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Clubbing Friends

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Damn.. I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.. All my friends are die hard clubbers.. They will never miss a weekend.. Pathetic right??

Just about all the people I met from here, are kool kats too.. If you got no one to party with, hook up with some Clubnyc people..

FYI, watch out for those KOP kids.. ( Mac, Ali, Crystalmethod ) They will convince you into going to Vinyl with them, then they will beat you silly in the bathroom while Danny takes a leak on you.. THEN Mac will make you listen to his remix of Better Off Alone for the remainder of the evening.. smile.gif


Hit My Damn Music...

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I do hope you are joking Tranza biggrin.gif

LoL. I love clubbing....I'm trying to get a group of people to go together and roll......thats where the fun is biggrin.gif

This Friday I'm going to Exit to have a most crazy time.....anyone else going?


~*Your mind will follow*~

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Raver_Mania............I ended up not going to a club. It was a very boring Friday night =(. I just went out to dinner with friends and then went to a cafe for a bit . I was very upset. I heard that PVD was good though


It takes a minute to like someone, an hour to get to know someone, a month to love someone, but it takes a life time to get over someone.


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ok all friendless lonely boys and girls, how bout we all get togethere sometime. next fri at twilos is prolly not a good idea. you're lucky if you can see yourself inthere letalong meetup with a bunch of other people. i dont know why it gets like that in there the last friday of the month? must be the full moon or something wink.gif


deez nuts

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Aright that's it Doug...first off you WHORELIEST OF WHORES it's the K.O.P Project a.k.a Your master's...2nd It's the Ali "Drama" G, Mac "Da Mizzac" C, and a secret Draq Queen doing the Diva Vocals...About the the bathroom stall thing, you might want to talk to CrystalMethod about his experiences in the Stalls, I'm not too familiar with the bathroom it's usually a quick 2.5 seconds I'd rather piss on myself than in there...The Ali G can go more in depth about pissing on oneself...

I Like to party with friends, but like this past weekend, everyone left and I was there til close, only danny, his manager and 2 other people were there, then after bsing i went home and got breakfast...it's also good cause i know most of the people at vinyl...anyhow...if anyone is coming to vinyl lemme know...I'll be sure to show you all about what Tranza mean's...

P.S My Mix Of Better Off Alone, Will be available on I LEARNED FROM THE WACK RECORDS COMING THIS MONTH...




"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong


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Originally posted by Randy:

A problem I have with club/rave/night friends is that is all we ever talk about. The friendships usualy have as much depth as the music and dancing at hand. Talking about the scene gets old. Oh well, its nice to have the diversity, I just wish it was possible to know friends at clubs more than jsut club friends.

Anyone get what I'm saying?

I know what exactly you are saying. I have friends who aren't into the club or rave scene. They've been friends of mine a long time and they know I'm into the scene. They're cool with that. I used to have friends who were into the club scene but we lost touch. Most have moved, rehab, or just plain disappeared. I just got back into the club scene a few weeks back to see Sasha & Digweed. First time in a year. Then I have friends who are just into raves. I rarely talk or hang with them anymore 'cause all we do is just go to raves, remember past drug experiences and not do anything else.Its cool up to a point. Plus they fallen into the area where they jusy go to party for the drugs and not the music anymore. I just couldn't deal with that. Also the rave scene had gotten pretty bad. Too mainstream. So now, I'm getting slowly back into the club scene and I missed it. Better and friendy vibes. Plus awesome music too. The perfect drug smile.gif

p.s.- Hey Calyandra, I like your quote. I thought I ws the only one who listened to Placebo cool.gif


Are you feeling it???

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A problem I have with club/rave/night friends is that is all we ever talk about. The friendships usualy have as much depth as the music and dancing at hand. Talking about the scene gets old. Oh well, its nice to have the diversity, I just wish it was possible to know friends at clubs more than jsut club friends.

Anyone get what I'm saying?

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I actually went out by myself this weekend too.....Shannah replied to my "geriatrics" post and her story is a lot like mine...friends aren't into clubs/raves. Particularly when you get into yer mid-20's. My roommate was gonna go and then, no, she ate a big dinner and rented a video instead. FUCK THAT!!!! I went out till 5 all by myself and had a blast. I wanted to stay till the end but don't always have the stamina anymore....sigh....anyway I was dancing like it was 1997 and that is waht counts.

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actually tho randy i do get what you are saying. Particularly when you FIRST meet the people. Most of my party friends are in DC and never moved, and so since we've known each other so long, now we talk about our daytime lives because we are no longer new in the scene...however i still do end up talking with new acquaintances about it A BIT TOO MUCH. It's fun to talk about but I also like to mix it up. Not to sound like a 12-step program, but try bringing up a new topic with someone you meet that you're getting to be friends with. If they can't sustain a conversation on something other than drugs' dj's songs or funny "remember when's" you may not want to be friends with them.

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Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm fine with not being friends with people. Good aquaintances are fine. I've been going out for almsot 2 years now (Forgive me, I'm not from the area) and have met score of people from this site and in general.

I think its all jsut part of what the scene has to offer. People come to get away from their work/school week and soak up some music. Fridays I have little time to talk with people and no time to say anything in depth. New York is jsut a busy city.

It may also be a defensive action for everyone to keep "control" over their identities. Club friends, school friends, work friends, hobby friends, etc. Getting time to hang out when not in that setting is difficult and to make the most out of each setting we all might just have to put ourselves and everyone else in different mental zones. Hanging out with someone you only hang out with in a club and trying to discuss the upcoming presidential election is not an automatic process. Removing the club and putting yourselves in a park or a more chilled out atmosphere would be better.

Where the fuck am I goign with all of this? Damn, I need some food. Lasagne I come. I could come for lasagne (my gf is incredible in the kitchen), but out of decncy, I will not come on lasagne.

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Hey everybody! For the longest time now I've had this very same problem...my friends are just not into clubbing at all. I on the other hand sooo look forward to the weekends! I met one gal through raveworld.net and now i have 1 friend to club with. And we've actually become very good friends. But there's always room for more!! I am PartyPatrolDiva@aol.com for all those who want to hook up with a par-tay grrrl =D

I have an idea! I think a great place for all of us who are looking to expand our circles of friends to meet up is at the Body and Soul event at Summer Stage in Central Park. We would actually be able to talk to eachother and hang out while we party. What do you all think?

Cheers... smile.gif

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I'm going to see Lamb next month at the summer stage....but I think we should all go go to a club together...that would be fun.. smile.gif


Virgo Gues+list

Exit Fridays


~*A friend in needs a friend indeed a friend with weed (or E) is better*~

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Well I'm biased because I get into Exit for free but I'd like to check out Twilo or Vinyl...I also heard Ohm is pretty good....


Virgo Gues+list

Exit Fridays


~*A friend in needs a friend indeed a friend with weed (or E) is better*~

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I'm down to meet up @ Vinyl. Go to my post under ClubNYC meet up @ vinyl and post there so others who haven't been looking at this thread can join up as well. I can't wait to see you all there. And if you want, drop me an email to get more info.


Keep it movin'!



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I'd like to make it to this gathering, but if you guys go to Vinyl, I'll have to skip it. I've been looking forward to this S&D night for a long time, plus I have friends from DC and North Carolina joining me for just this. Maybe next time?

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