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how far would you go?

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I dont mind dancing with a girl, and having her get a little freaky. But how many of you would go as far as to have sex with someone in the club. Does anyone else find that a little crazy? How far is too much for the dance floor? b/c i've seen just about everything sexually possible committed at Exit and the Sound Factory.

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Do whatever u feel comfortable doing! Just be safe.....No one's an angel, ppl have their flings but there's no excuse for not bein safe! smile.gif

Anyway if you're at all vouyeristic, schtuppin at clubs can be FUN, just don't do it to be trendy, like right on the dancefloor or totally in plain view, at least find some little dark corner, and make sure u TRUST the person, not just some random guy / girl u just picked up 2 minutes ago! kinda creepy. But w/ the right person its fun, and then whenever u go back to that spot ur liike "oooooooooooooooo guess what i did here" lol..I had an "experience" the weekend Twilo opened like 5 yrs ago and whenever i pass that spot i just smile!



xoxo "Drugs may be the wrong path...but at least its a scenic route!" xoxo


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One of my friends had the same shit happen to him. He got all bugged out and left her with a quickness. I think that shit is outragous. With all the diseases going around today, it's just not the smartest thing to be doing. I'm not even going to hit on the topic of respecting yourself, but any decent person would know what I'm hinting at. It's not even about what is appropriate in clubs, it goes past that, (anything and everything is game at a club) but for yourself...if your doing that especially with someone you met that night, you should probably take a minute to rethink some shit!


A bag of KB's, $60

A glass bowl, $85

A lighter, $ 1


[This message has been edited by exodust (edited 01-07-2001).]

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I hear you Exodust.

The only way I can see having sex at a club is if I were with someone that I was already involved with and we just *had* to get at each other.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Yeah, I have to totally agree with you petrol. I mean going to a club is about having fun, dancing (yep even sexy dancing) but it hasn't really anything to do with sex itself... at least not for me. The only time it might happen is if I'm with someone I'm seeing and we both get in the mood....



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Now, I'm not claiming to be an angel by any means, but having sex in a club? Now if you ask me thats just trash...please have more respect for yourself, and those around you! When I'm dancing, I don't want to look to my right only to see two people going at it. I mean.......you gotta draw the line somewhere, don't you think???? Besides the fact that, in my opinion, its complete and utter trash, its also one of the most unsafe things I can possibly think of!! cwm34.gif

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If I'm went there with a girl, maybe I'll find a dark corner if ness. but, I can usually wait till I get home.......but some girl I don't from a hole in the wall, not knowing who she just blew for K, I don't think so, dancing sexy sure, but I don't know about the rest....

PS....now ask me this when I'm fucked up dancing with a beautiful baby....haha

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yea, i gotta agree with all you guys on this one. its nasty to do that. i have seen a bunch of shit go down in a club and its not cool. dancing sexy and even hooking up to a certain extent is cool, i dont see a prob with that, but havin sex is just wrong. people gotta have so respect for themselves. the club and the other people in the club.

peace out,




EMAIL: iannuzzi4@yahoo.com



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I think that in a world without diseases anonymous sex can be great at clubs. Maybe not as a regular practice but every once in awhile - why not. In a world of disease you might want to know the person a bit first.

I respect that there should be places where people who are more conservative in their sexuality can have their sensitivities respected. But I also think that there should be wilder places for wilder people.

I have been to great clubs where the environment is respectful and good natured. There was nudity at times and public sexual encounters between couples as well as a few "safer-sex" practices going on between strangers. Not so many that it overwhelmed the vibe of the party - it just added a dimension too it. If you think people look good dancing to the music when you are on a roll then you should see them when the dancing is somewhat more horizontal...or sometimes not so horizontal smile.gif

Bottom line is that to me I like a great party to be like the Greek Dyonysiac festivals. Free, wild, multi-faceted. Parties that are limited only by the bounds of courtesy and respect and the moods of the participants are the ones that I find to be truly memorable.

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nudity and sex in clubs is something that i'll watch in fascination...with my mouth gaping open....but i've never done it!!! sometimes i think i'm really liberal and sometimes i think i'm such a prude! i don't know....i wouldn't do it with a stranger but if i were serious with someone who knows??? i do know i wouldn't get freaky with a total stranger.....i have more self-respect than that but i'm not saying i'd never get it on with my lover in a club. never say never!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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ok, it sounds like most of us would with someone we know... some would even with a stranger. Yes?

But, i still wouldn't change my tune under the influence. Might be fun for me to think it, but ...nope.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

AOL IM: petrol01

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Diseases suck. They take all the fun out of things.

But seriously, of course you shouldn't do anything that can transmit disease with a stranger. But within that limit things can still get pretty nasty.

Nothing wrong with this occassionally. Nothing demeaning either. But your life would probably be out of balance if you did it too often.

Just my thoughts. Feel free to call me a perv smile.gif

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

nudity and sex in clubs is something that i'll watch in fascination...with my mouth gaping open....but i've never done it!!! sometimes i think i'm really liberal and sometimes i think i'm such a prude! i don't know....i wouldn't do it with a stranger but if i were serious with someone who knows??? i do know i wouldn't get freaky with a total stranger.....i have more self-respect than that but i'm not saying i'd never get it on with my lover in a club. never say never!!

hhhhmmmmm, very interesting . . . cwm1.gif


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