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What's up with the wistle-guy at Twilo?

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Moving away is definitely a solution to the problem. But don't you think that it is better for one person to shut up than for hundreds to feel uncomfortable? I am sure I am not the only unhappy camper.


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this reminds me of a funny cpi story...

this past summer i was at cpi dancin my bootay off, and ohhhhhh here comes one of my favs at the time.. Corrupt. the dude right next to me was blowing a whistle, very out of beat, very long at time, so i kindly asked him if he could rephrain from blowing this whistle untill this song was over... so the guy got very angry at my kind request and started blowing it in my face (literally like 2" from my face) so i took the whistle out of his mouth.. and held it in my hands and asked him if he likes jason ojeda.. his response was yes.. so i asked him does he appriciate his music and his musical knowledge.. and his repily once again was yes.. so then i asked him "if you like jason ojeda so much, and your so happy with his music, dont you think that the man is smart enuff that if he wanted that whistle sound there, he would have put it there himself?"

and i let his whistle fall to his chest (was on a necklace) so the guy got all pissed got even more up in my face and started blowing it again.. only this time there was spit commin out with it.. (very gross, the guys lucky i'm not violent) my friend ciarrai runs over.. and rips it out of his mouth rips it off the necklace drops it on the floor and steps on it.. better yet.. i didn't even do it.. but he rased his hand to slap me, and his friend cought his hand as said "bro, what you were doin was pretty annoying, and shes not the first person to ask you to stop" he got all pissed and walked away, and like 5 people around us went up to my friend and thanked her for steppin on his whistle..





"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

There is a "whistler" in every club. Personally I find it very annoying, so if I hear it, I move away smile.gif Also, some ppl like to CLAP very loudly!!!!! I hate those things but I see them at every club so some ppl must like them!

LOL Clap very loudly I wonder who that must be.. LOL Too much is TOO MUCH!



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hahahaha i have a friend that can clap really really loud.. its kinda strange.. its almost like two wood blocks hitting together..





"if g-d hates freaks so much, then why did he create them? Freaks are like gormet dishes in SoHo restaurants. Cucuembers with lemon mousse on salmon baked with chocolate. It dosen't make sence. Its inedible. But some chef keeps comming up with more and more bizarre combinations. And theres always people to eat them."


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just like Lipz said, if the DJ wanted to have a whistle in the mix, they'd put it there. No need to bring your own 'instruments' to supplement the main event. that's why I don't bring my banjo to S&D.

if you wanna blow whistles, go to some hippy drum circles where all kinds of crazy sounds are appreciated.



[This message has been edited by dmgreenz (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Hey I like the whistling every once in a while... Some clubs in London have a guy with a horn, other clubs have clappers, but that's just people enjoying themeselves... I guess its cool, but anything in excess can defenetely be annoying...

just my .02 cwm1.gif


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

just like Lipz said, if the DJ wanted to have a whistle in the mix, they'd put it there. No need to bring your own 'instruments' to supplement the main event. that's why I don't bring my banjo to S&D.

if you wanna blow whistles, go to some hippy drum circles where all kinds of crazy sounds are appreciated.

You're one of these people that complains about the people getting into clubs who aren't dressed up aren't you?

let me quote again:

where all kinds of crazy sounds are appreciated

dude, that nearly defines Twilo. Get a life.

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Originally posted by dmgreenz:

that's why I don't bring my banjo to S&D.

ok, i just had a terrible lunch break, and i read this and it just made me laugh outloud. cwm27.gif could you imagine people coming with their own instruments to a huge club like twilo (not the lil loungey places, where it's actually encouraged on certain nights). ok that's some funny shit!!

anyway, all joking aside, i love bringing my whistle. but i use with a lot of discretion-- i'll blow it when i am off to the side dancing, not in the middle of the dancefloor, i'll do it during the build up, or during a really hard set-- you know? so it gets me more pumped.. and i LOVE it when people blow their whistles!

thanks dmgreenz for making my day! lol



*turn it around baby*


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I like to clap at clubs... but i never do it loud enought for it to drown out the music that plays at clubs (especially that Twilo system with those powerfull speakers)... anyway the point is when ever i'm in a club and i might do something inapropriate and somebody ask me to stop - i always do just as a common curtesy - i think people should aproach it that way - besides doesnt it get tireing to do same thing over and over the whole night? wistle for a bit but then stop

- but then again theres always supersensitive people at clubs - everything bothers them -

solution: everything in moderation ...let him wistle for a while then come over and ask him to stop... if it doesnt work start annoying him in some whay till he stops tongue.gif



AIM: ZUinc2000

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I don't love the wistle, but it doesn't bother me unless it's right in my ear. On the dance floor is fine, IMO. Just as long as it's done at the right time. The guy on Friday normally has his timing down.

