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There is some serious bashing going on in there. Why are some people so friggin sensitive just cuz their dress and makeup got bashed. If it's true, why get so uptight. It's only constructive criticism, people. If someone told me my tie didn't match my suit, I would stop, think about it, and, if true, thank that person for pointing it out. Cuss them out, I would not. Get over it. Move on already. Or does your life revolve around a friggin dress and makeup. Geez, and yous all call others SHALLOW. Hypocrites are what I see.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Constructive Criticism hah??? I'm open to that... but not to and from people who I dont know... I generally am not one to care about what other people think, but there aint no way in hell that I'm gonna keep my mouth shut when someone's gonna insult me...

The topic was supposed to be available to people's NY's Eve pics, but unfortunately some people (playa hatas) had to get nasty and bash me and my friends... as if they have any frickin right to talk... I like hearing different opinions and address my own as well, but never at anybody else's expense...

As for the jerks that had all that shit to say about my friends and I, they must be DESPERATELY INSECURE to have to talk shit the way they did...


You only get ONE chance to make a "First Impression"

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Originally posted by executress:

Constructive Criticism hah??? I'm open to that... but not to and from people who I dont know... I generally am not one to care about what other people think, but there aint no way in hell that I'm gonna keep my mouth shut when someone's gonna insult me...

The topic was supposed to be available to people's NY's Eve pics, but unfortunately some people (playa hatas) had to get nasty and bash me and my friends... as if they have any frickin right to talk... I like hearing different opinions and address my own as well, but never at anybody else's expense...

As for the jerks that had all that shit to say about my friends and I, they must be DESPERATELY INSECURE to have to talk shit the way they did...

Then why post it on a 'public' messageboard. Look up the term P U B L I C. Then get back to me.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by bungee:

Then why post it on a 'public' messageboard. Look up the term P U B L I C. Then get back to me.

First of all, Bungee... I know the definition, so stop bein a smart ass... They said what they had to say, and I had to put them in their places...If they wanna talk shit, their gonna get shit on...


You only get ONE chance to make a "First Impression"

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In addition to the eloquent post by our dear executress...

Many of the board member are mostly aggravated by the juvenille and mock intended posts written by our dear Iliana. She was bashing many on the board about their physical appearances and basically, "talking shit out of her ass". It wasnt just this posting either. She has been at it for months causing lots of drama and filling the archives up with her trash. (Yet rather funny how now we have her pic and I dont see her around...think she's hiding under the bed with her blanky)

We all come here to amuse ourselves as well as make our days flow by while we are at work or stuck indoors. It is the internet and is meant for entertainment purposes but quite often sad individuals go a little too far. Who cares what they look like on the outside...they are all beautiful people on the inside (By this I mean executress and mariah as well as others)

People need to take a chill pill and start looking at themselves before name calling. Its really heartbreaking how a board which can be such an incredible cyber community as well as real life one is torn down by these pathetic individuals who posess low self esteem and bad karma! Didnt they ever hear that those who poke fun at others are only covering up for their own faults which they fear within themselves??? Shows a lot about many Ill tell you that...particularly imposters among others.

Well thats all I really have to say...Me personally, I thought they all looked killer in their outfits...Versace or Kmart whatever it may have been...means jack to me. Too bad a post that could have been a positive one with a lot of funky little pictures to make others get a good giggle had to be defaced.

Just MO all~~~ take it or leave it.

And Mariah ~~ thumbs up on those glasses! cwm17.gif



"The imaginary friends I had as a kid dropped me because their friends thought I didn't exist." - Aaron Machado

AOL = MadamKittE

[This message has been edited by misskittie (edited 01-05-2001).]

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You were stupid for putting a picture up in the first place on this board. People get bashed on everything from there name to there boyfriend to a DJ they like. What makes you think there weren't going to be some people with nasty comments?? Whether the comments are true or not - you should know that doesn't really matter on this board. That is the sad and unfortunate truth and hopefully you have learned a valuable lesson - this isn't a board just for you and your friends. There are people here who like to talk trash. Don't EVER put your picture up. Send it via email - not on this board full of people with a lot of comments. Sorry you got hurt by all this! cwm19.gif

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Originally posted by bungee:

There is some serious bashing going on in there. Why are some people so friggin sensitive just cuz their dress and makeup got bashed. If it's true, why get so uptight. It's only constructive criticism, people. If someone told me my tie didn't match my suit, I would stop, think about it, and, if true, thank that person for pointing it out. Cuss them out, I would not. Get over it. Move on already. Or does your life revolve around a friggin dress and makeup. Geez, and yous all call others SHALLOW. Hypocrites are what I see.

