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just wondering...

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Well I usually take 500-600 candies from my stash. Cut off a rock of C... bag up some crack and put it all under my scrotal regions. I will stop by the local schools at get rid of some of the crack before heading out and selling the rest in the clubs.

If you dont beleive me come see @ 700 North LaSalle, Chicago. icon6.gif

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i usually empty out a chapstick (using other unlabled containers doesnt usually work... for some reason the labeled chapstick container never gets opened) ... fill it with a couple of hits and either just carry it in or put it in my hair when i put my hair up. but thats a benefit of being a girl.



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i always put it in a little plastic bag and hide it in my underwear. or sometimes if i wear socks i'll put it there





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Well if you're not a crackhead and you only need one hit, take it before you get into the club. Then there's nothing to find and nothing for the club to possibly get blamed for letting slip by.

Let's try to be a bit more responsible in our consumption of illicit substances (kind of an oxymoron, i know), that way the powers that be will have less ammunition with which to fire.

Cheers... biggrin.gif

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I usually take out a battery from my beeper and put a couple of hits inside. jars could be tricky, but the underwear trick usually works. I don't think they can make you pull out anything from your underwear (hahahha) unless they take you to the precint. they won't let you inside the club though.

Does anyobody else feels sooooo damn good when getting searched knowing that you don't have anythinng on you.>?

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The last time I was at Twilo, the rolls we bought were pretty lame. I took two and was fine, but my friend wasn't feeling anything. She asked me if I could get more, and a second or two before, some dude at the bottom of the stairs offered some. So I told her to hold on while I checked it out. I went back over to him, asked if he was selling, and what rolls he had. He said he had Mitsubishis and X-Files. I should have known something was up as they're the two most "high profile" types, but I pressed on. I told him to hold on and I had a friend who wanted some. I walked up the stairs and started talking to my other two friends. Sure enough, security walks up the stairs and pulls me aside. I slipped the pack of cigs with a j in it out of my pocket before going outside. He pats me down and looks through my crap, and finds nothing. When he was done, I asked him why I had to do that. His response was, "You were pointed out by an individual."

My question is this, any tips for avoiding narcs at clubs? What do they wear/look like? Is there something that a real dealer will have that will tip me off? Also, is acid attainable in clubs? I can't find it anywhere at home, so I figure maybe at club. Peace.

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A few weeks ago when I was at Twilo, a friend of mine was looking for pills and acid. He had no luck in acid. But...He wanted to look for pills too but he was advised no to look 'cause security is pretty tight at the club and he'll get thrown out. Luckily he was smart enough to give up. To me, it's not worth it anymore. cool.gif


Are you feeling it???

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This was approximately a year ago, when my friend fogot to hide 3 hits that were inside his pocket when we were standing inlne to get into Twilo. so the security without making any unnesessary noise told him that if he wants to go inside he was gonna keep his pills.

Have a good trip!!!

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Thanks to everyone for participating in this survey, it was very helpful. My colleagues and I have noted all of your little "secret" hiding spots which will prove helpful for us in the future!



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Originally posted by muthaload:

I remember a few times I took pills before I walked in and I ended up rolling in line. Thats a bitch.

yup, I used to do that too ...not anymore though ...I could wait to get hit inside the club



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I was with a friend and we were in line at the Tunnel. It was out first time there and my buddy was all nervous. He had a ton of Vitamine-C pills in his undies and they started falling out of his pants. I was standing behind him and it was the funniest sight. Pills all over the floor. He was about 2 people from the bouncer and he is stomping on pills left and right. Every time he steps on some, some more fall out. I was just flat out pissing my pants. It was a great way to break the ice.

The same guy was at EXIT and had V-C in his wallet. The bouncer ask him what they were and he just flat out shits himself. He is trying to tell the guy they are Vitamines but the bouncer wants nothing to do with that. He is telling my friend to stand still he has to get someone else. Next thing I see, my buddie grabs his wallet and bolts in to the club. Another interesting beginning to a great evening.

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