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Ever meet someone who left a mark?

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Guest crystalmethodny

Yeah, that guy that kicked me in the head about 3 years ago.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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There was this one guy who I met on vacation and is from NJ--I'm on LI.

Those 7 days that we spent everyday together were amazing. i never experienced anythig like it before. You can say that he released me from my shell and we still keep in touch with each other. He definately brought out my wild side--in a good way--I became more sociable and just more friendlier thanks to him.

He left a big impression and will always have a place in heart.

[This message has been edited by smileygirl (edited 09-19-2000).]

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Now I wonder why I love going out now.. it used to be dinner and a movie on Sat night. Then break up w/ ex, meet a new girlfriend and she takes you out to a million differnet clubs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday and intoduces me to some L's, little white pills and the party has began. But I don't speak to her anymore and can't get conviced as much by everyone to go out and drink or whatever it is every night anymore. Good or Bad... Hmm... both. cwm24.gif

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yes i totally understand what u mean..

i met this guy out one night, talked to him for an hour or so... he stuck in my brain for weeks. couldnt stop thinking about him, and i got all butterfly-y when i thought of him... anywhoooo, i went back to this place on a mission to find him, finally i did.... we are "dating" and he's still makes my belly flip when i think of him. cwm38.gif

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yup, about a year ago, after i broke up with my gf at the time, hung out two nights with these two girls (one an actress, one a model). had the craziest time with them, saw things, and did things, that i had never experienced.

it was great but i would never want to live my life that way....its a meaningless existance, with no purpose or direction. (but every once in a while, its a good thing to break the monotony of nyc living) definitely woke me up and got me out of the slump i was in.

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Someone who maybe you dont talk to anymore but you still feel the impression they left on you everyday???

saw a guy at Abyss...yeah, believe it or not...(i never go there...i don't dig the crowd...) anyway. i saw this guy, danced with him all night, never spoke a word...we kept staring at each other.......i've never seen him again.....wish i would run into him......he was gorgeous....something INTENSE about him, know what i mean?




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I dated this guy LONG time ago and we broke up . . .not that we wanted to . . . but it just went that way. ANYWAY, he was the first to show me that humanity can be a good race and that there are GOOD people out there.



"Live as if your were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."


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I know what you mean. I have a couple friends from College that left such an impression with me. We don't talk anymore, but just about everyday I think of one of them and how they are a part of who I am today. I think that sometimes a person will reflect somthing to us that is usefull in our lives for the rest of our lives.


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A girl I met about a year ago or so. We met online, then a few days later we met up on a friday night, and headed to the Tunnel. She brought me back to the scene. She was like the little sister I never had. We've been through alot in little less than a year. She was just so different from other people I've met. She was full of energy and embraced life to the fullest.

Now we haven't seen, or heard from each other in months. Its too bad, I never got to thank her.

I still think about her everyday.



"Do you still dream...do you still dream like me...infectious corruptive dreams."


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Well Im glad to say that one of the major people to leave an impression on me from now till the day I die is my sweet little grandma. The stories she has, experiences and trials just catches me everytime.

I dont know if she really counts thoughsince Ive known her my entire life. Yes she drives me crazy at all but she is such an incredible person in everyway.

A few years ago I also met Greg Louganous (sp) The Olmpic swimmer. Needless to say everyday I think about him. Certain things he said to me as encourgement will stick in my mind everytime I go in the ring (I met him at MSG at a dog show...go ahead an laugh)

But so far thats about it. I think I have someone else to add to my list soon but we'll see about that!



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I'd just throw it all together and call it LIFE.

Growing up as a person on this planet you get to learn things and appreciate people at different levels of your growth. Since I don't walk around thinking of someone's mystic words of wisdom 24/7 and since it is a subconscious accumulation of all that has gone before, be it good or ill------ I'd just have to say LIFE.

I think about my LIFE. all the fucking time. What I have to fix, what I have to do, what's happened in the past, etc...

I tend to be the one giving people words of wisdom now---- But I can say that you accumulate an appreciation for the people you have encountered that have enlightened you in a postive way. I only think of people from the past who I don't talk to like once in a blue moon..

But check this out though... I'm one of those people who never forgets someone I would call friend.

I thought this guy I met would make a great friend because of the qualities of integrity and what have you he possessed... we got out of touch after hanging out for like a week...

I gave him a call 5 years later and we hooked up again and we're best friends...

Every once in a while I get the urge to get in contact with people I haven't seen in a while------ People are weird in that way, like if they haven't seen you they're afraid to get in contact again... weird...

That shit don't phase me though.

LIFE is a regular pain in the ass though..., but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


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As far as real people go... One would be Bill Clinton, he once gave a speech at the college I went to, and at one moment some freak started to scream and shout at him (the securities got him really quick). What impressed me was the way Clinton reacted and controlled the whole audience. Everyone started to hate that freak and it seemed like the crowd wanted to tear him apart. I though that was kind of slick...

Another one would be a sick robotics professor I had back in school, one of the few guys who really scared me. I still can't figure out where he gets all his energy from. The guy sleeps no more than 4 hrs a day and is constantly doing like 20 things at once. The ultimate robot I'd say...

And then Bill Gates. The thing I like about him is that despite all his wealth he is a very, very, VERY down to earth person to talk to.


I came, I saw... I saw, I came...

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I hooked up wiht a slammin girl one night, the next morning I rolled over and she was so busted, she actually might have been retarted, maybe 40% or something. I had to put her on a bus to get home, the bus had an elevator to take her up to the first step of the bus.

That one left a mark I may never forget.



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I met this one guy who left a mark on me. We played volleyball and he was one of those guys who played in everyone elses spot except his own. Well to make a long story short, his elbow met my eyebrow and 3 stitches later, I now have a beautiful little scar.

I'd like to see that slapnut again one day. To remenice, maybe play another game of VBall. But most of all I would like to leave a few marks on him!!!


** Shake It Baby **



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my exgirlfriend rom about a year and a half ago. i conpletly forgot about her until she transfered to the school im at now.. she was the first person i saw on the first day at 7:45 in the morning. actually we walked into eachother. pretty weird huh. makes my mind wonder cause we were as close as you can get....but thats life


i only speak the truth


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Guest crystalmethodny


Rob - my young friend, you will learn I've always had a wise crack, here or there wink.gif


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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