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BT review

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I guess I'll be the first one to tell my review smile.gif

I got there as they were letting everyone in. LiquidTodd started spinning. He didn't do anything for me. I couldn' tfeel it. What surprised me that DJ Rap was spinning that night too. I was glad 'cause I saw a while back at Supreme Beings in CT. She kicked ass there. I don't what happened tonight. Maybe it was because they gave her a small amount of time or what. She cranked out of couple tunes that i knew that got me grooving, but it wasn't really her night. Then BT came on. DAMN he was great!!! He did all of my favs, Godspeed, Mercury & Solace, Dreaming, Flaming June, goddamn he was good!! That was cool he played Never come back down. I love that song, stupid lyrics but it's damn cool. Was that M. Doughty with the busted mic?? Was it working? Hehe poor guy biggrin.gif

The crowd was fairly mixed. A couple of ravers that i knew were there, and some club kids. Was it me or did you also see guys that looked like bikers? I didn't know they were into trance? Usually their into their harleys and listening to the Allman Brothers. One beef I had. I wish it went on longer, 11:30, c'mon. Too early. At least one more hour would've been nice.

Overall I had a blast.

Hmmmmm......next, Sasha & Digweed at Twilo this Friday,

Dave Seaman & Anthony Pappa next friday,

Christopher Lawrence Aug. 12th

PVD Sept. 8th.

Damn I'm gonna be broke eek.gif



Are you feeling it???


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I didn't think I could make it to BT, but I did, and it was well worth it! I love DJs that get into their work and get all sweaty and feed off the vibe of the crowd. I could see why BT is a "performer"; his show was incredible! For those that don't know, he doesn't just stand there and spin, he's got all his equipment out there, playing the synthesizer and everything.

I love "Dreaming"; and I was happy to see that there were many people in the crowd that were familiar with his tunes. It was definitely an eclectic crowd; ravers (with no jobs or something, b/c they were bumpin), the biker guys, college kids, parents, 20 somethings, kiddies, etc.

I was keeping my eye out for some ClubNyC people; I did see some kid with a visor on and was really tall, as someone described themself as; but anyway, I was the Asian girl in a teal tanktop dancin her ass off. wink.gif

For those that didn't make it, you missed a GREAT show; BT will definitely rise to the likings of his British colleagues. smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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I had a great time too, although I wish he played longer as well. I also was praying he would play "Loving You More"..and the full length version of Remember.....oh well..

I do think BT needs to cut down a bit on the hair gel though... wink.gif

Getting to hear DJ Rap was a nice surprise..

It was very nice meeting crossymaster and crystalmethod...



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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Jilly, what am I, chopped liver?

AH yes, a very fine night. A few clarifications. BT is from bumblefuck maryland and is respected by people in the UK. It's us dumbass americans that generally don't accept the music. The lsit of american exports is very long. Also, he's always been an artist and performer and has always been anti dj for himself. Last night was a concert.

You know what sucks, wearing new shoes and walking from 6th av and 9th to the venue and getting nasty blisters on the heels of both feet. Err.

Good to meet up and a lovely time. I was the tall skinny dude wearing an aqua adidas shirt going nuts in the front. I think i managed to bump into everyone in the venue with my flailing arms

Weird point? As I was leaving I found a large heel froma womens shoe. Thats right ladies, dance those suckers off!

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Randy..you are def not chopped liver..

I was just mentioning the people I had met for the first time...

Actually..I'm proud of you..you didn't ask me what time it was even once...



Music is the answer...to your problems...:)...smoknjilly@aol.com

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BT is highly respected by the people over in the UK (or so it seems)); every trance DJ there has something from BT on there album.. PvD i know uses plenty of BT's songs...

so you would think that since BT is from DC, he would get more love here, you know?

go figure. and randy, i think i might have seen you in the front, i was up in that area also, standing behind this weird guy that looked the guy from that old fox show, "get a life". smile.gif



*turn it around baby*

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That guy was there? Hehe. I was surrounded by a few friends. Couple asian pals in cak and a guy with a chik werain a red shirt in front. I was right next to the orange glowsticks. If ya rem my possible face, say hi at twil osometime.

Jilly, am I really that bad with the time? You lucked out i guess, cuz I was still asking everyone else

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I was looking forward to this show for the last several months and BT turned out a great set. I think he did his greatest hits - Flaming June, Godspeed, Believer, Dreaming were all delivered with a lot of energy.

I was exhausted from an all nighter the previous day (unfortunately, work) and was in the mood to just soak up all the happy energy. In this regard, the crowd was perfect - a somewhat older mix of students, ravers, club kids, and more professional types. Everyone seemed to be there for artistic appreciation and not just to get messed up.

BT really know how to work a crowd! Anyone who says he's strictly a producer and can't perform live should have been there last night. cool.gif

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hey, that's cool, i actually remember seeing some of you guys.

i was the guy up front on the balcony in a white shirt, baggy blue vinyl pants, with the super-bright green photons. those things rock wink.gif


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DJ rap was definately a sweet surprise. BT was awesome too. I had a blast. It was cool seeing a lot of you from clubnyc. Even after the show I saw a couple of people that recognized me because of my visor description. Definately had a great time overall smile.gif

Jill, it was nice meetin' you too. I'm lookin' forward to seein' you and your hot bod again in the future sometime biggrin.gif

CM, we'll def. have to hit Vinyl sometime.



If a man does not keep pace with his companions,

perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.

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