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Ive never been to tunnel...

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whats up,

first off- the tunnel is in NYC not jersey. so make sure you end up going to the right place! cwm2.gif

i think everyone here will all agree that we have all had some damn good memories made in there.. ranging from it being the site of our first time clubbing, first time droppin, first time getting kicked out, first time hookin up in a club... you get the point.

however, as you know, the tunnel has faced mad drama these past years, which inevitably changed the face of the club for the future of its customers. but you just have to go once just because its the "legendary" tunnel. it won't necessary live up to all the crazy hype and expectations it has built into it b/c of its past-- but it's really a place that you make into your own experience.

i would recommend going on saturday, johnny vicious spins on the mainfloor, and they probably still have bangin chicago hardhouse in the backroom during afterhours. it's 18+ and no dress code.

god i should be a promoter for that shady place--- hellz no! cwm26.gif



*turn it around baby*

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if you like vicious then i would definetly recommend checking it out. the party has been pretty good and i'm sure is bound to only get better w/ the fall just beginning. email me for <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank">guestlist</A> .




"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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You know what??? If you've never been there, just go. Forget about what people say. Go there on a Saturday which should be good.

I only say this because this is one of NYC's living legend nightclubs right now and you have to experience it at least once in your life. Just for the experience. It won't be there forever, so why waste the chance??

I went there for the first time last year 'cause I kept hearing so much about it and I was afraid they would shut it down and I would never get to experience it. Fell in love with it right away. Just GO!!


There must be a party going on around here!!!

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Originally posted by spikesnj:



i agree 100%......Johnny is the only reason to go...otherwise, the Tunnel is a bunch of crackhead teenyboppers..........



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Originally posted by lightinggirl:

i agree 100%......Johnny is the only reason to go...otherwise, the Tunnel is a bunch of crackhead teenyboppers..........

as opposed to the 30 year old crackheads at exit and factory???


"And thus they give the time, that Nature meant

For peaceful sleep and meditative snores,

To ceaseless din and mindless merriment

And waste of shoes and floors."

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Originally posted by tranza:

If you can find a time machine I would say go for it.. Set it back for late 96 early 97 and just get in.. I promice you will have a good time.. *Cross My Heart*

LoL Tranza...MikeMc.


STRENGTH Guest List Exit Saturdays...

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