The funny thing is that after tripping hard you might not remember alot of the people, you might not remember alot of the tracks, but that damn wistle beat get's stuck in your head.




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"Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die today!" -- James Dean

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Maybe knowing the 'whistle guy' is really cool changed my opinion, but i really hadnt thought about it much. Last friday he was really on the beat and didnt do it too much, so it didnt bother me at all. I don't however think it would have bothered me anyway. Part of the scene is about enjoying yourself and learning how to exalt in the human experience (for me) and part of that is enjoying yourself when you see others enjoying themselves. That includes things that might before have annoyed me.

Of course this is all my opinion. I'm *much* more laid-back these days about things that might have annoyed me in the past.


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-she knows who she is.

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Originally posted by twiloman:

yes im a fellow whistle blower, him and i met, he is a really nice guy...i just remember blowing my whistle and he blew his and we turned around like HEEEYY YOUR THE OTHER GUY!!! haha...it was funny. guess it was one of those moments you had to be there. he said that he was on the messageboards but i dont remember what his name is.

twiloman - that's so funny, i was at pvd in november with my own whistle [i think we were the only two w/whistles in the club] and WhistleMan and i, too, were united under the discoball. same scenario - i echoed him and he turned around and it was like we were long-lost friends or something. haha. he even wanted to trade whistles as a momento.

anyway, i think if you like whistles and wanna use one in the club, go for it. i do.

to each his own.

fantc wink.gif





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Originally posted by fantc:

twiloman - that's so funny, i was at pvd in november with my own whistle [i think we were the only two w/whistles in the club] and WhistleMan and i, too, were united under the discoball. same scenario - i echoed him and he turned around and it was like we were long-lost friends or something. haha. he even wanted to trade whistles as a momento.

anyway, i think if you like whistles and wanna use one in the club, go for it. i do.

to each his own.

fantc wink.gif

haha yea man what a way to meet people..who knows maybe we'll all meet up at s&d or the next van dyk party...i should be at both lol...either way ill be whistlin loud


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

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It seems like that guy goes there every Friday. He usually stands right under the disco-ball and blows his fucking whistle constantly. A whistle is an important accessory in a club, almost as important as glowsticks. But one should know when to stop. I don't come to Twilo to listen to some asshole whistle. If any of you guys know the guy, PLEASE strongly recommend to him to stop doing it. Some of my big Russian comrades are growing increasingly annoyed with the motherfucker. I am genuinely concerned for the safety of his rib cage.


Quitters never win and winners never quit!

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i know exactly who u r talkin bout.. hes an awesome guy and if whistlin makes him happy well what can ya do... say hi to him next time u see him... theres a way to get him to stop cwm1.gif


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yes im a fellow whistle blower, him and i met, he is a really nice guy...i just remember blowing my whistle and he blew his and we turned around like HEEEYY YOUR THE OTHER GUY!!! haha...it was funny. guess it was one of those moments you had to be there. he said that he was on the messageboards but i dont remember what his name is.


"Your not going crazy, your going SANE in a CRAZY world..."

aol sn: kshark81



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Hey dood...

While I understand how it might be annoying, there is no reason to get violent about it. The guy is actually on this board. Next time you see him, introduce yourself and ask nicely.

Don't be a 'roid rage boy.




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the REALLY funny thing bout this whole thread....is that the "whistle man" is on the board.....where you at bro?


-----"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

-----"Live for Twilo Fridays, The rest are just details" -Me

-----"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte



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new balance sneakers and cargo pants for me. I don't care what people look like at the club (not even the dude with the gas mask), I just like to hear the music, as intended by the DJ's - that simple.

sometimes the whistles sound cool. but, other times everyone is blowing and it's offbeat and I feel like I'm in a bird store with all the chirping going on.

but, it sounds like the people here have a good undertanding of respecting people's space with the whistle, so I appreciate that. it was Lipz example of the guy being an ass that I was responding too.

So, no need to get hostile, Spoonyd.

Originally posted by spoonyd:

You're one of these people that complains about the people getting into clubs who aren't dressed up aren't you?

let me quote again:

where all kinds of crazy sounds are appreciated

dude, that nearly defines Twilo. Get a life.



[This message has been edited by dmgreenz (edited 01-09-2001).]

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