nuts, but his music mellowed everyone out way too much. Did not get the energy growing in an energy deficient crowd..I thought he could have saved the party,,but nope.

To my surprise I thought sandra played a less trancey and more progressive set with harder and darker beats. She kind of played in the style that I had hoped oakey would utilize.

In all the crowd was sparce by 3 and the energy...well was weaker than i have ever seen in my life.

I really dont know why there was so much little energy..in all i would say a 6 out of 10..expected a lot and got a mediocre, crowd , performance and in general a weak weak night

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don't sound to good

good thing i didn't go, anyone has have a review. i would like to hear it

this is what this board used to be good for back in the day.




EXIT GUESTLlST, firday or saturday 201-725-8858

(oasis guestlst)

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I'll have to disagree with Borinkj too. The energy was a ton better than Oakenfold's last two shows at the Roxy. I also thought his set was very, very good. The middle was a bit slow but he started off great with a song from his GU Oslo (Disc2 #8). The PVD track that he played from the new album with great too. Overall, this was definitely the best set I've seen him spin in person.

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I also have to disagree. I thought the mixed crowd made the party a true NYC event. I almost didn't go b/c I thought I thought the crowd would be mainly under 21 year olds. Yet this 27 year old got to dance my ass off, which never happens at Twilo anymore b/c of the over selling.

I thought the music was fine yeah Oakie was off a bit, but like Parish said he was ill. Besides Max G. was the best music all night.

Parish Sandra played a different set than at 6th element. It was darker and she fucked up at the beginnig with her turntable needles however the set kept me going until the end.

All in all I thought the concert was well worth it.


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I was really looking forward to this show and was slightly dissapointed. I agree with the original post that the crowd SUCKED. When will people learn that glowsticks are retarded. I acually got hit by some fool swinging glowsticks on a string! And then some jack a** jumped on stage with his f**ing sticks...I was almost convinced that he was going to start stage diving! There was also this other retard with a "glowing" yo-yo... and did you see his hair! And what was up with all the "rave" dancing...pathetic!

Max Graham was the best thing all night and he really upstaged Okenfold. Paul looked like he was on auto-pilot for the entire set. After the first few records I was thinking "this sucks", but it got a little better (or mabey the lager kicked in). I left before Sandra Collins took over...I had enough!

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This was my first time seeing Oakey and while he started off real mellow, he was kicking it by the end of his set. Sandra Collins was working it and really wanted to keep playing past 4 or so, but the management kept turned on the lights and turned down the volume to usher everyone out. With a lineup like last night, it's a bummer the show ended so early.

Overall I had a great time. Was skeptical about having a show like this at Roseland, but was impressed on how they changed the place for the show.

That being said, the sound could have been better and louder.

Now it's back-to-back nights with Carl Cox at Twilo tonight!

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Hey I am going to have to diagree with Bork, I thought the crowd was pretty good, very mixed, a lot of rave heads, stlye hounds, muscle crews, not to many free-range ladies, but thats ok. Everyone was there to get a groove on and there was some good energy floating around as Oakey took the stage. But I really attribute it to Graham. He fucking blew it up for Oakey to come on and make everyone blow a load. But I gues Oak had other plans in mind. He was pretty minimal, groove trance with a goa-edge and he kept it on that tip for the bulk of his set. It was fitting for the night. Sandra brought it back to the boiling point, but I was pretty beat at that point and had to hit the road.

Remember that the show was almost cancelled due to Oakey being ill, so he wasn't really in top form I'd imagine.

Anyone catch all of Sandra's set?



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This is for -Concept- You have NO right to judge what anyone else does, dresses like, looks like, ANYTHING! This scene is supposed to be about "Being Yourself"! Obviously, you area a rookie!

If you don't have something to bring to the table, then find something, Quick! Or you will not find a seat at that table anymore...


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I have to say that Oakenfold played well to a mixed crowd that wasn't totally 'avin it. The production side of the event was pitiful. The sound system was not loud enough and not EQ'ed well, the lighting was boring and unimaginitive, as were the video visuals. Overall I give it a 5/10. I thought Oakey was better @Roxy last November. I am very glad to see top talent from the UK play here in NYC, as I am through with the 'New York' sound a la Junior, Baez, and Jon Peters. As for the production support, I have yet to experience a total 'enviornment' which the DJ, lights, and visuals pulled together to create a truly memorable event. Last time I remember anything close was Palladium years ago when the lights came down from the ceiling just over your head!

