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Came home at like 2 in the morning I was fifteen years old at the time, and i decided to go watch tv, while i was rolling. so i am sitting there in front of the tv thinking it is on. when my mom comes in and asks whats so funny. i was like saturday night live is on. she goes to me the tv is off. i was like no its not, mom go back to bed. i realized when she said that that is was actually off. i am so glad i didnt get grounded



Four Simple Words To Live By....


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Well- I went to visit my father for Fathers day.

I thought I would be fine because I got home from the club early, but it was the first time I took a Sunshine and I was still rolling hard. So my brother and I were cooking breakfast for my dad, cook? I was seing double things were flying all over.


The smell made me sick. My mother wants me to sit down and eat with them. EAT YUK!! I begged my brother please please help me, get me out of this.

I knew my mother was getting suspicious-she wasn't an angel in her day.

So by brother saved me, eating my food when they weren't looking. He had by back the whole day anytime I found myself in a sticky situation. He is the best!


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I was coming home from Limelight. I was tripping my face off. It was like 5:30 I think. Me and my cousin pull up to my house and see my father walking the dog. i get out of the car when he askes me "where is the e-zpass?" So I stumble into the car again when he says, "Breann what are you on???" I denied it left and right. In the end he believed that I was drunk. Thank god. It is better than him thinking I was doing drugs.

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It's not that I never got caught . . . nope, nono.gif I just never did anything that would get me in trouble when it came to my past men.

As far as drugs . . . well, that's where I NEVER got caught! hehe. wacky.gif



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Oh can I ever tell you a story about my EX-ASSHOLE BOYFRIEND! Boy did he ever hear me rip him a new asshole after this night.

Well, he was supposed to come stay at the house with me because my parents left for the poconoes. I have a lasrge house and when alone it makes creepy noises so he was going to stay over and make sure I didnt freak out. Anyway, about 2 hours before he was going to come over, he asked me if he could go to Tunnel with his friends. Me being the bitch I am said no way! He knew all week he was supposed to stay with me and keep me comfy. And I was sick of him always breaking plans with me. It was going to be a nice night, just the 2 of us cuddling together watching movies. So, he calls me at say 8 and sayd, "Ill be there in 20 minutes babe". I got all happy, put a sexy little outfit on and waited for him to show up. 20 minutes later, No bf. I think, maybe he saw some friends...he always procrastinates. 45 Minutes, no BF. An hour, still no show. At this point Im getting suspicious. This is sooo his style to say hes coming and the drop me. I page one of the guys hes supposed to be with, NO CALL BAC. Page again about 40 minutes later, still no call. So here I am sitting all alone in this creepy house by myself worried sick. I call a friend of mine and tell him that I think the ASSHOLE went to Tunnel. I knew he did. I could tell he'd pull some crap on me!

So, my friend, who is also a cop, was willing to bring me there but I decided not to. He was a dumb boyfriend and would slip some how.

Well, I go to bed around4:30 with a 2x4 under the covers with me b/c of my own fear of being alone. Around 10AM, I feel my bed move. GUESS WHO?? The asshole ex-boyfriend. I sat up and waited to hear his bull sh*t story. You'll never guess what it was....

Kat, me and Eddie went to the Bronx to buy pot and we got arrested. I couldnt call you because they wouldnt let me use the phone until this morning....yea and having a brother in law for a lawyer and cops in the family, Im really gonna buy that one....They decided to let us go this morning though.

Hmm ok, what precinct were you at? Uhhh, I think he said the 27th and I did my research to find there was no 27th in the Bronx. So of course he goes, well I dont know. I then ask him wheres the slip they gave him for court or showing a release. They didnt give us one Kat. (uh huh)

I told him I knew he went to the Tunnel with the boyz. Did he fight with me about that remark. "No I didnt. Why would you think I would lie to you Kat.I love you and would never hurt you" (lmfao)

Well we scream and argue and I go downstairs. The hone rings. I hear him run to it and pick it up the same time. Its his boy, D. "Did she say anything to you?" No she dont know. "Good she wont figure it out" They hang up the phone and I go back upstairs now knowing he went for sure. I ask him again and he insists he didnt go. Well boy does he not know how to make sure he has nothing to show hes guilty on him. He sits on my bed with his boot up and on the bottom.....a bunch of garbage like gum, beer wrappers, glitter and ciggarettes all stuck in one. Needless to say I caught him there and used the phone convo with his boy and the evidence on the bottom of his Skecher boots to convict the asshole. Needless to say, the rest of the day was a fight until I forced him to leave the house with my 200lb dog behind me, and never come back!

God if your gonna try and scam us, you betta be smart about it! Girls ALWYS find out.



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Originally posted by e-tarded:

Came home at like 2 in the morning I was fifteen years old at the time, and i decided to go watch tv, while i was rolling. so i am sitting there in front of the tv thinking it is on. when my mom comes in and asks whats so funny. i was like saturday night live is on. she goes to me the tv is off. i was like no its not, mom go back to bed. i realized when she said that that is was actually off. i am so glad i didnt get grounded

No trouble but that story just reminded me of the time I thought I was watching a baseball game on the TV above the bar at Factory. At the bottom of the 3rd I asked my b/f why they would have a baseball game on at SF and that's when he let me know that the TV was off the whole time smile.gif



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

[This message has been edited by cathyo (edited 09-14-2000).]

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