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A long review of my weekend! (Beware, super long)


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Hey-well I suppose it's a good thing that your not busy-you must be tired. I am tired and I had a pretty much boring weekend.

Sorry missed you at Vinyl frown.gif. Sounds like a hell of a night.

Actually sounds like you had a hell of a weekend-besides the Factory thing. Thats the way to live though-enjoying your friends, catching some phat tunes. LIVING.

Now, that is not a normal weekend for you is it? I could not do that every week-I'd definatley slack off at work.

My Saturday consisted of the following-perhaps I can get a little sympathy here-I sure need it.

Took Amtrak down to Delaware to visit a friend, she just had a baby.

OK- I miss the stop because the paging system was down on the train ( and I don't know why small towns don't have a sign on the platform) Shit .

Next stop Baltimore 1 hour. My friend is waiting to pick me up. Try calling her cell phone, it's out of range can't get her. I take a train back to Delaware of course 2 1/2 hours gone by now-she is gone and I have no way of getting a hold of her. Call home to see if she even called and left a message, no message. So I then catch the next train back to NY. Had to wait another hour to get the train. Lets just say I left NY at 8:30AM-7 trains and $120 bucks later I finally arrive back in NY at 6PM. I was busted big time and headed straight for my bed, cause you know those damn train seats mess you up.

Was I happy when I arrived in Penn Station. As soon as I walked off the train I heard all the noise-YES I am home. I walked upstairs the people were pushing, the vendors were selling, the drivers were honking- Finally I was home (BIG SMILES)

There is no place like NY-I love it!!




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Guest crystalmethodny

Hey Corbett

I didnt step into the booth. I was outside with Luis at one point, and we all left together.

Good job though smile.gif

Nikki: I used to do this kind of partying... rather often. wink.gif This weekend will be crazed I feel, as well.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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wtf steve, starting your tentative novel writing career a bit early?

thanx for coming to support me and corbett and keoki...sorry for dragging your ass to factory afterwards...got mangledeshed and couldn't find you later in the nite...oh, was so forward looking to taking u to the stalls LOLOL jk..

factory does suck but hey, it's the company i keep. cwm7.gif

BTW, SWEET n SOUR is the best damn mott street chinese restaurant...the other one is a sham! please, I never eat beef broccoli at home! I'll take u to a REAL chinese dinner one day, steve. cwm22.gif

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I ventured to Limelight for the 1st time Saturday night. I was not to impressed. In fact, I was disgusted. We got there about 4:00. I thought it was full of 12 year old crackheads. No offense, it just wasn't my scene. Is it any better/cleaner earlier?


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Guest crystalmethodny

Bullshit Luis!


Take your sweet n sour and shove it!

Its the ill restaurant with the dungeon level and main level.

We should go there one night.

Aphrodite - I answered your PM back.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Damn... I gotta start hitting the gym and getting in shape just to keep up with all that activity Steve.... hehe..

Shit I was exhausted from Thursday!!



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


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awwww how jealous am i? my weekend sucked! the only positive was i got some sleep and im proud to say that i stayed clean... luis! i didn't know you posted here! well thanx for the comp i never used saturday... much to my regret- heard pretty good things about the party. did you run into my park slope girls? four of them went... well i'll prolly see you somewhere this weekend.

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Guest crystalmethodny

(I’m bored at work, so this will probably be lengthy)

It all began on Wednesday…

I wandered out of work that evening, making a beeline straight for Citibank across on 33rd. “Hot damn!” Yes, it was indeed payday. So began my romp through the concrete jungle for the weekend, yes, the weekend.

All in all a quiet night with my old time buddy who’s back from that land we hated back in 1776, Britain. After hearing yet another tale of just how horrid his London experience was, I finally told him to shut the hell up, he’s back home, so let’s go for a drink. Drink, we did. Not to say I’m an alcoholic, but damn, I think I’m beginning to build quite a tolerance. Nine Vodka Collins later and I still wasn’t stumbling through the maze of SoHo, but I did feel real nice. Lounges hit up on Wicked Wednesday – Madame X (old school house!), Merc Bar, Void, and Recess. Made it home at 2am… was at work by 9.