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all in all i was a little disappointed w/ the night. we didn't even get to the club until 11 and then we first had to wait on the will call line. i was really bummed when someone told me oakey was supposed to be out around 11 (i thought he always closed) but fortunately when we got in just b/f 12, he hadn't come out yet. although from what everyone seems to be saying, we missed the best dj of the night.

i thought oakey's set was so so. he played some of his usuals, silence (in heavy rotation now), seven cities, and some others that are fun to listen to. but his set never really seemed to be going anywhere. i would say it was better than his march set (although i left at 5:30 to go to PVD and missed the ending) but no where near as good as his november set. i've seen him like 4 times since then and none of his performances have come even close to that night.

so paul finishes after 2 hours which was also a little upsetting and sandra comes out. this was my first time seeing her and i must say the beginning of her set almost put me to sleep. she did a great job of sucking whatever energy was actually in the crowd when oakey finished. but i stuck around, as the place emptied out, and towards the end of her set (last 20 mins or so) it got really good. but as usual w/ these non-club venues, they shut it down precisely on time.

i would definitely agree that the sound blew. not loud enough and the lights were pretty lame. roseland is a beautiful venue, but definitely not up to par for club events. i was pleasantly surprised w/ the crowd though. i mean it wasn't an overly energetic group but i was expecting to see a bunch of little kids when i found out it was 18+.

i viewed this night as a warmup for the main event this fri-can't wait for PVD!!! every time i see oakenfold it just reaffirms my feelings that van dyk is the superior dj. i don't know how i could have seen it otherwise for so long.

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This was the first time I went to see Oakey perform and I was really excited. Unfortunately, I really can't identify a truly excellent thing about the evening other than the amount of Jack Daniels the bartender was putting in my drink. Oakenfold did nothing of particular note on the tables. He didn't establish a mood. While many of his mixes were certainly seamless, he did nothing to the sound while the records were spinning. He seems to enjoy taking the credit for trancey portions of someone elses music. He came off like a real ham.

The crowd wasn't excited. The sound was weak. To top it off, I kept getting hit in the head head with flyers thrown off the stage by asshole promoters.

Max Graham did a decent job and the parts of Sandra Collins I heard were pretty good. They were both easily better than Oakenfold.

It's just more disappointing than anything else.

Thankfully, Carl Cox saved the weekend with yet another killer set at Twilo.

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Rule #1 (that I have adapted over the years when checkin a DJ's set) - Never judge a set when the total time allotment is two hours.

How can any DJ take you on a total "journey" in that amount of time? In my experience, an excellent set for any DJ must consist of 3-4 high points, while slowly and steadily bringing you in and out over a nice 30-40 minute time period in between. Deep grooves, sporadic breakbeats, techy house and funky breaks are necessary to compliment and build the crowd towards the "trancy" epic peaks that we all need to get us to the point of "mind explosion". How anyone can do that in a two hour set is impossible.

Just think about it, all of your favorite nights have probably been in front of a DJ who was alotted at least 3-4 hours in length. The reason that the likes of S&D, PVD, Tenaglia, Junior and JP all get the credit they deserve is because they know how to work the 5-6 hour sets to perfection.

All a two hour set allows is "Here! listen to what's hot NOW!"

If you think you can judge someone by that alone, your kiddin yourself.

P.S. - Your roll takes about a half hour to kick in, an hour to peak, a plateau of another two hours and a speedy comedown of another hour or two. Total time = 4 - 5 hours. Coincidence???

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I don't know that anyone's judiging Oakey. I think people are just expressing disappointment over this show. We're all aware of how talented he is. I was concerned before I went to this show, but hoped for the best. Oh well, you can't win 'em all.

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sinthetik, I hate to break it to ya, but Oaky usually spins 2 hour sets . . . no more than 4 if lucky. Why? Cause his ego gets the best of him. He was good (notice "WAS") real good . . .maybe two years ago, but now he's just fading out. So, there's no way to hold our judgement for a longer set to get a real taste of his talent cause all he gives us are these lame 2 hour or 4 hour sets. Unlike S&D who usually spins 6 - 8 or PVD who does the same. You're right in saying that 2 hours is really nothing and you really can't get the true feel within that short time, but if that's what the DJ is dishing out all the time . . . well then that's what we have to judge it with, right?

Personally, I heard Oaky in Roxy in New York and in Ibiza and . . . he's just an overpaid DJ. Don't really understand his vibe nor do I want to. But then . . . that's just my opinion.



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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Totally agree with you. How a DJ can "want" to spin a short set like that all the time, does not make any sense to me. It does lend a lot of questions to his devotion to the scene and the music. The quick buck has arrived and Oakenfold is leading the way. What a shame.

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i understand your reasoning as far as time,,but oakey didnt even attempt to get this thing off the ground..he never reached one big bumpin climax..that set the crowd on fire..

i am not sure if you heard his set from homelands 99, but that thing is 78 mins and my god..so amazing..so that in my book is under 4 hours and a very good short set...try that one out for size buddy

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So bork,

What's your point? In one half of the reply you commented on how Oakenfold did jack shit this show and in the other half you praise his Homeland set.

Are we know left to guess when the real Oakenfold will appear of when we'll just get the auto pilot? If he can do it in a 74 minute set then WTF happened the other night? Oh, that's right, it costs $70 bucks a head to get the real shit. I forgot. $30 bucks just gets you a glance at what he looks like.

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it's a shame that ppl. had to wait on line to get in.. even for those who paid for the tix. in advance.


the music was awesome but it started too late and ended too early.

mgmt. at roseland ripped us off!


after it was all over, my friend and i went home rollin'... tongue.gif


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