Sweets, lets break it down like this...We all look differend. Some are fat, skinny, tall short. You may like Lee's and I may like Sergio Valente. But to critize with intention to hurt people's feelings is WRONG.

Since you've opened up the dictionary....you look up CRITICIZM, don't confuse it with making fun of people. Big difference.




"Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss

>and ends with a


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I see your point exec. I agree the other fuckers are copycats and followed me in. Not my fault. Color coordinated, I am not. Sure, I get ranked on by others, but, I don't bring 20 other hypocrites to defend me. I hold my own. If you're shallow, at least admit it. Don't pretend, it's unbecoming, you look like a fool. Just cracked me up the flood into that thread over a dress and makeup. If you know you are beatiful, no need to advertise it, and have others put you on a pedestal. Anyhow, had such a good laugh.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by DaVe:

I moved that thread to the NY Drama board.

Here's a picture of the party I was at before I went over to Centro Fly. I'm not in here, so no one can bash me too much over it. smile.gif

DaVe, you needs to burn that couch. Looks like Iliana and her friend screwed on it all night long, then puked all over it. Seriously, plus the color is horrible. Sorry I had to bash it.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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cliquot yellow label, nevah mind the couch, at least the host(-ess?) has taste in drinks.

ichi - not putting my pic up 'cause i'm 4'9 340# with bad rosacea -


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

cliquot yellow label, nevah mind the couch, at least the host(-ess?) has taste in drinks.

ichi - not putting my pic up 'cause i'm 4'9 340# with bad rosacea -

What you doing this weekend, huh?, bigboy? Just got my welfare check and do have an afinity for bowling balls. I got a shot, you think? I suggest you snack beforehand, though. Fucking Bush cut my Welfare benefits.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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you best start making up some fake SSN's to get a bigger check on the first of the month, champ. oh and bring some friends, all this fun takes more than one...


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

cliquot yellow label, nevah mind the couch, at least the host(-ess?) has taste in drinks.

ichi - not putting my pic up 'cause i'm 4'9 340# with bad rosacea -

Ooooooohhhh . .. I saw your pic before and you're not too shabby yourself Ichi! wink.gif



"We all suffer from the preoccupation that there exists . . . in the loved one, perfection." -Sydney Portier angel.gif


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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

you best start making up some fake SSN's to get a bigger check on the first of the month, champ. oh and bring some friends, all this fun takes more than one...

So, is that a yes?


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Ooooooohhhh . .. I saw your pic before and you're not too shabby yourself Ichi! wink.gif


hey! am SO shabby! busted-down, hagged out snaggle tooth piece o' crap. think I got a shot with bungee? he's gonna be my main squeeze, especially when i get on top!



"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Originally posted by mariah:

Sweets, lets break it down like this...We all look differend. Some are fat, skinny, tall short. You may like Lee's and I may like Sergio Valente. But to critize with intention to hurt people's feelings is WRONG.

Since you've opened up the dictionary....you look up CRITICIZM, don't confuse it with making fun of people. Big difference.



Hey, it's 'constructive' criticism. How much you want to bet lots of your 'friends' have similar opinions stated in that thread, but too afraid to say it to your face, instead, behind your back? Would you want an honest opinion, or 'oohhh I like that dress', though it's really funky. If it looks like a bathrobe, it looks like a bathrobe. Get over it.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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Constructive Criticism? Noooo. Not when ppl call someone a 10 cent slut. I can honestly say that I'm not really fond of that dress. But if she likes it, more power to her. People have different tastes in fashion, just like music. What one person likes, the other hates. No need for yelling and screaming and calling ppl names!!!! God how many times do ppl have to say the same thing?

And I saw Mariah at the meetups, she's very pretty.. Never met Exec but she looks like one of my friends, only taller smile.gif

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

cliquot yellow label, nevah mind the couch, at least the host(-ess?) has taste in drinks.

ichi - not putting my pic up 'cause i'm 4'9 340# with bad rosacea -

did somebody say yellow label????


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Originally posted by mr_ed:

did somebody say yellow label????


LMFAO! you're a horse, you got da hook-up with the vets, right? why you stallin? GET SOME!


"Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction." - Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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