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Best/Worst Door

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Originally posted by Addaboy1:

Paris is a walk in the park compared to FERNANDO! Damn asshole made a trip to Twilo a nightmare every damn time!

Hate that man!


yeah...Twilo can be tough....depends on who you are, though.....and who you're with.....seen tougher, though.....they can get kinda cruel down in Southbeach.....



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Originally posted by Addaboy1:

Paris is a walk in the park compared to FERNANDO! Damn asshole made a trip to Twilo a nightmare every damn time!

Hate that man!



I hear ya on Fernando. The first (and only) time I tried to go to Twilo he made me feel like a little insignificant nothing...I swear he ruined any fun I could ever have at that place. That was at least 2 yrs. ago & I never went back.


"Close your eyes & dance like no one is watching"

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i never had a problem with the door people. i agree that paris and fernando can be tough on some people, but hey, those people deserve it...trying to go into a club with a tank top and track pants (whatever!!!). i think paris is wayyy cool (i love bitches!!!) and fernando can be hilarious. he did blow up on us one night though, but hey i was trying to get into twilo on juniors night with 2 girls so i deserved it. i found the guy who does the door at cheetah (dont know his name) to be a really sweet guy...too nice if u ask me!!!!

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Originally posted by toxic:

He has done a bunch of clubs, right?

Yeah!! Bar's, Clubs, Resturant's, some big stores too I think. He is the fucking man and the best guy I know. And doesn't flaunt it (you would never know).


It's all in the music

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Originally posted by sparkem00:


I hear ya on Fernando. The first (and only) time I tried to go to Twilo he made me feel like a little insignificant nothing...I swear he ruined any fun I could ever have at that place. That was at least 2 yrs. ago & I never went back.

I don't know who Fernado is but the white guy at Twilo is always cool to me. smile.gif


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Originally posted by Addaboy1:

Paris is a walk in the park compared to FERNANDO! Damn asshole made a trip to Twilo a nightmare every damn time!

Hate that man!


I agree totally-he once pointed to my crotch and said sorry no pussy's tonight-I wanted to smack him, he probably would have cried!

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yes "she" was a man and had the operation. you never would of thought if someone hadn't said it though huh biggrin.gif



"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 09-07-2000).]

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Originally posted by trancenergy:

I don't know who Fernado is but the white guy at Twilo is always cool to me. smile.gif

The bitch doesn't work at Twilo anymore. Last I heard he's hosting at Roxy on Saturdays! Good riddance if you ask me. The guy there now is cool...just don't bring your girls too late!


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I once had a nice little conversation with Paris inside SF. She seemed very nice person, so I asked why she was such a bitch on a door (she gave my crew a shit load of trouble that night), she said something like this - "You try working in a place where every night thousands of fucked up people would kill to get in" Not exact words but I guess you catch my drift.

But as for the door people - NYC is not bad at all. South Beach is a motherfucker of a place to go - unless you got 3 girls to a guy. They are total assess there.



Dance f*ck dance

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I never had a problem w/Paris. A friend of mine didn't know she was a he previously and when we told him he said, "No shit, I would have done her"


A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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Originally posted by bxbomb:

Any good/bad experiences...Whos got the best overall door. All Paris bashing welcome!!

SF: I was wearing my Fila jacket and she told me that I Couldn't keep it on. so I took it off cause I had friends in there. Then she wouldn't let the guy I was with in with me so I jetted.


Good time had by all!!!

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All true!!!!!

Originally posted by amalkav:

I usually go to SF on Saturday night and I never had troubles with Paris. But I have a question... somebody told me recently that she actually is a man?? I would never believe it! Can somebody tell me the truth??


Good time had by all!!!

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Paris is a good door person if you ask me.. She trys her best to keep the trash out.. If you groom yourself, and dress nice, there is no reason to be turned away.. Large groups of guys is always a good reason to get dissed, especially if it's crowded inside.. If you think about it, SF is probably 60/40 guys to girls.. She just trys to keep it even between them both.. Only one time did Paris not want to let me in, because I was pretty drunk and I had left my id at home.. I understood why she didnt WANT to let me in.. I had no id.. But, lucky me, someone came out and got me inside.. smile.gif

I think Paris does an awesome job, and I hope she keeps the door tidy this winder..


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Guest crystalmethodny

Relax on Paris...

She does her job.

There are /far/ worse in door demeanor, ever try to go to Spa?


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Steve from Life runs the Door at Spa? I met him on a Saturday night. He seemed really nice. I don't know if it was because who I was with, but he went out of his way to introduce himself to me. That was pretty cool.


It's all in the music

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who were you with smile.gif

Originally posted by djchris:

Steve from Life runs the Door at Spa? I met him on a Saturday night. He seemed really nice. I don't know if it was because who I was with, but he went out of his way to introduce himself to me. That was pretty cool.


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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