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My Ibiza Review

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Glad to hear that u had a good time. I didn't read anything about Salinas or SaTrincha. That beach is a must, ofcourse with a couple of pitchers of sangria.

How about the parties in the hills?? Did u hear about any?? Those are the ones to go to. Forget the Manumission and Gatecrasher parties...

I also want to point out that Gatecrasher originally had their nights at Pacha, but since attendance numbers were at a low, they packed their bags and went to Eden.

I'll be there in September... I can't wait. I'm dying to get out of here!!!

There's no place like Ibiza

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My bf and I did the whole beach and I couldn't really tell you if we were in any of the beaches that you mentioned cause we didn't keep a close watch on the names of the beaches. I think we did visit the SaTrincha but again I'm not for sure. And we did do the Sangria thing . . . you'd be surprised how little alcohol will get you a bit tipsy under the sun. hehe. eek.gif

I must say though that there are a lot of beautiful people in Ibiza . . . A LOT! Very nude and beautiful. hehe. And the weather was absolutely perfect!! 90 degrees every day with ZERO humidity. Absolutely perfect! biggrin.gif



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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Beautiful and fit. I don't think there are ANY fat people on the island.

I think we should all meet up next closing parties tear the island a new ass!!!

I know b2b is up for it. Anyone else? You've got to train before u go. I'll be the instructor. LOL!

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Salinas and Sa Trincha are on the same stretch of beach. And, by the way, if you walk down Salinas to Sa Trincha, don't go past there. You WILL see fat people, naked fat people. Not a pretty sight. Lost my lunch.

As for S+D, I have the exact same problem. They are always so amazing in Ibiza, and I end up being disappointed in Twilo. That's why I don't go anymore. To Twilo, that is. Nothing short of war would keep me away from the closing parties in Ibiza.

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Are u nutz!!! Except for the massive crowd and lack of space to dance, S & D sets at Twilo are amazing. I admit, they have their good and bad nights, but you can always expect to hear cutting edge music.

Those parties are history in the making.

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Just got back from Ibiza yesterday . . . and I am now ready to write up my review of the infamous island. However, before I start I have to give a HUGE shout out to JohnB. You the greatest, baby!!!!! Looking forward to partying with you in New York. wink.gif

Okay here I go. Some of you are pretty much familiar with my feelings toward Sasha and Digweed whenever they come in town to do their usual dark shit at Twilo. You know I'm not a huge fan of theirs, so when I went to Space to catch their set I was not at all hyped to any degree. Steve Lawler opened up for them . . . it took him a while to build-up but when he did - Oooohhhh baby!!! He was totally on! Then Digweed came on and I was like, "who the hell is that??" I had to go see for myself and make sure that the beautiful music in my head was really him. I can't explain in words what magic Digweed did that night but his performance bought a new level of respect . . . errr . . . a respect that was never there. Hehe. Then Sasha came on and the place went wild . . . I MEAN WILD!!!! I never in my life danced so hard and toward the end of the night when I was totally out of strength and couldn't stand anymore, I still couldn't stop moving. That night was the most amazing night!! Sasha and Digweed took turns on the turntable going back and forth - IT WAS MADNESS!! PLUS Steve Lawler stayed on helping them mix. UNBELIEVABLE . . . that's the only word I can think of to describe the music that I heard that night. Sasha spun like how he use to four months back . . . tech-house with hard house with a tiny touch of trance . . . I just wished I had my MP3 to record all of it. biggrin.gif At the end of the night one of our friends asked him why he didn't spin like that in New York and his response was, "this is the island, babe, and that's New York." Huh? That one just totally flew by my head. After that night, I promised myself that I would force myself to catch him again at Twilo and see if it's any better. I am most definitely keeping my fingers crossed. As for the club, Space is definitely a club you should visit when in Ibiza. The club has a huge dance floor and plenty of areas where you can lounge around and chill out with friends. The sound quality was not all that impress though. The bass kept on breaking up . . . it couldn't handle S&D's powerful mix . . . it definitely was not Twilo sound.

Then I had planned on catching Manumission at Privilge (the world's largest club), but because I had exhausted myself with S&D I couldn't force myself to go. Our other friends went that . . . sorry B2B, but they were very, VERY disappointed. All they heard were these very commercial house and the show was not what they expected it to be. Some say that it's because the Manu couple had a baby and that's the reason why the show was not that great, but all I can say is that I'm glad I didn't spend the money to go. At $45 per person, it's no cheap affair.

