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Anyone ever been caught by securtiy w/drugs


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Ive never personally had the experience of being caught but have seen some EXTREAMLY FUCKED UP SHIT GO DOWN. At limelight one night i was coming down the back stairs from the DJ booth and when i got to the bottom two bouncers were yelling at some girl to come back down stairs, she took off and one bouncer looked at the other and said go for it, the bouncer made it up the stairs in like 5 steps and hit the girl right in the small of her neck putiin her right down. I left the club like 3 hours later in the pouring rain and the girl and her BF were outside tryin to get back in to get their jackets, but security was just like "Your gonna have to wait for everyone to leave", BTW it was like 40 degrees out also, not fun. At Tunnel a few weeks ago, I saw them eject someone head first off their feet throught those big double doors and right out on to the street. Most of the bouncers at Limelight and Tunnel are the same, and prob some of the most brutal in the city.

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I've never had the pleasure of getting caught, but during the "golden days of tunnel" in '98 my best friend Lou got caught out EVERY WEEKEND FOR TWO MONTHS by different bouncers, in different parts of the club, for a variety of stuff. For a while we had no luck as a group...EVERY time we went to a party at least one person would get sick and one would get robbed/beat up by BTS.

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a friend of mine used to work as a bouncer at the tunnel. let me tell you, u have to be pretty crazy to do stuff there cause he told me some sick stories of what the bouncers do tp people there. apparently they have these 'beat-down rooms', where if they catch a dealer in there , they take them there and beat the crap out of them and then call the cops to pick them up.

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one time going to exit my friend was bent news. i go first and theat was the first time i got searhed hard. the bouncer felt a couple in my shoe and he let me walk. with them still in my shoe. my friend was next and he was mangled. the bouncer mad hime take his socks and his shoes off. he friend about 15 and a half an L. he puts it in his pocket and lets him walk.


i only speak the truth


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YO, pardon my ignorance, but being a foreigner and all, can anyone tell me what the fawk is a "jar"?!?!?

I have been lucky enough never to get caught by bouncers, I keep it really lo-profile... especially in miami... those guys at space freak u out with gloves and all, picking shit up from the floor... Anyways... got the good luck on my side still...


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!

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OK, I have another good one...

Some friends of mine went to Roxy, and having had their socks, pockets, etc. searched so many times they had this bright idea: hold the rock solid 8 ball in their sweaty hand! Needless to say, the bouncer caught on when they saw the look on my friends faces and made out with a HUGE amount of C...boy was my friend pissed.

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Me and some of my friends had a few expieriences with getting popped in clubs. And like everyone else that has posted has said, it all depends on the bouncer.

I got caught a few times in mid bump/pill eating. I got caught in SF once by a bouncer b/c someone I knew told them I had hits in order to get one for free. Let me ever see that kid again...

My boy got caught with like 20 pills in SF by the bouncer who is also a cop. Lucky for him, he knew a few bouncers in there who helped him get off. Cost him a small fortune though. Lost all 20 pills and $300.00 to not get arrested. I guess it's worth it.

I've also seen it all... From kids getting their heads cracked open, to bouncers taking one of the hits and dropping it. Bottom line, if you get caught, offer money. Always works. No matter how much you have to give drug/money wise, it's much better then spending the remainder of your weekend in jail...


You know everything will flow...

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there was 13 of us at the tunnel on night

one of the house dealers kept trying to push

shit on us. apparently he thought that one of my friends was dealing, and as i was taking out my last pill(#5), the TERMINATOR

flashed me!! he took us all into the ice machine room, gave us a speech about how the clubs are getting a bad rep cause of kids like us. he didn't take away anything but he called for back up and escorted us all out.

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there was 13 of us at the tunnel on night

one of the house dealers kept trying to push

shit on us. apparently he thought that one of my friends was dealing, and as i was taking out my last pill(#5), the TERMINATOR

flashed me!! he took us all into the ice machine room, gave us a speech about how the clubs are getting a bad rep cause of kids like us. he didn't take away anything but he called for back up and escorted us all out.

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last summer. tunnel.

my friends from college and a friend from taiwan were visiting me for the weekend and decided to go to soundfactory. they wouldn't let us in cos my friends were under 21 so we headed off to the tunnel. before venturing out for the night, my friend halfed our e's and sealed them in plastic from a cigarette box. we were in the tunnel for 15 minutes. took the e's right in front of the bar like dummies...all of a sudden two huge security guards or whatever take my two guy friends away. we tried to follow them through a maze of people and finally lost them. so me and two other friends wait outside of tunnel as we see cop cars up by the lines. i'm pacing up and down the street and my two friends come running to me telling me that they were 86-ed and banned from tunnel forever. at this point everybody is rolling and decide to walk from tunnel to the javits center all the way to times square...ended up sitting there for a couple of hours watching the jello sign.

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Guest clubkid77

Yeah whats up with tunnel and "86" like some guys get snagged dealing and get tossed for the night, or whatever and some people get snagged with a pill or a jar, and get 86'd. And what are the chances of gettin back in? i mean should you just lay low for a month and go back?

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