Thursday – Oh, the misery of the hang over. The day of the famed ClubNYC dinner meet-up was upon me! What struck me as odd, and of course, completely threw me off guard was I had no clean laundry! It just figured that the laundry dude was not going to have my clothes ready until 6:30… so I had to measure the weight of meeting everyone for drinks at 6pm, or, looking like a schmuck at dinner. How could I pass up a good Collins at my favorite lounge, Circa Tabac? Schmuck it was. Thus the evening progressed as a mass of cyber-club-dorks engaged in a dinner, drinks, and realized it would become a bi-weekly event due to its great success. As usual, it wasn’t ending there. We made it over to Recess (hey, wasn’t I just there yesterday?), had a few drinks, agreed it was a good dark spot to chill. After, most of us split up and went home (about 11:30ish)… though someone had to open his big mouth and force the Centro Fly issue cough, yes, it was me. On to the ‘Fly and what a grooving time we had, danced, tore it up to the deep sounds of Subliminal. Props to Rob F for his party, and good looking out for easy access. Made it home at 2:45ish… work at 8:45!

Friday – Just when you thought it was safe… Friday was here. Two important things to do this evening (Aside pick up my damn clothes!): A birthday party for a woman I hardly knew, who by the way is not only very pretty, but, a great and friendly gal! Her best friend, my inviter, is the cream of the crop. Always stunned am I, when engaged in any kind of conversation with her. It was a late dinner at Avenue A Sushi, which I didn’t mind at all… I had a long night to go. My soul was calling for some serious music… considering; it is the answer, to our problems. It’s been so many weeks since I’ve been to Vinyl. I realized instantly, that I so miss my 2nd home, and of course my favorite DJ/Producer/SuperVibeCreator – Danny Tenaglia. I can go on and on of how much he did this, and that… but the bottom line is, the feeling was incredible. The music was passionate and moving, the crowd was friendly and full of vibe. I’ll take a moment now to make a special shout out to the old Vinyl crew who I still love and always will – Mac, Ali, Becca, and Luis. I totally miss you guys, big time. Sorry I haven’t been around… but my ass will be there more often. Pete! About damn time you start hanging there! So many more to come. Left Vinyl at 7am, slept until noon…

Saturday – Ok, Saturday afternoon I realized I’m out of control. Just think, all those days of partying, and no drizzugs, as my friend would say. That felt real good. I spent most of the day chilling with my old friend (Dude back from England), did the walkabout thing… stayed far away from the Feast, as we knew there was more drunken testosterone in Little Italy then at a Rodeo in Texas. The evening came about faster then the onset of sniffing some powder… sorry, bad analogy. I was destined for Limelight – and so I went with totally looking forward to the return of Keoki. Props to my man Luis of Dynamix Promotions for the comp, thanks bro... you pimp those orange pants like no other! I just have to say Corbett was impressive. He played many a deep and grooving tune, which I very much so enjoyed. Reason? I was able to dance to it… and that was fun, although it only lasted about 45 minutes (the dancing), place was filling up fast. Stefan (AKA Artful) bumped into me, so we made it a hangout for the rest of the night, just wandering about in attempt to annoy people. Met-up with some NYCers behind the booth… PETE! I always run into you! It was a pleasure to see everyone again. Keoki showed up, all wack as usual. Not only did he dye his hair a bleach blond, but the man was macking some weirdo teal colored suit. Yes, he spun in it. I give him props for his fashion statement, I always felt weird was good. It’s not like he was blazing that cheesy Studio 54 look that so many wanna-be fashion mongers are doing nowadays. Even my friend at a fashion label thought it was ridiculous. Anyway, Keoki came on and dropped some hard tracks. I was not all too enjoyed with the tracks he chose and decided to break out, for the heck of it, to Sound Factory. That was a bad move, I heard Keoki got a lot better. Figures. The FACTORY… never changes. Just kidding to you heads. Not my bag of tricks, why the heck did I go? It was great bumping into Jack for all of three freaking seconds, dork. Stefan thanked me a million for bringing him to SF, just so he knows now never to return. Either way, I will go back, I do have a few friends there… and if I’m having a good time with them, I can dismiss the crowd and blah skills of the DJ and have a good time. Return time to home, 7am.