Tuesday night we headed for Pacha to catch Paul Oakenfold, who proved to be much better than his flop performance at Roxy. However, we were still not too impressed cause all night long he kept on playing all these remixed old trance tracks like "Under the Water" and "Mercury and Solace". It was good after one or two . . . or maybe three but all night? Come on, Paul, is that all you got? And you're suppose to be the highest paid DJ? As for the club . . . if any of you are planning to go to Ibiza then save your money and DON'T go to Pacha. The club is so bad that it's capable of ruining your roll all by its self. I felt like I was in a Mexican restaurant and not a club. The dance floor was this tiny square area in the middle of the club and they had hundreds of tables and seats with 30+ waiters and waitresses that hounded you to buy a drink if you sat down. Drinks were ½ the size of a NY drink at $10 - $15 per pop and their water (½ the size of NY bottles) were $8 per pop. The thing that got me the most was how they were serving everything including the water bottle in glass!! We kept on hearing glass shattering ALL night long. And don't get me started with the sound. It's a club that you can definitely do without. Trust me! frown.gif

Wednesday night we went to Club Eden for Gatecrasher. This was the first time I had ever heard Sister Bliss spin and I was amazed at what a great job that lil' blonde girl did. She started the whole vibe of the night and kept it going. In my opinion she blew the other DJs (Scott Bond and John Kelly) out of the water. She spun a mixture of tech-house and trance. I danced the most during her set. I wasn't too impressed with John Kelly. He kept on playing all these disco tracks. I couldn't get into it. Scott Bond brought it home through with a mixture of hard trance and house. It was overall a okay night. As for the club . . they had some amazing laser light shows that kept on going all night long and the club had more than enough room to dance. It was the only the club where I felt I could bounce around all night and bump into anybody's elbow or step on anyone's toes. My only complaint was that it had NO seats or no area to chill out. I mean this club had not ONE single chair or sofa. It was kinda weird.

Thursday night . . .our last night on the island . . . we headed for Amnesia for none other than PVD, Seb Fontaine and Guy Orandell. This is was the first time I had ever heard Seb or Guy spin and they amazed me beyond belief. Seb's set was beyond words. Both Seb and Guy spun a lot of trance with a tiny touch of tech-house, and it was refreshing cause we heard a lot of hard music all week long. I am a true PVD fan as many of you already know and I had imagined that Paul would spin like he does in Twilo if not better . . . well, he sure made me eat my words. Paul's ego in Europe definitely showed in Ibiza. The Europeans are so smitten by him that he doesn't give half the effort that he gives in Twilo. I was a bit disappointed with his mixing in Ibiza and to make matters worse he even messed up once!! I mean he actually skipped a beat!!! YOU SEE!! He is a man after all!! Hehehe. All I can say is that I'm happy I'm in New York where PVD always gives 110% of himself. As for the club, it was probably (in my opinion) the best club. Sound wise and set-up wise. The sound quality was the closest to Twilo but no cigar. There were was huge connecting area where you could go to chill out . . the only downside was that they were playing so freaky disco music. The Europeans seem to be really into that 70s' look and music. Whatever floats your boat!

My overall impression of Ibiza is that their clubs are definitely pretty (I'll give them that) but they have to seriously work on improving their sounds. Perhaps I'm spoiled by Twilo's sound cause none of their clubs impressed me in that area. Also, I've realized that Europeans . . . just can't dance. I'm sorry if I offended anybody, but New Yorkers just kick ass when it comes to dancing. We (New Yorkers) definitely know how to appreciate our music. We don't just stand there crowding the dance floor staring at the DJ while raising our hands in the air for 8 hours. No we definitely know how to feel our music. When I go to a club here, I'm forever observing other dancers with their own unique moves, learning and implementing it to my own. But while in Ibiza . . .well one thing I realized is that they really don't believe in interaction while dancing. They just don't interact at all. I had a fabulous time in Ibiza and definitely would go back next year perhaps for the closing parties, but there still is no place like home or more like New York!

I'll see you guys in Twilo this Friday for PVD!! I heard that it's gonna be $40 at the door and $30 with a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guest list</A> , so make sure you're on a list. See ya!! biggrin.gif



"No one will ever win the battle of the sexes;

there's too much fraternizing with the enemy."

