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I may catch S#$T for this but..Dont care


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That didn't exactly answer anything that I said to you, but whatever...Soprano is right, he can say that, if he isn't feeling the music he probably isn't having a good night, and he paid to get in so he's gonna complain...that's blatantly obvious...the point is...HE HAS THE RIGHT TO...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Of course, we have the right to criticize DJs. Hey, in this business we ARE the music conniseurs... a lot of club goers are also involved in some sort of DJing/producing. You say the DJ can play what they want, mix how they wish...ask yourself this...you really think they do that without give a rats ass about the crowd?? Who do you think pays for them? An anology..not right on target but close enough...you're an engineer specialized in a specific task...you don't do the task as well as you should have...upper management is not going to know how difficult that task was cuz they have no clue about technical details...all they see is the end result.

I agree with you in that criticism should be constructive and there should be no bashing, but what use is constructive criticism if that particular DJ is not there to read it. So, sometimes people vent their frustration and anger at what they think is a waste of $20 or $30 on messageboards such as this.

The way your initial post came across was that DJs/producers can do whatever they want, but us club-goers cannot say or do anything cuz we're not experts in the field??? IMO, thats total BS!


I was born in Twilo, I have lived in Twilo, and I shall... (lets not go there)

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more people than you think know who you are here...and I must say 'you' is one of my favorite tracks dt plays, but you dont have the right to tell all these people they know nothing and you everything. Many of us know "what djs are capable of" and me and many others, being huge dt fans (and dj's) know what that capability is. Does danny have off nights? Of course, we all do, but there is a difference between having an off night and and having different motives. Some people are in this business to make money, pure and simple. If a DJ like skribbles or whomever, wants to use dj'ing and producing as a vehicle to get rich...more power to them. But to get respect from the underground community who live 'for the music'...its not going to happen. Why would I respect someone who is still playing 'the tamperer' or zombie nation just to make sure their foot gets back in the door the next week.. I work hard constantly to find those obscure records and rare finds just for that rare opportunity (like I will have this friday at vinyl) to show people what the music is about from my point of view and to show them what I feel a dance experience should be. Even though many people here are not DJ's or in the business... but "pencilpusher"... I must say, I am by day, because until my dream of supporting myself as a DJ comes true, I have to put food on the table somehow. Anyway, I think this board needs less drama and this topic is one that I feel shouldnt be 'moderated' by anyone, whether they are 'in the business' or not. Eveyone has the right to speak out on who they like and dont like, no matter who they are. Thats what this board is for.



"Children, come together, in the spirit, OF HOUSE" -Aaron Carl

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A Dj doesnt suck and need DJ lessons Just because you dont Like them. That is my only point. The post was "Does anybody know WHYJohnny Vicious Sucked latley? And yes I got offended,Like how the hell would anybody on a club Message Board who doesnt spin, or isnt in the club industry Know that answer? For people to presume they can answer that regerding a djs skill by virtue of attending a nite club is unfair! Period. No hard feelings Im glad "YOU" works for you,but I would hope that if my next record doesnt do as well you dont say I suck as an Artist.

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Originally posted by ILL HOUSE YOU:

...Just remember next time you walk out of the movies or a restaurant and you say that movie sucked or that food wasn't good...and then you realise you've never made a movie or cooked in a restaurant, then think about this post and you'll see how ludicrous it sounds...

Well said...

I suck at Dj'ng but i am trying to improve and it isn't easy (but it is still fun). I can listen to a DJ's set and watch the crowd (and be a part of it) and feel the vibe and say "that was a fat set" or "that set wasn't gettin the crowd going too much"

Voice- you have some points - but like the people you are referring to, you are BASHING - everyone needs to take some deep breaths and relax..ahhh now we can say whatever we want without getting all worked up....

There is some knowledge about DJ's and their sets that only fans/patrons/crowds have. It's different than informed industry people, but it has its own validity - If a DJ can make 100 industry people think he/she is unique and great, but the other 3000 people at the club think it was too mellow, then (and I won;t say that DJ SUCKS) that DJ did not take those un-educated opinions into account. Maybe he/she should've, because the masses are the scene, the DJ's and producers only cater to them... (or try to lead them into changing sounds)

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Originally posted by voice:


A Dj doesnt suck and need DJ lessons Just because you dont Like them. That is my only point. The post was "Does anybody know WHYJohnny Vicious Sucked latley? And yes I got offended,Like how the hell would anybody on a club Message Board who doesnt spin, or isnt in the club industry Know that answer? For people to presume they can answer that regerding a djs skill by virtue of attending a nite club is unfair! Period. No hard feelings Im glad "YOU" works for you,but I would hope that if my next record doesnt do as well you dont say I suck as an Artist.

I didn't know you had to be in the industry or a DJ to know why somebody sucked?

There could be a lot of reasons and NONE to do with spinning records.

