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Happy with your job?


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Are you guys happy with your jobs/careers? Shit, I'm not. My job is easy, but sucks. I have to get the fuck out of Jersey. Don't get me wrong either. I know that there is people out there that are unemployed. Therefore, I'm thankful, but damn!! There just has to be a better way. Any of ya care to add your 2 cents?

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Guest crystalmethodny

My job sucks too bro, I hear you. Feel the pain.

Chris - I have a bone to pick with you son! wink.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Look, I have a 21 inch monitor and a 800mghz dell monster. So what? Job still sucks. I'm like one of the youngest. All the women here are older than my mom.......ah I better stop or I'll lose it. T.G.I.F!!

[This message has been edited by djrman (edited 09-15-2000).]

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I like my job. I enjoy the fact I learn new things pretty much everyday and work with some good people. Sure, being a superstar or a millionaire would be awesome but if Im stuck with what I got, it isnt so bad.

Its how you enjoy the rest of your life thats important, and if you hate what you do.....get a new job. Its all about choices my friends, we have them every day.




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Im alll alone at my job. It sucks. I mean I feel like such a loner here. I say Corbett, Sasha & Digweed, Keoki, Armand Van Helden, Jurgen, Junior Vasquez, Moby and other DJs and they look at me like I have 20 heads or something. UGH! I cant even make my day better by talkin about the stuff I love. I got to deal with crapola.

Hmm maybe thats why I post all day. My co-workers are all my age but none go to the clubs. And trying to get them to come, yea that'll never happen. The comments I hear. UGH



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I couldn't have picked a better career, though I don't necessarily LOVE my job, as it is not creative enough. I draw on the computer all day. I'm a graphich artist at a Financial Info/datatbase Co. and I don't really get the chance to do anything really fun. But the pay is choice! I don't plan on staying forever at this company, but in the meantime I am taking in all the free education I can get away with. They send me to any class I want to take. How cool is that!!!


** Shake It Baby **



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There is absolutely nothing I would rather do for a job than what I do now. I get to dress like I want, I have a relatively broad level of input into the design and implementation of the end product and my responsibilities are clearly defined. Plus, there's always new and interesting stuff to pick up.

Granted, I still have shitty days, like all the rest. But I don't fear coming here at all, and only rarely do I wish that I was doing something else instead of work.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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Originally posted by myrlin:

Kittie! Still waiting to get that MP3 ;P

You big meanie, Your not getting any now....... smile.gif hehe

Opps which one did you want? Im actually downloading Jeff Mills live @ big warp festival in 99. Its like 54 minutes long...hehe. Im logged on Naster now.



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My job is so boring but it's ok because my bosses love me, I play on the internet and talk on the phone all day. I'm a total slacker so I don't really want to DO anything anyway. One thing that sucks is that I have to be around attorneys all day. Yuck.


"I love the things that we should fear"

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your job is easy but sucks? are u a male prostitute?


Originally posted by djrman:

Are you guys happy with your jobs/careers? Shit, I'm not. My job is easy, but sucks. I have to get the fuck out of Jersey. Don't get me wrong either. I know that there is people out there that are unemployed. Therefore, I'm thankful, but damn!! There just has to be a better way. Any of ya care to add your 2 cents?

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i run a porn site from home.. yes i m one of those few entrepreneurs. the money is good i make about $10k/month .. also tax advantages.. BUT...

it's a very LONELY work and i don't get to meet people through my line of work.. also it's pretty hard to tell people exactly what i do. it's like being a stripper i guess lol..

sometimes i wish i would work for a company even with far less money...

but then again my job is very easy and flexible..i work less than 15hrs a week.

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I hate it! There is nothing fun, exciting or creative about it. It pays the bills (barely). That's the only thing I can say about it!

I'd rather be doing some kind of design, either interior or even architectual. Loved things like that in school, all my girlfriends copied from me in mechanical drawing!

Can't see it happening though, not unless I find a sugar daddy while I go back to school!



disco_anim_bf16.gif A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to it's old dimensions.

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