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All the girls on this board are gonna hate me for this...

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

You might wanna charge and make a profit... I hear the going rate is 200 bucks an hour. Kidding, kidding...

Isn't that always the case. Women do that and they're called SLUTS. Men do it and we're called STUDS.

That's a popular misconception.

A slut's a slut, period. Male or female.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



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My thoughts on your correcting me. There are some cultures where a man is allowed to have multiple wives. In some of them if a woman is even suspect about thinking about another man other than her husband she can get stoned to death.

Here in the US females get more flak about it than guys ever will if at all, sexual harrassments not withstanding. Just ask any woman alive.

And to the main point. Before correcting me you shoulda looked up the meaning of slut and stud in your dictionary, but I'll tell ya to save you the trouble.

Slut means... A woman considered sexually promiscuous.

A stud means... A man regarded as virile and sexually active.

I'll let you guess which one of these two meanings is worse.

Originally posted by artful:

That's a popular misconception.

A slut's a slut, period. Male or female.


Dream a little dream...

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Originally posted by ezdreamer:

My thoughts on your correcting me. There are some cultures where a man is allowed to have multiple wives. In some of them if a woman is even suspect about thinking about another man other than her husband she can get stoned to death.

Here in the US females get more flak about it than guys ever will if at all, sexual harrassments not withstanding. Just ask any woman alive.

And to the main point. Before correcting me you shoulda looked up the meaning of slut and stud in your dictionary, but I'll tell ya to save you the trouble.

Slut means... A woman considered sexually promiscuous.

A stud means... A man regarded as virile and sexually active.

I'll let you guess which one of these two meanings is worse.

I'm going to refrain from any derrogatory remarks as I am a bit annoyed at how anal some people can be... The way that people speak in this country isn't as simple as you think, but will, in a gentleman-like fashion offer you the following:

You did not consider slang. In the world of slang, perhaps ebonics, if this "concept" is more to your liking, we refer to males and females as sluts, period. (No I ain't gonna go into what you have to do to be a slut)

Now... I will also illucidate you in this fashion:

I never imagined that I would have to go into the whole concept of this.. I thought that a few simple sentences would suffice and see that is no longer the case. Let's pretend, for a moment that someone is not hung up with "language" persay. Let us pretend that someone can see, what for lack of a better word, I will label a "concept"

And I have no intention of offending you, if that is to be the case... and I am trying to keep it to a minmum, and although I am about to use profanity, take comfort in the fact that it is not out of anger, but because I want to be concise here...

Who gives a flying fuck what the hell anyone else is doing in Africa or some shit.. We're posting in a New York post, generally the United States of America. That's number one.

Number two, the concept is simple to understand...

I'll make it extra special easy for you to grasp... picture the word slut as you tenaciously grip your mind to it; as refering to a woman...

Now this is revolutionary and I know it's gonna blow your mind, but get this one...

Presto... woman's gone.. we just put a man standing there, to take her place...

To be held in the same exact contempt, etc...

This is now a male slut.

To say one cannot call a male a slut is to say that I cannot call someone a bitch, regardless of sex---- obviously a bitch is a female dog.

You're sooo uptight though.... obviously...

I never corrected you... I didn't say.. "What the fuck are you talking about, you are soo fucking wrong!!"

I said that it was a popular misconception... I refrained from saying that you were in error and chose to use a general type of illustration... but you still chose to be, well the word anal comes to mind... uptight.. you get my gist.

You're the type of person that probably harps on someone for not using the correct word, or mis-spelling shit...

Me? I don't give a flying fuck... as long as you get your point across and we understand each other, it's enough for me.

Do we need to delve into the language... to see that a stud is also a reference to an animal? That this is a concept placed on male-gendered animals, ie: a breeding horse.

You can sit there and use a word like "stud" a reference to an animal that was, in a form of slang, later used to define men who sleep with a lot of woman, and then try to jump down my throat when I use the word slut in a more appropriate fashion?

Trying to educate me? Ha!! My logic is sound and well-based.

To think.... you thought you could just push me aside, that my intellect was inferior to your own small mind... now THAT offends me..


Oops changed my mind...

"I'll let you guess which one of these two meanings is worse."

Answer: Shut the fuck up.

Gonna stand there with the mentality of the masses, instead of the mind of an individual.

And I suppose I gotta diagram out what I just said just now in that last sentence as well, for your mind to grasp it.

I'm very good with the spoken word, little one, hence "Artful."

Here's a little research project for ya... do some research into an African culture where women are the dominant gender... yes I said women are the dominant gender.. where men parade around like little bitches to impress the women. And I want you to tell me how those women are judged in their sexual relations... and yes it does exist, but I ain't gonna give you the specs on it, cause that wouldn't help--- you can verify it yourself in your research.

In some cultures ""; bah.. give me a fucking break!!

This ain't the 1960's anymore... back then women's books on household economics used to tell women how they had to clean up the house before the husband got home, fetch his slippers and all that shit...

Dont' bring that bullshit over here.. this is 2000... sheesh... people used to use the "N" word too.

In Buddism/Taoism teachings of old it is in a man's best interest to conserve his essence and refrain from too much sexual activity... and women are looked upon as "studs" (bet you hate me using this word to describe women now) for having many sexual partners...

But like I said... oh to hell with it...

If I need to go into this shit any more than I already have, I'm just gonna drop the whole thing.... Think what you want.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



[This message has been edited by artful (edited 09-12-2000).]

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Artful, when you put it so eloquently long how can I argue. In fact you went so damn long with your note I couldn't finish it. Something about African cultures? I was thinking more of the Middle Eastern cultures, ah whatever, pointless cause I would get it wrong anyhow, but I know somewhere out there, I swear I read it someplace, National Geographic maybe, who cares? But I ain't about to research that much for a useless bit of trivia... see, dictionary was easier cause it's on my puter.

Slut, smut, shnut, getting a bit silly now so I'll stop.


Dream a little dream...

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