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i smell an asshole in the office...

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anyone else?

don't really like to bitch, but if i don't do it here, i might open my mouth and let something fly that i'm sure to have to apologize for later...

same old shit, really. two people are out today, and now Queen C*nt is running her trap about how this sucks and that sucks. doesn't have the balls to say anything when they are here, so BLAH BLAH BLAH now. she's going through people's shit on their desk, bitching about this and that.

she was gone on vacation for two weeks, and it was pure heaven here in the office. we actually have a laugh or two, listen to music, but not when the Office Nazi is around - OOOOOOOHHH NOOOO - she sucks the life out of this place. no radio. no laughing. no smiling. no fun allowed.

i feel better now.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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Originally posted by peeps:

anyone else?

don't really like to bitch, but if i don't do it here, i might open my mouth and let something fly that i'm sure to have to apologize for later...

same old shit, really. two people are out today, and now Queen C*nt is running her trap about how this sucks and that sucks. doesn't have the balls to say anything when they are here, so BLAH BLAH BLAH now. she's going through people's shit on their desk, bitching about this and that.

she was gone on vacation for two weeks, and it was pure heaven here in the office. we actually have a laugh or two, listen to music, but not when the Office Nazi is around - OOOOOOOHHH NOOOO - she sucks the life out of this place. no radio. no laughing. no smiling. no fun allowed.

i feel better now.

You need to ram that cock of yours into that cunt.


Sticks and Stones may break my bones..but..words..can't..hurt..meeeee...

so there

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LOL Thanks for the laugh man! I think you Queen C*nt and my boss are related!

Speaking of smelling ass, someone just busted some ass in the bathroom and tried to disguise that shit by spraying some freshner up in there. Now it smells like lemon and ass! A lemon ass!

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thank god i don't work with anyone like that....my office is small and i'm pretty much alone all day b/c i'm the only admin. person here, everyone else is medical...the nurses are in and out but i'm left to my own devices most of the time!! i have it so good it's not even funny. i don't think i could handle someone like that, it's bad enough when the patients get rowdy!!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a snow bunny!!!


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