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Who woulda thought Thursday's dinner meet-up woulda been so fun?


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artful, Mitchell was making fun of me about how I nearly jumped down your throat when you said you've never heard S&D spin. I was like . . . I didn't jump down his throat . . . and Mitchell was like . . . yea, because there was a table to keep you from jumping. Hmmmm . . . really??

vejita, the guy sitting next to me is my honey, Mitchell. You are talking about the black guy, right??



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Hey guys!

Hey Artful.. (cutie!)

Remember I was sitting there me u, my friend and jmjavin, (is that her name?) I was saying.. ha ha, I we are the only people going to show for this thing. smile.gif Then suddenly in comes CM with like 5 people, we change tables and then suddenldy more people showed and we totally got lost from sitting next to each other.

Oh well, next time!

I had to leave early cuz I was due back in Brooklyn, I promised I was going to do something with her and I didn't want to take the train back so late at night if I wouldv'e stayed longer.

I know I met CM, BlueAngel and her BF, Shanna, PFloyd, jmjavin? (sp?) Alexz, sgbrooklyn, dammint, I can't remember all the names. Don't kill me! But it was nice seeing all of you guys! There were about 30 of us guys! And resevations for 20 only! smile.gif

Artful had walked in with those post-it notes and wrote his name on it and then it kinda didn't work out.. kept on falling off.. LoL... that was cute. Next time we bring those tags saying "Hello MY NAME IS _____" (fill in the blank) We'll look like some support group.. lol...

OK, time to stop typing and get to work..




At least you showed up. That was pretty cool, considering you kinda had yourself on the clock and all.

I remember you guys talking about the time and you had that whole... "I'd like to stay and chat, but I've got a thing." thing going on... and I was gonna ask if you guys were gonna break out soon or something, but then lo and behold...

Crystalmeth came through with the ClubNYC peoples and it was like----- "By golly.. there are more people coming afterall!!"


More fun to be had by all at our next lil' shindig...

-----Film at eleven----------------



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



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Seems like you guys had great time yesterday ! smile.gif Damn.. and I was stuck somewhere else. mad.gif I am definitely in for the next time ! Hopefully biggrin.gif

Love Amalka


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"

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Hey everybody it was great to meet so many people from the board last night! Centro fly was so much fun, sorry I had leave early or else I'd be a zombie at work (& wouldn't be alert enough to read the board all day!

Hope to see you guys at the next one. Blueangel don't forget you're in charge of the Ibiza trip, that sounds amazing!! And Artful remember you're definitely going to sasha & digweed AND sound factory

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Originally posted by jamjimvin:

Oh yeah...We have yet to hear from Steve, Sinem! I was soo soaked when I got home...Artful, admit it! you have a fun time dancin' to that music (at least with me wink.gif)

Charlie, we gotta hang out again! You were so into the music last night.

Steve, wake the fuck up!!!

Sorry, excuse my language, Sinem's energy is passing through the computer

Rachel, too bad you left soo early. I keep pondering on changing my screename but I am choosing to keep it. Too much hassle! It was nice meeting your friend (non ClubNYCer) too.


Haha!!! yeah nobody rocks the house better n' DJ Scratch and Sniff!!!

Just had an idea... How about going to one a those ummmm wtf is it called... dammit...

Well whatever it's called one a those spots where everybody does like the jitter-bug and all those other '50s dances?

HOw'd that be for 'old skool?'

And how'd ya get soaked jammie? Isn't chillin in a cab all warm and toasty, and dry, ----- and getting soaked an oxymoron?

(member the oxymoron post? sheesh)

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day...



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



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hello is it me your looking for........ How does that song go??? I am constantly singing... I have nooooooooooo DATE for my cousin's wedding I have to bring my GAY friend who is ready to jump every guy at this party. Just thought I should share that with all you fine people.

I'm sooo busy at work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111

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Oh artful, when I got into the cab I was FREEZING cuz he had the A/C on. Then by the time I got to my house I had a decent walk from the cab to my door. Then I forgot to get my keys out b4 I left the cab. Then all of a sudden I couldn't figure out which key it was that opened the door (had the locks recently changed). So that about sums it all up during that "storm".


Per me e arabo!

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Originally posted by vejita:

Ok, I'm gonna go ahead and be a putz here -- I talked with a tall, 23yr old black girl / woman / whatever-the-PC-term is last night, but I forgot both screen name and real name.

Sinem, apothesis, pfloyd -- cool to meet all you guys as well. Rachel1997 -- you were the gal with the open-back pink/red top, right? Didn't get to meet peeps in yer neck of the table, as I was at the opposite end... there's always next time, tho.

There's a great place called Harry's Burritos up by Lincoln Center..... a bit uptown, yea, but great Mexican food, good drinks. Wish we were all 21+ (at least our IDs said so), so we could hit some silly-ass bars (like Brother Jimmy's up at 93rd/1st Ave)..... (Crommy -- I loved that place!).

Aight, outtie for now..... PLUR.....

Nope that wasn't me! That was Shanna! I'm the BLOND girl. smile.gif I had come from work so my hair was up. Next time I'll have my hair down (it's LONG!) and then you will remember me. LoL

I forgot which one is you.. must have been cuz I left early. frown.gif

Can't wait till the next meetup!