For the most part a DJ puts his/her own heart into a mix, and the mood they are in. I've been mad pissed walking into a gig, and it turned out to be the best night. I've had nights where I was saying "tonight is going to be awesome I'm in such a good mood" and then it sucked.

I've had nights where I couldn't hear a fucking thing in the monitors, I've had the owners barking at me during my set. I've had my grandfather in the hospital, I've had my telephone service shut off. I had a bad taxi ride, I ate bad food, I bumped into someone who I never wanted to see again, another DJ came to the club, and therefore I had to kick him out(oh wait, that one wasn't me) I had cramps, I'm working on a new song and the legal issues are killing me. I'm just not in the mood, I'm tired, I had a cold...do you get the picture?

Very little of this has to do with DJ'ing, except that place where the quartz was off on some piece-of-shit Gemini's...

There are many reasons, people want to know/state that Hey this DJ has sucked recently, WHY? does anyone know. THAT IS A PERSON ASKING A QUESTION, not trying to make an assumption, maybe someone on here knows JV and could give them an explanation.

Just my 3.14152739627 cents

but I could be wrong.




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Well said Adam, and of course, looking forward to this Friday smile.gif

Judy - Ask yourself this question, since you didn't reply to it before...Have you ever walked out of a restaurant and said you didn't like the food or that it sucked or out of the movies and said you didn't like the movie or it sucked...Then take into account you have never cooked in a restaurant and made a movie...If you answer yes, which is most likely going to be your answer, then you'll have disproved your point and your statement's will be hypocritical...I'm not trying to bash you here I'm just trying to point out that, if you are saying this about DJ's then it relates to all areas where people pay for something that includes receiving something from someone(people) where some sort of talent/skill is involved...I think it would be extremely hard for you to answer NO since everyone is displeased with restaurants at some point or another or dislikes a movie...

I think my earlier posts, point out why people have the right to say what they think...remember a lot of the bashings on here are just BS, and usually about DJ's whose status has already been established and will be unharmed by the comments made on this forum...This again is REALITY as you put it...




"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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Originally posted by schwingep:

Well I'm gonna tell all the DJ's how to improve their sets...

Add to you play lists

1. For An Angel

2. Zombie Nation

3. Binary Finary

If you're a DJ and you don't play these tracks every time you spin, then you SUCK as a DJ!!!


[ /B]

I respect your opinion but dude....you have brass balls posting that to this crowd lolol!!

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Originally posted by PFloyd40:

hey guy- last time i checked i was an expert on what i like. i could be wrong though rolleyes.gif

second- this is a public forum so i'm gonna say whatever the hell i want. if that means voicing my opinion or disgust w/ a certain dj's set then so be it.

Werd. Tho I've made it clear that I'm against dj bashing, unless they really deserve it...

Oh the drama!


All for fun and fun for all


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Originally posted by kimmr:

Originally posted by schwingep:

Well I'm gonna tell all the DJ's how to improve their sets...

Add to you play lists

1. For An Angel

2. Zombie Nation

3. Binary Finary

If you're a DJ and you don't play these tracks every time you spin, then you SUCK as a DJ!!!


[ /B]

I respect your opinion but dude....you have brass balls posting that to this crowd lolol!!

Everyone knows how fuckin great these tracks are, and also with Zombie Nation, you gotta cut the music after oh oh eh ah oh oh oh eh ah ah ah eh oh oh a oh...cut music so crowd can sing the last ah oh!!!

Now thats how a DJ works it bitch!!!!!!

And make sure all you DJ's hit the siren on every build up, that really gets the crowd going. If you want me to teach you how to mix like a pro, just send me a message!!!





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ill house you, thanks for the support. i have the righ to my own opinon. and im sorry voice i didnt ask my question in the politically correct way. what i meant to say is why hasnt jv performed to his standasrds?? is that better?? and dont give me shit about the vibe and the different crowds. just go in there and rock the place.


i only speak the truth


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Originally posted by voice:

You are club GOERS not music EXPERTS,your 20 dollar cover charge and chemically induced "open Mind" doesnt give you the expertise in the field.

First off, being a DJ and a producer working my way up doesn't give me the right to comment on another DJ/Producers skill, Freedom of Speech and something called Satisfaction give me the right...If I'm not liking the music at a club I have the right to tell people and this is a public forum, a.k.a a place where people talk...the same goes for production...Now as far as DJing being a hard job, just like athletes, DJ's do not have "real" jobs, it is doing something you love and being paid a good amt of $...There are plenty of people who work harder, trust me, I know because when I play I work on my sets, and it's nothing compared to a hard days work...And people have opinions and opions change...as far as drama and posts go, if you don't want drama, don't post topics like this that will get bashed...and no offense but I've seen you comment on nights before and music, your an artist but your a spectator just like everyone else...and as your above quote states, no offense but I've seen you "chemically induced" a few times at vinyl, so what gives you the right to comment? Sounds a little Hypocritical to me...


"Music is my mistress, and she plays second fiddle to no one." Louis Armstrong



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