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In 20 years what would you tell your children about drugs?

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Dude, most of us will probably stop all thisd nasty shit we put into our bodies at some point....at which, dreadfully we might start families and do family things, what an awful thought...could you imagine staying home on fridays and saturdays to watch the kids and watch movies or something..i cant..at this point, in 20 years i think it would be best to keep my mouth shut and hope the kids turn out better than i did...

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I think vj604 said it best . . . just keep your mouth shut and pray that your kids come out better than you. BUT if my child was to come to me curious about drugs . . . I would not try to supress his/her curiousity cause that would just make them MORe curious. Instead, I would do my best to try to educate them in what the drugs do and what the harms are THEN I'll just pray that I brought them up right and that they make the right decisions themselves. That the best that we can do, right?



"The certain proof that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe

is that no one has bothered to make contact with us."

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what? i have kids and i do mad drugs. i even bring drugs back for them sometimes. it is good for their developing bones. besides kids are doing ecstacy by the time they are 9 these days. wouldn't you rather them be at home doing drugs than at some strange place. i mean my kids love it at home, because i get them all fucked up. thier friends are like lets go to a mmovie or the mall. and thier like "NO WAY!", i dont wanna do those bad things!! why would i when i can get fucked up with my family at home. so i guess what i am saying is that it is definately cool to tell your kids that you did drugs because your being honest with yourself and your being honest with them. i mean so what if your kid wants to smoke crack or do a couple lines every here and there. you still love them right, and they'll love you for it also.



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i was kinda joking when you say keep your mouth shut and pray...

its not entirely true, most of the things i did , and im only 181 remember, came from curiousity....like i said in my other post im indian, indian ways or raising children are weird, and though my parents are educated and very smart and successfull, they strayed away from talking about any of the things that i shouldnt do until it was too late. IF you wanna hear it, sex is something they never said a word about, hence, when the opportunity came to try it, i did. alcohol, whci h probably led to the sex, was never talked about until a bout a month ago when they talked about me goin away to college....same goes for drugs, tehy still havent said a word about drugs to me...education is important and actually telling your kids what the drugs will do would be better. dont act like your 16 and tlaking to your friends like, "oh man, e makes you feel soooo good" cuz your kids will take that as encouragement. Also, you have to allow them the freedom to choose....dont restrict their thinking by doing what you want them to do....

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Sperm is generated new everyday so there is nothing to worry about for guys as long as teh pogostick doesn't fall off. Girls are born with all the eggs they are ever gonna have so its a lil diff.

My kids and drugs? My kids are gonna be so mentally fucked the way I plan on rading them that cops and dealers alike will be freaked out by them.

As my gf and I were going to the car after a party in philly sat nite she started screaming at some flyer monkeys trying to to put the mini murals on the car. "You guys are sellout, what do those flyers represent!?" "Um, it's pretty cool artwork," said one of them as he was scrambling to escape her wrath. Totally related, I know.

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well i want to have kids one day, and regardless i think at some point id love to club with my kids, i think it'd be a great experience bonding and all that shit, lol...but i would educate my children on drugs, talking about it is the first step obviously...and its not the easiest thing to talk about and its something that people don't wanna talk about if they do it without your knowledge...kinda like a situation i just had with my younger brother and finding out he dropped e, so we talked about its not that hard, if you care about your family, and you are always there, things will go right...it's just being close to people to be able to support them...knowing about what your doing before you do it is key...

that was a load of babble im eating lunch...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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I'm hoping to be a cool mother who discusses everything with her children. I wouldn't want them to use anything, of course, but I hope they are comfortable enough to be able to come to me if they choose to experiment.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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I'm with Jolie. It's a tightrope situation.

I do want to have kids some day...though if you'd asked me when I was 20 or 21 I would have said NO WAY.

I think my parents did a pretty good job. They never tried to drill any dogma into my head. At the same time, they made it clear that they considered it harmful, that they didn't use, and that they didn't approve. I also quickly picked up on the fact that my mom was a lot more tolerant than my dad...that I could sort of talk to her about it, but never him. I think I ended up not fearing drugs, but having a healthy respect for them. Yes they are fun, but yes they DO take their toll on your body. There's only so much you can take, know your limit, etc.

My mom knows I party...I wouldn't say she approves, but she also knows it's a once-in-a-while kind of thing. Which it is.

I think I would raise my kids the same way I was raised - would try to make them aware of the dangers. But you can't ever tell a child "Don't do this - OR ELSE!!!!" because then they will straight away go and do it....

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Guest ally

I was just having this convo yesterday...

I'd tell them the truth. I think a big reason that kids do drugs is because they were told that drugs are bad and that they don't feel good and they're wrong, etc.

So, when they do experiment with them (which most do, even just once), they see that they like how they feel and don't see anything wrong with them, and that they like the whole "altered state of mind". If we just told them the truth (that they do feel good and they'll make you feel different), they won't be surprised at all. I think that's a big reason kids do drugs and like them...because their whole life people were telling them they were bad so when they tried it, they were like, "What were talking about...I love this...they must've been on different things back then and they don't know what this is like".

Reverse psychology. Also, telling them how they really make you feel, might make your kids trust you a lot more because they'll see that we were right. A little less rebellion because we're not telling them to not do them. Just my opinion. Honesty.

smile.gif Ally

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I have a six yr old son and seeing how young kids are starting to use drugs nowadays is pretty scary. I know I'm not going to volunteer anything to him that he shouldn't know about me until he's old enough but I'm going to do my best to educate him on drugs. There are going to be things that he's not going to tell me or he's gonna be afraid to tell me and that's what scares the hell out of me. I wanna be "the cool mom" but at the same time I have to be the disciplinarian. It's a touchy subject because you have to be very careful with what you say to kids.


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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

well i want to have kids one day, and regardless i think at some point id love to club with my kids, i think it'd be a great experience bonding and all that shit, lol...but i would educate my children on drugs, talking about it is the first step obviously...and its not the easiest thing to talk about and its something that people don't wanna talk about if they do it without your knowledge...kinda like a situation i just had with my younger brother and finding out he dropped e, so we talked about its not that hard, if you care about your family, and you are always there, things will go right...it's just being close to people to be able to support them...knowing about what your doing before you do it is key...

that was a load of babble im eating lunch...





more fun than 4 hookers and an 8-ball of coke

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