Sunday – Woke up at 1pm. What the hell is wrong with me? Went into the office for an hour or two, dilly dallied on the net, and finished some stupid project I never completed because of this damn bulletin board. Thankfully, at 3pm I was out of there when Adam (England boy) rescued me. We decided to make a spiritual journey to the ever so might Wo-Hop. What is Wo-Hop? No, not a dance studio, I assure you. It is the finest Chinatown restaurant on Mott Street! This place is legendary for us… the only damned place open until 4am with good prices and amazing food! I love the Wo-Hop. After a yummy meal consisting of Chicken Chow Fun and some steamed dumplings, we decided to go exercise our coordination by hitting the old ‘Chicken Arcade’ across the street. No more chicken in there… but, played some video games and realized I was having the time of my life, again! Never lose touch with your inner child, is what I always say. Taught to me by Richard Bach, a great author. As usual, a day can’t go by without having a drink… so my butt eventually made it to none other then Recess! Again! Sundays are special there though; they bring in a Cuban band, with some great talent. “Guanita Guantalemela!” Hung out there with my bud Mike, the barback Dan, the DJ Bryant K (God bless, a great laid back dude) and his girl… to this day remains a complete mystery to me of who she is exactly. We’ve all hung out before, but I finally learned she’s a songwriter/singer. I know she’s made it big, or has helped someone do it… she’s just afraid to tell me I feel, probably because my perceptions will change if she’s famous. She’ll learn they won’t. Recess closes early at 2am, so we headed over to Sway to visit Rob, the super cool door guy (A lot of people hate him cause he rejects your ass at the door), and of course, had more drinks. The night finally ended at 4am… with the option to go out to some secluded after-hours spot, but come on… I had to be at work at 9am… so here I’am.

I told you, I’m bored.



"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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Holy shit steve!!! I certainly couldn't have kept up with ya...

BTW..you are right Wo-Hop is the best...my parents have been going there for years and started taking me when I was a little kid smile.gif



" I give in to sin ..Because you have to make this life liveable "-DM


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Guest crystalmethodny

Chris - I'm proud to sponsor your trip to the throne room.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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actually, if they were cute, there were 4 girls I was kinda eyeing\stalking from the DJ Booth and then walked down to intercept and make perverse moves on...alas, they dissapeared once I got down there and navigated through the crowd =(

Bring them out again next time...u owe me an offering...or four...

~Luis cwm4.gif

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Guest crystalmethodny

That's gotta be the funniest shit I ever saw.

I belong - Whats your name?


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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CM- I want to party with you!!! my weekend was so ravaging to liver and lungs that I've only just recovered. DC might not be NYC but hey we can still have a good time.....

so friday my friend comes over we guzzle two bottles of red wine, go to a bar - but it's dead so we go to the next bar - and several (totally lost count) vodka tonics later we're getting it on, much to the amusement of our local friendly trendy bar staff and all the male patrons of the establishment (and if anyone here was in DC this weekend at Dragonfly i apologise in advance), finally staggered over the road to a new club - have no recollection of being in there apart from the stamp on my wrist when I woke up the next day at 12...... drank gatorade all day while watching PBS from my couch. not enough energy even to change channel. then at 7pm another friend phones who's watching the college football - so of course I have to go down, have a couple of beers, then we go back to his place as his roommate is a bartender and mixes us up some wicked dirty martinis, then we all shlepp back to mine for more martinis and more friends join us, then we go back to Dragonfly and get completely hammered, then back to the club over the road (which I have some recollection of this time), then decide that we need to go out to sketchy old 1722 in Baltimore - so drive and blow a tyre, get to a friend's house, change cars, get lost on the I-95 (yes I know - how the hell can you get lost between DC and Baltimore), arrive to pick up our friend at 5am (his mum's reaction? "what kind of girls go to a club at 5 on a Sunday morning???"), go to the club, start rolling, go to an afterhours until 10:30am, roll some more, drive back to DC in hysterical laughter, no sleep possible so start on the bloody marys.......... by 10pm on Sunday night we were in the local dive of a bar bibbling and babbling, dribbling and generally not making any sense at all. When Tom got into an argument about who killed Kurt Cobain (it was Courtney, it was Courtney he kept shouting) we decided that the really crazed crack hos had just about done enough of everything that weekend... now just looking forward to the next one.....



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