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Board Beauty Contest (male/female)

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Well I happen to be like alot of the people on the board with regards to posting a pic..... I'm more of a get to know in person type of gal..apart from the fact that I am not photogenic LOL!!...I also kind of like the whole "guess who I am ?" !?


AIM vampie

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i actually thought it was a pretty good idea. it seems innocent enough to me and could be a lot of fun. i also don't see why pictures have to have anything to do with it. most of us all live in the tri-state area, go to the saame 5 or 6 clubs, and attend various meetups and side functions together. set a time frame, like "have your votes in by "March" and then get out there and meet as many of these people on the board as you can. then you are voting on the whole package b/c you met that person. also, we could expand this a little and we can probably get creative and come up with some other interesting categories as well. the only rule, nothing negative or derogatory. this might be an incentive for others to get out there and meet everyone and could probably be a lot of fun. JMO.



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Originally posted by raver_mania:

check the photo gallery for pics .. bbs.clubplanet.com/photos

That's a good point but the only problem is some people don't have any pics of themselves in their profile.......I have pics of Al Gore, a pic of the Gatecrasher flyer from LL, and George Bush on coke but no tyco........they need to sharpen up on that I think.......lol



"The silent dog is the first to bite..." - me

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Originally posted by visions:


I can't believe you played me like that, I go

off to look at some pics I get to the mysteriousss

folder...I open it up and I got dick slapped by

an animated gif. I'm feelin the love.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.. I'm dying here LOL.. I didn't "play" anyone.. That pic used to be in my signature just for the hell of it but a lot of ppl read the board at work (including myself) and bosses don't like seeing pics like that on your computer smile.gif The photo gallery shows what's stored in your account and that was the only pic I had saved.. But it's still too funny smile.gif

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Originally posted by myrlin:

Anything that starts out this way suddenly turns into a few categories that people "dont" want to be voted on.

I would strongly suggest not nominating anyone who doesnt approve of it. You also risk alienating some people.

This isn't an AoL "rate my looks" chatroom. Just my 2 cents.

no offense but you are just sad because you wouldn't get nominated for anything....


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Originally posted by keshiki:

Originally posted by myrlin:

Anything that starts out this way suddenly turns into a few categories that people "dont" want to be voted on.

I would strongly suggest not nominating anyone who doesnt approve of it. You also risk alienating some people.

This isn't an AoL "rate my looks" chatroom. Just my 2 cents.

no offense but you are just sad because you wouldn't get nominated for anything....


Ya know....THIS is exactly why something like this wouldn't work on this board.

I know Myrlin and consider him a very good friend. His post had NOTHING to do with his own insecurities and all to do with his concerns and feelings for his friends and others....something which clearly you seem to lack: common courtesy and kindness.



"When the soul wishes to experience something, she throws an image of the experience out before her, and enters into her own image." -Eckhart

"Solitude gives birth to the original in us, beauty unfamiliar and perilous - to poetry." - Thomas Mann

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Originally posted by keshiki:

Originally posted by myrlin:

Anything that starts out this way suddenly turns into a few categories that people "dont" want to be voted on.

I would strongly suggest not nominating anyone who doesnt approve of it. You also risk alienating some people.

This isn't an AoL "rate my looks" chatroom. Just my 2 cents.

no offense but you are just sad because you wouldn't get nominated for anything....


Now that was downright rude !!! And to say that you would be nominated for anything besides being obnoxious...Sorry but that was fucked up...and you were WAY off there.


AIM vampie

[This message has been edited by vampienyc10 (edited 01-08-2001).]

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ok, I'm ready to play. . .

I posted my picture this morning, will let it collect votes, then once amihotornot makes inactive (prob. tomorrow AM), I'll post it up here for you guys to vote on.

I'm curious to see how many points my score goes down once cpbbs people start hitting the picture.

it'll be an interesting social experiment.



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Why would anybody care that keshiki offended someone

Why is everyone so sensitive. Who gives a fuck when

someone says something negative, it's not worth

the time or the energy and the less you pay attention to

an asshole the further they just isolate themselves

and soon enough will dissapear all together.

If you continue to give an asshole/bitch/dick

whatever you wanna call em the attention they ask

for there just gonna thrive on it.

