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My defense for Freedom abuse comment


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Lets agree to dis-agree on this issue. Just because you are free to say what you want.. doesnt make hurting people,decieving people or otherwise ,Righht. You opinions are your own and you are free to speak and defend them,However IMO, How you choose to do this deserves some thought. I can disagree w/ how you feel w/out attacking you personally. Its just a commentary on people being respectful and Kind to one another...Sorry if that point of veiw insnt as highly regarded as people's RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY,I TRY in

my life to be resectful, notice the word TRY, Im not always successful but I see that as a fault of mine..not my right. thought we were supposed to aim for exellence.


[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

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I have come to accept everything that is bad to be natural. You can't have good without the bad, right? So, as much as their are people in this world AND in this board that like to criticize, insult, poke and make fun of people there are also those who come onto this board to share experiences and information with one another in a civilize way.

The secret is to not let lesser get the better of you. It's all good until you give them the time and make them important. So don't . . . give them time, I mean. wink.gif



"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we wait so long to begin it."

- W.M. Lewis angel.gif

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Originally posted by voice:

Lets agree to dis-agree on this issue. Just because you are free to say what you want.. doesnt make hurting people,decieving people or otherwise ,Righht. You opinions are your own and you are free to speak and defend them,However IMO, How you choose to do this deserves some thought. I can disagree w/ how you feel w/out attacking you personally. Its just a commentary on people being respectful and Kind to one another...Sorry if that point of veiw insnt as highly regarded as people's RIGHT TO SPEAK FREELY,I TRY in

my life to be resectful, notice the word TRY, Im not always successful but I see that as a fault of mine..not my right. thought we were supposed to aim for exellence.


[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

I agree with you ... it's not really abuse of freedom of speech ... it's just these people being assholes.

they just feel the need to constantly bash and be negative rather than consructively criticizing. I'm not saying it should never be done, but when every post about every Dj is negative it gets lame ... IMO

don't get flustered by these computer-geeks ... ooops was that negative - sorry smile.gif



there is an afterlife

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you come in here with a high and mighty attitude about nonindustry people having no right to critize dj's, and than you complain about abuse of freedom of speech. thats not oxymoronic, that plain moronic.

and dont play yourself cuz you know you love the drama.if you didnt you wouldnt have spent the whole day arguing this bullshit.


300 barrels of ether and 50 immigrants with fake visas...

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 09-05-2000).]

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Originally posted by p00h:

you come in here with a high and mighty attitude about nonindustry having no right to critize dj's, and than you complain about abuse of freedom of speech. thats not oxymoronic, that plain moronic.

LMAO - you talking about someone else being high and mighty ... now THAT's fuckin funny!

bro - you need to humble yourselve there poohboy



there is an afterlife

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Originally posted by rally2000:

LMAO - you talking about someone else being high and mighty ... now THAT's fuckin funny!

bro - you need to humble yourselve there poohboy

i dont go around stating my opinion is better that the next person's. i have negative opinions about things, but thats what they are, opinions. did you even hear me say you have no right to criticize something cuz you're not at the same level as me? i'm very opinionated but also respect other people's opinions, including yours...


300 barrels of ether and 50 immigrants with fake visas...

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Originally posted by p00h:

you come in here with a high and mighty attitude about nonindustry people having no right to critize dj's, and than you complain about abuse of freedom of speech. thats not oxymoronic, that plain moronic.

and dont play yourself cuz you know you love the drama.if you didnt you wouldnt have spent the whole day arguing this bullshit.

I am ALOT of things..Multifaceted actually as Im sure you are..However,NOT High and Mighty,not at all. Im sorry if who YOU are ALLOWS you to feel that that is my goal..Hence Youve Missed the Point. I am sorry,but High and mighty i most Definateley am NOT!! Please dont call me names,It hurts my feelings!xoxoPS I have the flu and am bored this is just breaking up the monatony(sp)You must dig the drama too..thanx for joining me,your input is greatly appreciatrd.

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by voice (edited 09-05-2000).]

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Originally posted by p00h:

i dont go around stating my opinion is better that the next person's. i have negative opinions about things, but thats what they are, opinions. did you even hear me say you have no right to criticize something cuz you're not at the same level as me? i'm very opinionated but also respect other people's opinions, including yours...

whatever you say bro ... you da man!



there is an afterlife

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You are club GOERS not music EXPERTS,your 20 dollar cover charge and chemically induced "open Mind" doesnt give you the expertise in the field. To say your somewhat disappointed in a set is fine but to say what you think club owners should do w/their money and comment on tracks DJs (artists alot of them) should play is a joke.Whos "Commercial"or "Underground" how commercial is whak and underground is cool/Chances are these individuals (cox,oakenfold PVD Tenaglia, Vasquezetc.) taught you everything YOU now Know about this scene.You APPEAR to have no concept of the road these guys have traveled to get to where they are.. Even djs like Peters Tsettos Baez Vicious.you guys have balls to stand where you are (HIGH and on the dance floor)to critique jack!Bashing Djs when alot of you have desk jobs and go out on the weekend Is that what this sight is for?..I mean thats the purpose of this sight? If so I think its CORNY as hell. I say

grab 2 decks and do better or keep the NEGATIVE comments to yourself

if thats not high and mighty i dont know what is, and sorry to hurt your feelings.

not only that you're bashing people ie>You are club GOERS not music EXPERTS,your 20 dollar cover charge and chemically induced "open Mind" doesnt give you the expertise in the field.

fuckin drama queens posing as people trying to eliminate drama. this shit isnt about jv getting dissed or freedom of speech, its about you, needing attention, i'm an artist...


300 barrels of ether and 50 immigrants with fake visas...

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 09-05-2000).]

[This message has been edited by p00h (edited 09-05-2000).]

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And the other thing that hasn't been mentioned.

If the industry and DJ's know what "good" music is why do they all disagree? Why does one DJ like a song and another not?

Why does one A&R guy leave a band/track and another take it?

Why because what's good and what's not are opinions, and because there is no right and wrong nobody (not even a DJ) can preach as to what is good and what is not.


If we should all be listening to what DJ's tell us are good, because we are not knowledgeable to know.... then the DJ becomes self publicizing when is the sense in that? If we always believe, because he has 10 years more experience and 100,000 more records then we never get to think for ourselves.

I don't agree with bashing, but I also don't agree with saying that the average punter shouldn't criticize what DJ's are playing either. Constructive criticism is the answer.

People who know music and love it would never say to anybody else "sorry you can't comment because you don't know enough".

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Just because you post something bashing someone else doesn't neccesarily make you a bad person, another thing is that very few DJ's actually read this board, or take any kind of notice of anything anyone says on here because there is so much bs, judy you have to remember that, out of the 25 people on here that may bitch and moan that there are going to be another 1000 who were really happy and pleased with the evening, you cannot please everyone as a DJ that will never happen...But I think DJ's take comfort in the fact that not everyone hates them, and this community is only a small percentage of people...I wanted to say more but Im exhausted and headed to the studio now...see you soon peete if your reading


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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