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What a fucked up night i just had!!!!

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OK...Get this...Let me start by saying that i hate going out in Rhode Island...clubs clsoe at 1, enough said...I need to get back to NY...But anyway, I went clubbing in Providence tonight...Three of us went in one car. We had 6 hits of E for the 3 of us...So we figured that we would take one on the road and one when we got there. So we took one each in the car on the way there. We get there, park in a lot, hop out of the car, and get ready to take the second round...Right then a car starts crusing by, filled with thuggish type people...They ask us if we have anymore. My friend is like..."sorry, we are all out." Now, my friend is about to reach in the bag and take our pills out when the 4 guys get out of the car, with flashlights, and they start flashing us there badges...My friend with the bag of pills throws them on the ground but one of the cops saw him do it...Understand that that first pill has started to kick in by now...They turn us all around and put us up against the car, legs spread and all...They start searching us all over, search the car, check our id's...We are trying not to freak out. They were about to arrest us until the head cop says..."I really want to arrest you guys right now, but i don't have the time for this shit, it must be your lucky day." He then makes my friend empty out the bag of pills and stomp on them...Then they say..."Have a nice day." We started walking to the club and my whole body was just shaking, it was so bugged out. However, the Funkysoulbro managed to stay out of jail and go clubbing anyway.

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RI is the most corrupt piece of shit state in new england. those cops were prob hoping u had a bunch of pills on em so they could sell em themselves. RI sucks ass. unfortunately, im going there tonight! i am plannning on not doing any drugs-- not a plan really, thats typical for me. and i am planning on not even drinking. the place is filled with punk-ass-bitches and punk-ass-bitch-cops who r always looking for trouble.


i love music!

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Guest crystalmethodny


Thank your friggin blessings, say a prayer, and kiss a Priests ass

Cause you are crazy lucky. It must have been a shift change or something.

Do yourself a favor and always come up with a plan to ditch pills in a hurry should you need to.


"We're going to build things up slowly... are you with me? Here we go."

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I went to URI four 4 years, just graduated. Rhode Island is the most backwards state i've ever been to. Cops like those mess with kids all night. In Prov its a little diff caus its a city, but elsewhere thiers really not much of a crime rate (some places its bad ex. Pawtucket). So cops are thier just to fuck with students. They harrass kids all night, bust you ussually half the time. Watch out thier big on DWI now up thier.

And what are you doin with pills in a bag? Keep em on you and eat em if a situation like that occurs.


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you're lucky it wasn't quota time. When it's time for them to meet their quota they even start making shit up!!



<I'm a Fire-starter>

--- When the Artful speaks



"Takin' out the suckas, and they don't know how I did it!!!"


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"Have a nice day."

Heheh. Thanks, Mr. Officer... I think I will have a nice day! You see, while you may have crushed my *other* set of pills, I've already dropped one of them, and I'm just about to roll my spleen off.

Had you been the useful police officer you think you were, you would have come to my apartment, broken the door down, wrestled me to the floor, flushed the pills down the toilet, set fire to the apartment and given me a severe spanking. THAT would have taught me a lesson!



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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OMG, Brett

Dude, be careful up there.

Finish that semester and get your ass back to NY.

Did you manage to enjoy yourself afterwards at least?

Since your bro is far away and who knows what trouble your cousin Elloit is into, if you ever need someone to bail you out of jail, consider me your big sister. smile.gif


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wow- that is really scary. I have a similar story. I was in a car with a bunch of my friends on the way to the train station to go to limelight. My friend in the front just started smoking a joint with the window open. we were all laughing with the music turned up really loud( to attract more attention to ourselves!)My friend sitting next to me was telling us all how much he hated cops, and how he wanted to beat the shit out of a cop that night. With that, the guy in the car next to us comments:"you should really get tinted windows" THen he flashed us his badge. My heart was racing. HE let us go because he said he really didnt care that much, and he was off duty. But he reminded us that he could have arrested all of us right then and there. That was a really scary experience. To top it all off, my friend got caught with E at limelight that nite. What an experience. It definitley taught me a lesson. Dont get caught!!!!! cwm9.gif


~The poor long for Riches,

The rich long for Heaven,

But the wise desire Tranquility.~

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Metropolis isn't really the greatest to begin with, but a word of warning - unmarked cops are all OVER the place in RI. Even with out of state plates. What were they driving, anyway?

Now they've got a bug up their ass for .08 alcohol for DWI. Neat trick I picked up about 5 years ago for the city of Providence; I have red white and blue strobes all hidden on one of my cars. They don't fuck with that because they don't know if it's one of their own. cwm11.gif

Watch out RI, there are 2 "Men In Black" Ford Crown Vics rolling around the providence area, completely blacked out down to black license plates. They are the top narc people in the state. State police also have a drug seizure Suburban, black unmarked trooper truck now, that has pased me at over 100 (I was running close to 100 down by rte 138 / So. Kingstown). cwm24.gif RI has no problems with hiding in unmarked vehicles so WATCH YO BACK in the state!

(and there are after hours clubs, too...head over into Johnston, or check Pulse, Fish Co., Viva etc.)


STFU, Class of 1999


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