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sorry ladies but this post should definitely be moved to the drama board before it gets ugly......i have a personal problem with myrlin so you guys can stop defending him and let him fight his own battles. you may not have ever witnessed his meanness but I have firsthand so I am sorry if I offended anyone.

[This message has been edited by keshiki (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by eggmok:

best female dancer = kitty19

best male dancer = eggmok

aww shit, we're gonna battle it out at the next s&d and/or pvd to see who reigns supreme, aren't we? see you there sucka!




*turn it around baby*


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Originally posted by visions:


Why would anybody care that keshiki offended someone

Why is everyone so sensitive. Who gives a fuck when

someone says something negative, it's not worth

the time or the energy and the less you pay attention to

an asshole the further they just isolate themselves

and soon enough will dissapear all together.

If you continue to give an asshole/bitch/dick

whatever you wanna call em the attention they ask

for there just gonna thrive on it.

You have to understand somehing.. What we have is somewhat of a community here.. Apart from posting on the board, alot of us, for the most part, have contact outside the board.. and to have someone insult one of our friends is just fucked up...Of course we will be offended about it.. Rude people should not be tolerated...It's that simple!

Keshiki, I apologize, for I did not know the nature of your rebuttle...


AIM vampie

[This message has been edited by vampienyc10 (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by vampienyc10:

You have to understand somehing.. What we have is somewhat of a community here.. Apart from posting on the board, alot of us, for the most part, have contact outside the board.. and to have someone insult one of our friends is just fucked up...Of course we will be offended about it.. Rude people should not be tolerated...It's that simple!

Keshiki, I apologize, for I did not know the nature of your rebuttle...

No doubt Vampie,

good for you girl, looks like both you and I

jumped to conclusions, sometimes there's more

to it then what it appears to be. Keshiki had

prior beef just as you were involved on a personal


It's all good


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Originally posted by keshiki:

sorry ladies but this post should definitely be moved to the drama board before it gets ugly......i have a personal problem with myrlin so you guys can stop defending him and let him fight his own battles. you may not have ever witnessed his meanness but I have firsthand so I am sorry if I offended anyone.

[This message has been edited by keshiki (edited 01-08-2001).]

I hardly think pointing out how you abuse people in posts is mean. I hardly think you replying with a "Do you think I give a shit" when you clearly do as hypocritical.

I am not mean, haha far from it unfortunately. I dont really have a "battle" here. However, if you wish to wage one against yourself, Ill watch

THANKS Vampie babe!



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Originally posted by myrlin:

I hardly think pointing out how you abuse people in posts is mean. I hardly think you replying with a "Do you think I give a shit" when you clearly do as hypocritical.

I am not mean, haha far from it unfortunately. I dont really have a "battle" here. However, if you wish to wage one against yourself, Ill watch

Excuse me, have you ever met Keshiki? Actually I don't need to ask that; I know you haven't b/c she's been a good friend of mine for 3 1/2 years. Now having said that, I know she would never say anything w/o being provoked. I saw your private messages to her when I was over her apt., and they weren't very nice at all. Laura is a very sweet, nice girl and a great friend--so please don't judge her/send her mean messages before you meet her. I wouldn't do that to anyone whom I only knew from a message board.




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Originally posted by ReginaP:

Excuse me, have you ever met Keshiki? Actually I don't need to ask that; I know you haven't b/c she's been a good friend of mine for 3 1/2 years. Now having said that, I know she would never say anything w/o being provoked. I saw your private messages to her when I was over her apt., and they weren't very nice at all. Laura is a very sweet, nice girl and a great friend--so please don't judge her/send her mean messages before you meet her. I wouldn't do that to anyone whom I only knew from a message board.


LoL, yes ! Ive been called mean twice...things are looking up



[This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 01-08-2001).]

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Originally posted by kitty19:

aww shit, we're gonna battle it out at the next s&d and/or pvd to see who reigns supreme, aren't we? see you there sucka!


yeah girlie, its on, it's so on . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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Not that it's a bad idea...but as everyone said, feelings will get hurt, drama will begin and it'll probably end up messy.

Not to mention the fact that I am one of those people that don't photograph well! At least I don't think I do. The pics I have in the photo album won't be winning any contests for me!!



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