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Picture this:

split screen--------

sgbrooklyn on the left-------

Jamjimvin on the right--------

(here's where you get to pop in your own theme music------ You can choose from Nightmare on Elm Street, Scream, Blair Witch Project, Jason----or anything else of that ilk)

Couldn't you just picture it? It's like in the movies when someone's being chased and they can never manage to open up their door... dropping the keys and such, grabbing the wrong keys (But amazingly enough it's a cakewalk under normal circumstances)

And just before the 'storm' turns into a monsoon that flips each of their respective cabs into the river--------

They both get in at the exact same time and wipe their foreheads.... "Phew!!"


Wouldn't you know those lil' Mexicans selling the Umbrellas don't come out that late. (They get to be Mexicans, so everyone can get in the whole Mexican mood)

[speaking of Mexican food... hey blueangel, didn't you say something about Sushi?]



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



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I think some of us said sushi for next time or mexican. So, we'll leave it up to the majority.

Who wants mexican? Who wants sushi?

I personally like ALL types of food, so I don't care!! Sake or tequilla . . .. they're both good to me!!



"Do you believe in love at first sight or do I need to walk by again?"


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agreed. it was good to meet the crew in real life. Cool group of people from all over the place - really a great mix.

The next meet up is going to have to be somewhere with lots of space because I bet just about everyone from this thursday will make it to the next one and lots of newbies. And, maybe a place that is a little on the quiet side (until we get there!). We need so space to spread out.

Last night I thought I needed to go home and get some sleep for a busy friday of meetings/recruiting, but once I got back home, I realized I didn't need that much sleep. Should have gone to C-Fly and kicked down with the crowd. Sounds like you guys had a blast. Next time.


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Guest crystalmethodny


Gonzalez y Gonzalez...

Houston street and Broadway...

Downtown, the best town...

Close to a million lounges and just down the block from the club of our choice

Thats my pitch on mexican.

Wait, someone else do it, I dont wanna hear "CM said this" or "CM didnt do..."

Bite me smile.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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I'm finally fully awake... took care of biz half awake.

About last night. Fantastic group of people. Felt very, very, very comfortable, they make you feel like you have known them forever. I'm not gonna name names cause I'm gonna forget somebody and I hate doing that. Besides trying to associate two names with one face, yikes. So it wasn't the venue, but the people that made my night. I'm a trancehead, name an all night trance party and I'm there with all my gadgets...

I was a FILOer. First In Last Out. First in at the lounge and last one to get home. Where the hell did that rain come from? I woulda done a "Singing in Rain" bit if I wasn't so tired.

Got home at 5:00 am which is late for a weekday, but very early for a weekend. Those trains at Penn Station don't run often at night.

BTW, I do have two left feet... I call last night just shaking a bit while I was standing. Sometimes I try to do a bad imitation of a good dancer. From my point of view, you cats were tearing it up while I was simply tapping my foot a little. And you guys shake it up a hell of a lot better than me, anyday of the week.

And to think I wasn't gonna show up cause these sorta meetups can be a little intimidating.

Also, the tie that I winded up wearing... sorry if I got it a bit grundgy with my sweat.

The cab ride, hope you guys made it okay, cause you know, it was the guy's first day on the job. Driver's like "Brooklyn? Where's that? I'm from Jersey."


Dream a little dream...

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Can't belive I missed it! ok ok, so yes, I have recently slipped on my readings of the board, but u wouldn't believe all the shit thats been going on.. father dying and all that....

Anyway, did anyone travel in from Philly area? I am in the city all the time on the weekends, and my the sound of things, I might have to trek in for the next dinner meet... if anyone is in pa or NJ and needs a ride, let me know.....

would u say it's worth the trip? sounds like it.


We Are Not Alone!

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Ok, how come people keep confusing me w/Rachel? Remember, she's the cute little blond. I'm the tall brunette who was wearing the open-backed orange shirt. Anyway, just wanted to clear that up...

PS-Don't know how badly I'm going to get yelled at but I thought I would let you guys know I haven't seen S&D either, so don't feel too bad Artful...

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Sounds like you guys had a great time!

As Vejita said, I was stuck at work so I couldnt make it.

Sounds like there wont be any Power Bar, left speaker mixups at S&D, because everyone will recognize each other from the meetups.

Hey, lbressler! (lee, right?), do you work for bloomberg or just have one?

I used to work over there and still know a bunch of them...just curious.

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Check this out Shannah... you wanna see people really lose it:


When's S&D again?



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



[This message has been edited by artful (edited 09-15-2000).]

[This message has been edited by artful (edited 09-15-2000).]

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great to meet everyone last night: lbressler/lee, artful/stefan, blueangel/casey, crystalmeth/steve, yvonne, elaina, seth, vejita/jessie, marty, mitchell, sarah, mikey/ezdreamer, shannah, apotheosis & the rest i've got all mixed up. too bad i couldn't make it to centro-fly and see everyone dance but I went to FUN and it was. a late one so i didn't make it to work too long ago.

not sure there's much on this weekend that i want to see but i'll definitely be at richie hawtin next friday - hope to see you there. looking forward to the next dinner meetup as well.





he he he he ha ha - but this is no laughing matter

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