- Henry Kissinger

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Sasha was back to his old self a couple weeks back. You guys missed one of hsi best sets ever. I've heard him around 20 times now in addition to a number of live recorded sets and from 7-10 am june 2000 will stand out for a loooong time

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Hiya B2B!!!! biggrin.gif

Nooo . . .I didn't slack off I swear!! I was having too much fun roaming around Bora Bora, Cafe Del Mar, Savannah, and Mambo. I even tried your famous Savannah salad!! It was really good. I was hooked on that and Mambo's pasta dishes. biggrin.gif

Also, I had to take a day or two and do the tourist thing. tongue.gif

I didn't get to Es Paradis, unfortunately. I know Clockwork Orange was there Saturday night, but we met up with JohnB that night and I sorta got drunk. hehe. Too much RedBull and Vodka.

There's always next year, right?? Remember the closing parties?? Looking forward to it!

After all is said and done, the island most certainly did not disappoint me. eek.gif



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

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Yea I heard about how he went off for the last two hours in his last set at Twilo. But I'm talking about that type of energy for 8 hours. eek.gif

Amazing . . . that's all I can say.



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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Yeh it does help if you go a little earlier or later it makes a big differance as to the clientel... and the dancing icon12.gif

Yeh Privelege is well worth a visit but @ this time of a year it will be full of drunk kids. But if you get there for the closing parties it's very good.

Did you go to cafe del mar or get from Mambo? And how about the quality better or worse than you used to?

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B2B, as to the quality of the stuff . . . I have say that I was not all that impressed. There were too many downers and not enough uppers. We did have ONE really good one thanks to johnb (MUAH).



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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Nolimit, closing parties next year? Wouldn't miss it for the world!! And I'm always up to tearing a new ass in new places. eek.gif

B2B, as for Pacha . . . yea, they were refusing entrance to all the "Crasher Kids" so Gatecrasher changed their venue to Eden. It's a good thing anyway cause the Crasher Kids would of torn Pacha into two. That place is too restaurant like to be a club. What the hype is all about . . . I don't know. confused.gif

ultracrzy, no prob! I suggest that EVERYONE go to Ibiza at least once!! It's a wild and crazy place . . . a hidden treasure. I promise if you go at least once, you'll definately want to go again. That's a gaurantee!!



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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BlueAngle whatch out cause your coung to have a different impression of Pacha as of September next year and probably everything you have seen.

All those drunk kids arn't arround in as bigger number in September and the clubs are different. Wait and see, but Pacha is a truely great club, did you find the second room in Pacha and Amnesia?

So numbers anybody interested in the closing paryies (only serious people please (no red necks icon11.gif )) lets get some number together so we can book a big enough villa.

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Yes, I found the second room at Pacha but I didn't like the music they were playing in there. I liked the terrace . . . very nice place to chill out but seriously, B2B, Pacha is a restaurant not a club.

You can count me in for next year's closing parties. Definately!



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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What did u think of the food? I'm not too crazy about it. They serve mayonaise with the bread.

The seafood is fresh but getting a burger there is the worst!

Did u take any pics? I bet u came back with a phat tan...

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Yea, the food was a bit out of wack. I went to this one place for breakfast and all they had were eggs with beans, french fries and a 3" thick bacon . . . drenched in oil. Ewwwwww . . . .

I stayed with the salad at Savannah and pasta dishes at Mambo.

We took like five rolls of film . . . sneaked the camera into space, amnesia and eden. As for the tan . . . HELL YEA!! I made sure I came back as brown as brown will take me. hehe.

If you come to PVD at Twilo this Friday . . I'll be the asian chickie with the golden tan!



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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Keebler, on the day you go to Space stay in Ibiza town and enjoy the beaches AND Bora Bora. There are many restaurants along the beach strip or you can always go and grab a big mac or KFC (can't get cheaper than that). However, when you go to Es Paradis or Amnesia . . . venture out to San Antonio and go to Cafe Savannah and have their salad in the basket (it really is very good) or to Cafe Mambo for their pasta dishes.

Nolimit, if you see an asian gal with a black dude . . . than that's me and my bf. Say hi!! Hope to see ya there. wink.gif



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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Keebler, on the day you go to Space stay in Ibiza town and enjoy the beaches AND Bora Bora. There are many restaurants along the beach strip or you can always go and grab a big mac or KFC (can't get cheaper than that). However, when you go to Es Paradis or Amnesia . . . venture out to San Antonio and go to Cafe Savannah and have their salad in the basket (it really is very good) or to Cafe Mambo for their pasta dishes.

Nolimit, if you see an asian gal with a black dude . . . than that's me and my bf. Say hi!! Hope to see ya there. wink.gif



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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